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2012 Presidential Predictions?

Discussion in 'General' started by Soul Knight, Oct 19, 2009.

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  1. Soul Knight

    Soul Knight Guest

    Alright everybody, I thought it might be fun to make predictions about who you think will run in 2012 for President of the United States and such.

    So to show you how this works I will start first.

    Democratic Canidates:

    1. Barack Obama
    2. Hilary Clinton
    3. other

    Republican Canidates:

    1. Sarah Palin
    2. Mitt Romney
    3. Mike Huckabee
    4. Ron Paul
    5. Other

    Democratic Nominee:

    1. Barack Obama

    Republican Nominee

    2. Mike Huckabee


    Who I wish would be the Democratic Nominee:

    1. Hilary Clinton

    Who I wish would be the Republican Nominee:

    1. Mike Huckabee

    That is my predictions for 2012's presidential race.

    Now what are your predictions?
  2. Seeing as how Obama is doing so far, if he doesn;t make a swift come back with the economy, the new war, and everything else, he will probably not be even apart of the preliminaries for that long. Most people won't vote for McCain (assuming he would go back) mainly because the Republicans have been making themselves look pretty bad. Sarah Palin is the cheerleader for the Republicans, not an actual politician. But that's only a prediction . . .
  3. Autopsy

    Autopsy #3 Nelliel Tu Oderschvank

    Voting for Palin would honestly be the dumbest move anyone's ever done.
    She doesn't know a damn thing about America or how it's ran.

    She was only elected because of her looks, and because she can appeal to 'mothers.'
    But in reality..those are the only things she's good for.
  4. Flash Delirium

    Flash Delirium Indie Rokkers

    Ron Paul for me.

    Also whoever thinks Palin would be a good presidential candidate clearly wants to fuck our country in the ass with a butcher's knife.
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