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A Challenge?

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Botnus, May 1, 2011.

  1. Botnus

    Botnus New Member

    Hey...Um im looking for some challenges in these games

    MvC 3
    Blazblue Calamity trigger or Continumm shift
    Mortl Kombat
    Super Street fighter 4
    Tekken 6

    x Box gamertag-Overlordkezia
  2. Rojas250

    Rojas250 New Member

    Your on.......MvC3 and Mortal Kombat
  3. Botnus

    Botnus New Member

    you wanna go! lol
    Lets say friday we battle each other
  4. Rojas250

    Rojas250 New Member

    Alright, i'll be on Xbox friday mornin' cuz i gotta work after 3. U can choose what to play.
  5. Botnus

    Botnus New Member

    Mvc friday morning at noon hows that?
  6. Rojas250

    Rojas250 New Member

    Perfect......i'll see you online........my gamertag is: DarthRojas1
  7. Rojas250

    Rojas250 New Member

    Hey, Do you mind if we play on social match........i dont want to mess up my ranked match score cuz im tryin to get the 5 win streak achievement......
  8. Botnus

    Botnus New Member

    Sure man that works

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