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00 Counter -RP-

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Noir, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. Noir


    00 Counter - "A future where light and dark burst through technology."

    OOC/SU: http://www.khplanet.com/forums/roleplay/10642-00-counter-ooc-su.html

    A late future set on the year 2989, almost for a new year called 1XXX. Good and evil burst through technology, giving electronic things to be seen and touched by other sides. A beast from a myth called Bruthilius with mass groups of Vack was reborn and tried to understand the new generation he had seen. Bruthilius was outknowledged and decide to take the world as his own and create more Vack. Since then, the numbers of Vacks exploded. But a group of heroes has been formed as "00 Counter" by Dr. Keno, who discovers mythology, history, healing, searching species and etc.
    Dr. Keno befriends Professor Sial, who has interests in technology, mythology and interesting life forms. Together they created an armlet called "The Grid" that is for members of 00 Counter, which makes the 00 Counter Member can be invulnerable with Vack cells which makes their weapons to change into any type of form, also to devour rare objects and materials.

    Professor Sial - Only controlled by me.
    Dr. Keno - Can be controlled by anyone with a 00 Counter character.
    Bruthilius - Only controlled by me.


    Vack Warriors


    Raji and Kaito just got away from the base and starts hunting 2 Ojins and 1 Varack. Raji charged at the Varack. Raji touched a sign of a Varackjya's head which ables the weapon to extract the core or pick one of it's body parts to get some materials for crafting weapons and armors. The Varackyja's head has a black head, razor-platinum-sharp-teeth, red eyes, red cloak, wet and blue nose.
    "There we go. Hey, it's your turn. Get some materials." Raji patted Kaito's shoulder.
    Kaito sighed and Kaito did the same thing Raji did at the Varack.
    Raji got the Varack's tail and Kaito got the Varack's eye. Raji and Kaito ran into the forest, returning back to base.
    Raji sighed and he highly jumped at the base's door. Kaito took a piece of soft candy. Kaito then followed Raji, who is also his brother.
    Kaito saw in the news that there was a new Vack discovered called the Haxzack. It has is humanoid and has thin, shiny head, with a purple cloak with blue cubic squares covering the edge of the cloak. It has a dark body with sharp and unbreakable spine and has short talons. It also has a very big tail.
    Kaito just saw the big lantern on the side of the room. Kaito opened a secret door and he touched a blue button, taking him into a elevator to the Dr. Keno's room.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2012
  2. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trio was rideing his lightcycel chaseing after a Vack horde he jumped off his lightcycle and sliced most of them open not careing about the materials that went everywhere. he let the others go and ran off to fight more. he hated Vacks for what they did to hismom, dad, and his brother.
    Tron was in the room with Dr. Keno descusing "the gird" when he found that the brothers were comeing in. "Hello you two." he said with a look "Have either of you seen Trio anywhere?"
  3. Noir


    "No." said the both. Kaito whistles and a dog comes in.
    "Well, I heard him going on alone to kill several Vacks." Raji looks at his armlet.
    "Think it's a mission?" Kaito pets the Golden Retriever.
    "I think not, it's not assigned by Professor Sial anyway." Raji said.
    "Well by the time, there's no mission available for you two." Dr. Keno coughed.
    "Wait, did you follow me brother?" Kaito questioned.
    "Yes, I did. Used the secret elevator." Raji fast replied.
    "Oh, I know what the two of you mean. Sneaking?" Dr. Keno said roughly with a wink.
    "No!" The two replied. "I'm here to tell you something about a new Vack." Kaito said.
    "A new Vack? I heard it in news. Well it's good for you to be an announcer." Dr. Keno replied with a smile.
    Dr. Keno forces to turn the television. Dr. Keno switches the channels until he hits channel 20.
    "Ah, here it is. Come, why don't you sit?" Dr. Keno said as he sits in a couch and he watches the news.
    Raji and Kaito thinks of their parents. Kaito covered his eye.
    "Why are you covering your eye?" Raji said to Kaito.
    "It's.. it's nothing." Kaito replied. Kaito looks at the television.
  4. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Tron was conserned about Trio and said "Do you guys think I should go look for him?" "No need." said Trio walking into the setup. "I was just wacking a couple vack is all...its the hole reson I joined this output." then he heared about the new Vack. "Why don't we just take them out in one full swoop instead of a thousand? it would prevent them from haveing this crap go on to begin with." then he waited for a responce.
  5. Noir


