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A bit of a glitch.

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts - RE: Chain Of Memories' started by Luxoran, Dec 20, 2008.

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  1. Luxoran

    Luxoran New Member

    All right, I've had this happen to me already, so I hope to clear it up for those of you who may be experiencing the same difficulties, lol. Okay, here's how it goes:

    You may notice that, while playing in the beginning tutorial with the "Unknown" (aka Marluxia) that the tutorial tends to freeze after the basic movement screen pops up. Beforehand, the Donald card drops, and the movement screen pops up, telling you how to move and pick up the card.

    While playing RE: COM through an 80 GB PS3, the tutorial goes haywire, and the Donald card is sent to you before you are able to move (Something about the compatibility of both the game and the system just don't seem to mix), and so the game thinks you've already picked up the card before the basic movement window even appears, lol. This "freezes" the game (Remember: This only happens with the 80 GB PS3.), and you're stuck on that part of the tutorial for eternity.

    Solution: To solve this dilemma, begin an RE: COM game on a PS2, and after you get past the non-glitchy tutorial, save your game. You can then use a memory card adapter (not sure on the specifics on the name of the device, so bear with me) to transfer the data from the COM game from the PS2 to the PS3. This will solve it, and you can continue playing.

    Hope I helped, and such.
  2. Kairi10

    Kairi10 Member

    im sure this will help since i might the 80gb ps3 4 christmas
  3. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    you can also downloud it from the internet (the save file).thats how i got past the glitch.
    also,another,but less bad glitch is in the atlantica and another worlds key to rfewards room,you will fall throught the floor after getting the item.after bout 5 seconds you appear back on the ground and nothing is wrong with the game.just a minor annoyance
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