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1.5 HD ReMIX - 358/2 Days

Discussion in 'General Kingdom Hearts' started by Mudstoise, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    As you all probably know, 358/2 Days was originally planned to get a complete HD makeover and be playable, but because that process would delay the release too much, they decided to only include 358/2 Days as cutscenes... WTF!?!

    Am I the only one thinking: "I don't care if you take years to complete this compilation, just give us a playable 358/2 Days instead of being so cheap!". Again, they want the game out fast to celebrate KH's anniversary, but that will already be too late at 1/1-2013! So rather than "pretend" that it's another anniversary title, take your time and give us a FULL package with what you originally promised us!!
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <_< I for one do not care for 358/2 Days. Besides, you should have seen what Nintendo Powers did with their top 258 list. They ranked it #237 and then have the audacity to rank Theatrhythm Final Fantasy as #265 and Theatrhythm is WAY better than 358/2 days. Nintendo made a terrible list and Kingdom Hearts 3D didn't even make it. If you ask me, I support Square Enix for only adding in cutscenes.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  3. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I honestly think that 358 needs to playable for those fans out there who really loved it. But me personally, its just an attempt to get more money and I personally won't be buying it!
  4. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    it was never planned to be playable. The original plan was just to HD the cutscenes. That's what they did
  5. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Actually your wrong. It was explained in an interview that 358/2 Days was intended to be an HD playable. The reason is not because it would delay the release but the future release of another title.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  6. Yo123

    Yo123 New Member

    wish they'd include 358/2 days... best kh imho
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    And that my friends is why I do not want an HD release of the game. I am assuming that the people are very tired right now of the "supposedly" side games (358/2, Re:Coded,).
  8. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    Well that's not what I read, I read that it was because they wanted the game out faster. But whatever the case I think it's bullsh!t that we can look forward to getting less than we were originally promised. 358/2 Days isn't my top favorite, but I still think it's pretty damn good, and with the horrible graphics on the DS, I was really looking forward to the game getting the HD-remake treatment that it rightfully deserved. But NO, time is money, so we'll only include it as a full length cutscene!

    Well if the game comes to Europe I'm still gonna get it, but only because Re:Chain of Memories never came out here.

    Sadly I don't live in America, so I don't have the luxury of Nintendo Power. In fact, where I live we have NO videogame- or manga magazines whatsoever! God Denmark sucks when you're a videogame- and anime fan!
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2013
  9. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <_< What is up with you kids and graphics as if graphics should be the number one important element of a game? No 358/2 Days HD Remake please.
  11. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Graphics are important. When I got a plasma screen and was able to use 1080i Resolution. It blew my mind! Graphics makes all the difference when it comes to gaming experience.
  12. Mudstoise

    Mudstoise New Member

    Hey!! I'm 21 years old so don't call me a kid alright?? I grew up with the PlayStation 1 and to this day I love how primitive the graphics are with modern eyes. But in a game era where we have consoles like the PS3 and Xbox 360 that are capable of much more, why did they release a Kingdom Hearts game on a handheld which graphics makes it look like at 90's game? Graphics aren't all, believe me I know, but 358/2 Days deserves to look better since we have the techology to DO SO!!

    Well if the reason is that another future release got in the way, then by all means let's wait one more year with the release of 1.5 HD ReMIX till they have the time to make the complete HD collection with the PLAYABLE remake of 358/2 Days that we were ORIGINALY promised!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2013
  13. heartsride

    heartsride New Member

    the graphics on the ds were horrible so i was hoping to play it with better graphics in the 1.5 remix. so much for that..

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