    "No, they are like billions. I told you to read the story when you were new here." Dr. Keno said.
    "Hey it's a rare one!" Raji shouted as he looks at the Haxzack's appearance.
    "Er... right, It's gonna be hard to kill it. Make sure to distract it, and destroy the secret organ first." Dr. Keno roughly said.
    "Strategy..." Kaito walked away.
    "Hey, where are you going?" Dr. Keno opens his eyes.
    "I'm going to get something." Kaito leaves the room.
    "Don't worry doctor, he only follows me. I must tell you that his mysterious so look out for him." Raji pats Dr. Keno's shoulder.
  6. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trio shruged and said "I am going to do more hunting...I be on the comlink if you need me." then he walked away. Tron wanted to go after him but Dr. Keno put his hand on Tron and shook his head.
    outside Trio was about to start up his lightcycle when he doged a blast from an exploding arrow. he looked up to se a Fallen Varack. "You want to make something of this..." he asked it. The Vack jumped to the ground, pulled out his main wepon and said "This time your fairwell will be forever...Brother..." "YOU LOST THE RIGHT TO CALL ME BROTHER LONG AGO!!!" Trio yelled back at the Fallen Varack.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2011
  7. Noir


    Raji heard a shout outside.
    "What was that? Long ago?" Raji questioned.
    "Ah, I heard history. Really don't know what it is." Dr. Keno laughed.
    Later... Professor Sial appears in the television.
    "Doctor, Keno. I have new details for you about the new Vack." Professor Sial said with a device.
    "What is it? And oh, I almost forgot.. Did you hear a shout?" Dr. Keno sighed.
    "I think I'm muted awhile ago." Professor Sial replied.
    "Oh. I have seen the appearance of the new Vack, the Haxzack. I am discovering the core." Dr. Keno said as he sits in the couch again.
    "I have to go Dr. Keno and Professor Sial. I need to find out that shout." Raji leaves the room with the Golden Retriever was about to go with him.
    "Cheeseball, don't go there. I'll find you some bone, okay?" Dr. Keno said as the dog walks near him.
    Kaito heard a shout from the outside. He saw a bit of a piercing glass.
    Kaito goes outside but he sees nothing. Kaito goes back in the base.
    "What was that anyway.. w- what the.." said Kaito as his chest flamed again.
    Kaito holds his chest and Kaito continues walking.
    "2nd unit, search for the Haxzack. Once you find more information, please return to base." Dr. Keno said in a microphone. The 2nd Unit goes out.

    Meanwhile, Raji saw a Fallen Vack.
    "Vack Warrior?!?" Raji shouted. Raji saw Trio.
    "Trio?! What's up with that guy- wait, is he your brother?" said Raji as the two looks on him.
  8. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trio shruged and said "...Whats left anyways..." then two secondes later he slashes with his scythat the Fallan Varack Warrior who doges and counterstrikes with his scyth and the two go at it until Trio had had enough. "WHY DID YOU DO IT?!" he yelled "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO IT?! THEY WERE PRACTICLY YOUR PARENTS TOO!!!" Xriot just stood up and said "I have no parent, siblings or life...dyestroying you 00 counter freaks is all..." then Xriot fled. Trio went to the spot he fled from and after a scream of rage he fell to the ground exusted emotionly and physicly.
  9. Noir


    Almost all of the people inside the base heard the scream and the sound of the effect.
    "Trio! Don't die.. just I know you're in there. You have many wounds, quick, I'll take you to the medical room. I'll ask Dr. Keno." Raji held Trio's hand as Xriot walks away.
    Meanwhile, Kaito was checking the current data until an announcement was heard. Trio was on the medical room for first a checkup and Trio's wounds will be healed shortly.
    "Trio, that poor guy.. I'll pay him a visit." said Kaito but Raji saw him.
    "He isn't available now. You shouldn't see him by the time now.. so hey, want a ice drink in the 3rd room?" Raji said as he holds his shoulder. Kaito nodded and the two first take a break. Dr. Keno saw the two and assigns them a new mission.
    "Hey, you two. I'll give a mission and get the claws of all Ojina that appeared in the Blackforest. Also, the 4th unit has been moved to Blackforest, too. You should give them a help. Make sure you don't die, okay?" Dr. Keno says. After a few minutes, Kaito and Raji talked about the mission..
  10. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Tron had walked into the 3rd room and asked "So...Trio get in a fight with Xriot agian?" " is it any of your damn bisnuse?" asked a voice Tron wirled to se Trio walk into the room. Triosat down and took a drink of cream soda. "I have my problems you have your's. Are we done with this conversation now?"
  11. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member

