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0.2 Final Thoughts

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Derek, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    After a slow go thanks to prioritizing school I finally got to where I can put a final thought on KHDDD and 0.2
    Figured I'd share.

    To be honest it’s very visually pretty. If that is what KH3 will be (if we ever get it hahaha) it’ll have one perk from the get go.

    Gameplay wise, I was very happy to see a return to KH2 styled combat after the decade in Command Deck hell. It’s not flawless or “solid” yet but the gameplay is something I’d like to see evolve.

    Storywise, tbh like most titles this is where it hits…some snags. Now I’m not gonna cry that it “ruined Blank Points”. Tbh I dont even know HOW the hardcore fans see that. So something was altered a bit, that’s all the newer titles have been doing since Days launched in 2008.

    It was so short a game though that I dont think any real issues were there. At most, AT MOST, my only issue was Aqua’s solo scenes. A few like at the start or a portion of the Castle scene, they was fine.
    However all her other scenes could’ve been cut out in my opinion. I would’ve honestly preferred they were until she met Mickey or the scene with Terra/Ven.

    I dont know what Nomura was going for but her scenes muttering to herself just wasn’t my thing. I wanna call it emo but I’m not sure if that’d be accurate.
    If they was meant to make Aqua seem strong they certainly had the opposite effect though.


    Something I feel I should mention is the script. I dont mean it in a gripping or ranty way but I do find it kind of ironic.

    Recent titles have been explaining details, not all of them mind you, in their storylines. I guess trying to lessen that gap of confusion between game lore and the lack of it since most of it exists outside the games.

    Despite the extra exposition I’ve seen that…..people think there’s too much exposition. lol

    Perhaps the writers aren’t doing it right, most likely Nomura has just built a fucked up lore, but either way despite the effort 0.2 still gets complains of the story making no sense.

    For someone who has spent time in the hardcore fandom, whether minor or large, will understand it fine, but I can see where others would be lost. It’s explained poorly in-game and feels like it’s rambling.

    So in an odd twist I’ve seen opinions the games talk too much when before they wanted more. *shrugs* Either way I think this means Square Enix is at least trying.

    Looking back I dont really have any entries on 2.8 that I feel I'll play again. 0.2 was beautiful, the Master of Masters in BC amusing, but there isn't really anything there to make me wanna go back.
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Aqua talking to herself... I kinda assumed it was at least somewhat from being alone for however long it felt like being alone and as such she needed to hear a voice. The fact that she hadn't gone insane from being alone like that should be impressive, but I don't really expect game developers to handle psychological issues like that in a realistic light.

    You don't feel like you'd play 2.8 again? Not even to collect all the trophies? I know not all people like to platinum games, but personally I feel like if I have the ability to platinum a game then I should go out and platinum it. Which, as a side note, is why I'm angry that I haven't collected all the trophies for KH2 Final Mix since I cannot get that damn skateboarding trophy.
  3. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I think that's what they was going for but I felt they had too many of those scenes. Most of her talking moments felt forced, had a BBS scene tacked on or felt like "emo".
    I just feel they should've had fewer and perhaps worded them a bit different for the ones that remain. Ya know?

    I don't platinum games. I dont' care for the trophies myself, it's kinda hard for me to understand their value. However I will complete extra or hard missions in a game if it rewards me in some way. Such as a trailer, a weapon, etc.
    Sadly since KH games have no new game+ modes I dont really bother to complete them. When I was younger I'd go out of my way to beat all hard modes and unlock all extra scenes for bragging rights but these days I dont really find that fun anymore.

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