    IC Zeik Burns(Lol there is a reference in his last name. His profile pic is Church, and guess who plays Church? Burnie Burns sukaz)

    Zeik walked into a large room, searching for any traces of the (correct me if Im wrong) Vacks.
  12. Noir


    OOC: Well that is correct but at least 3 sentences please.

    IC: Dr. Keno goes back to the 3rd floor. Dr. Keno was patting.
    "Trio is healed for a bit. Well Xriot's Vack cells are extremely powerful, not really stronger than Bruthilius. I think there's another Vack Warrior coming." Dr. Keno fearly said.
    "Another Vack Warrior?" Raji confusedly sighed.
    "Yes, of course, Bruthilius has greater minions than his Vack wasps. They used to be human but they are stuck in the corrupted world with a corrupted body. The only way to bring them back is to kill Bruthilius, but Bruthilius is way too strong and powerful than anything of the Vacks. He is the highest of the highest. Higher than highest rank." said Dr. Keno fearly again.
    This is interesting.. Kaito thought.
    "Oh yes, I'll talk to Trio. And you two, you still can get the claws, can't you?" Dr. Keno looked at them.
    "Sure!" said the brothers.
    "Trio, Tron." Dr. Keno sighed. "Tron, is Trio okay? Also, Trio, if you're really up you could talk to Professor Sial."
    Dr. Keno waited for his answer.

    Meanwhile, Kaito and Raji goes into the Blackforest.
    "The 4th unit!" Raji was surprised.
    Three Ojinas came in. Raji turned his sword into a gun.
    Raji shots the Ojina and Kaito slashes the 2 Ojinas repeatedly with a combo.
    The 3 Ojinas fell down.
    "Kaito, you're like an EAGLE!" Raji laughed.
    "Hehe.. maybe it's because of this sword..?" Kaito replied.
    8 Ojinas came in. The Ojina Invasion begins.
  13. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trio stood up and said "I think I will go with those two..." then he walked out Tron fallowed by saying "I will watch him...no telling what he is thinking..."
    When Trio and Tron had caught up to the other two they drove there Lightcycles into the Ojinas and took off their helmets to show their faces. "Heyguys! Whats up?" said Tron with a smile.
  14. Noir


    "Ojina Invasion here, come join the fun! I was also thinking of Zeik. He is a good sniper and good ol' friend of mine." Raji smiled.
    "Bro, behind you!" Kaito saw the Ojina jumping at Raji. Raji slashes his sword through the Ojina, also Raji almost slashed the other Ojina. Raji ducked.
    "Your turn." Raji said, eyeing Kaito.
    Kaito slashes 3 Ojinas, the one was left alive. Kaito's weapon devoured the surviving Ojina even when alive.
    Kaito saw the other Ojina pack.
    "Ready guys?" The brothers said.
  15. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Tron and Trio looked at eachother then the brothers and nodded. then they reved their bikes Brought out there wepons and drove into the Ojina pack leading the way through for the brothers.
  16. Noir


    OOC: Need more characters..

    The rest of the pack is drew off. But a fallen Ojina appeared and It was thought to be the leader. But.. "A more huger Ojina is the real one. The leader is hidden. Once this one is dead, the leader will show up." Some member of the 4th unit said.
    "Oh yeah? Let's take this pack right now, I'm ready. Ojinas are truely levitating but they are weak." Raji handles the Fallen Ojina. The fallen Ojina, with Raji holding it's hand forcing to suffocate the Ojina, the Ojina shoots out a blast. Raji fell and for a while he rests.
    "Damn that Ojina. I'll take that then, for him." Kaito was about to jump at the fallen Ojina and slashing it but Kaito's eye shoots the blue flame again from his chest. Kaito closed his hands, taking off his gloves and fighting the Ojina with bare hands. Kaito's Grid armlet glowed, making a powerful, force punch by Kaito's fist with the help of his armlet. Kaito defeated the Ojina and his flame disappeared. His armlet stops glowing and Kaito wears his gloves again.
    "What was that for? Are you angry? Worrie-" Raji stopped.
    "BROTHER, YOU THINK YOU ARE REALLY THINKING ME I'M WORRIED!? YOU ARE JUST A PIECE OF A MEMORY, THIS IS JUST A DREAM, MY WHOLE LIFE IN 00 COUNTER IS JUST A DREAM! WHEN I WAKE UP, THIS NIGHTMARE WILL END!" Kaito closes his eyes thinking the whole thing about joining the 00 Counter was just fake. Kaito opens his eyes but he still sees Raji. The 4th unit looks at Kaito.
    "WHAT?!" Kaito yelled.
    "I have no idea why are you angry but calm down. I know when you were young you was very calm that I thought.. please be calm. This is real. You can't survive without a family.. I'm the only family left." Raji replied.
    "...I.. I am so sorry.. the leader is here.. sorry.." Kaito cries and saw the last Ojina.
    "BE CALM, brother. I'll do this myself. Just why are you angry?" Raji walks near the Ojina. Raji charged his armlet and the weapon glows. Raji makes an impact, heavy slash at the Ojina pack leader. The Ojina then fell down, taken now by darkness.
    "I'll take you to your room. 4th unit, follow us too." Raji walks away by bringing Kaito with his side.
    "Also, Trio and Tron, wait us there. Take a break, okay?"
  17. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    "I don't think that will be posible...LOOK OUT!!!" said Trio as a bolt of black flame shot down infront of the brothers. and who should walk out of it but Xriot. "Looks like I have myself a killing spree here...wouldn't you agree...brother?" he said. "...you lost the right to call me that LONG AGO!!!"said Trio as he brought his scyth into battle aginst Xriot. "RUN!!! GET EVERYONE OUT OF HERE TRON!!!" he said pushing Xriot back to the flame. Tron nodded. "you heard the man, MOVE!!!" Tron said.
  18. Xeren_Ozone

    Xeren_Ozone Member


    Behind him, a small squad of Vacks were sneaking up on him. He was unable to see them, but now when they had him on the ground. Two held him down, while the other readied a saw blade. Zeik would have to use one of the Armor Abilities that he had.(That would drain the battery alot, so he wouldnt be able to use it for a while, and again, based of off Halo) EMP seemed like it would work best. As it charged, the saw came closer and closer to his chest. When the saw was just hairs away from him, the EMP shot off. It shut the saw down, and blasted the Vacks back. He grabbed his Assault Rifle and pounded rounds into each one. This squad was down. He walked back to the doors and walked outside. He decided that yelling had its advantages. He could attract help, or more Vacks. Help, would... Help, and Vacks, would just be easier to kill. He readied his Sniper Rifle. "HEY! ANYONE OUT HERE!" He put the butt of the Rifle to his shoulder.
  19. Noir


    "Okay. Bro, let's go, hurry up!! Tron, someone's yelling, we gotta first check it out. Let's go!!" Raji shouted.
    The 4th unit escaped and they followed theirselves to the director's room.
    "That... sounds... like.... Zeik!" Kaito was surprised as he hears Zeik's proper shout. He knew the sound of his shout and knew it was him.
    "Alright, Trio and Tron, let's give our friend a help then... wait that's a Vack's roar! HURRY!" Raji rushed to the large room where Zeik was.
    "Prepare your weapons. Zeik, something to do?" Kaito looks at Zeik.
    Now a short invasion begins..
  20. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    Trio was weakening to the point of being dead. "...I see...that your...even stronger...what you been training or something?" Trio asked Xriot who mearly laughed. "IF I was you would have been dead by now...I guess you won't be able to get...this..." and he held up a disc that Trio reconised all to well. "THATS..." Trio started to say. "Yes...the BLEUPRINTS...I thought you would have been able to take them by now..." with that Trio got even more Pissed off them he already was. "Just what type of sick joke are you trying to pull?!?! first you attack us and then you try to get me to take something from you?!?! Who do you work for?!?!" Xriot laughed. Trio was outraged. "WE'LL SEE HOW WELL YOU LAUGH WHEN I TERE OUT YOUR VOCAL CORDS!!!" then in blind rage Trio charged at Xriot and then everything went black.
    Tron readied his wepons and was prepared to fight. sudenly he heard a scream in the background and looked to the sky. "We don't have much time..." he said worried for his friend.

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