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A Feudal Fairtail-A Pokemon(occ/su)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by DarkAngel, Feb 12, 2012.

  1. DarkAngel

    DarkAngel Banned

    It was a normal day in Feudal japan. The sun was shineing, not a cloud in the sky...and Inuyasha and waring states were argueeing agian. then something strage happend...a black cloud of dark power wraped acrossed the sky leaving nothing but darkness in its path...lightning struck and burned down houses and everything and anything in its path...then just as fast as it apered...it vanished...leaveing the darkness and destruction that caused across the land...three days later, an evil ruler named Nobunaga, took control of most of japan with the help of an army of soliders...and an armey of monsters...demons, that are should not have been dicovered for another two hundred years, with teribal powers of destruction...at his comand these creaters lay waist to the land and everywhere where he took over he had the dark clouds of darkness fallow... with such a powerful force of creaters at his comand, is it posible for anyone to stop this evil? many belive not...but a small band of fighters, with there own creaters at there comand, try to bring down the empire that Nobunaga has built, but as his powers get stronger and bands of fighters join him, will they find the legendary female fighter Reshine, who is said to have the power to defet the dark clouds? or is the darkness to envelope the intire world when it is done with japan? only time and a girl from the futer will tell what hapens...in the Pokemon Feudal war...

    this is based of of a game that I found...here is the deal Nobunaga is from the game and Reshine is made up...Nobunaga is a main character and so is Reshine...the main Protagonist and antagonist will come later in the story...the other main characters in the game that have names are Oichi, Mitsuhide, Shingen, and Kenshin...if any of you want to use these characters let me know and I will set you guys up with a general discription of who they are what they are like and everything else...basic RP rules aply...no god moding, no pwer play, no bunnying, and most of all there wil be no deaths in this game unles you want to kill someone and they agree...if this happens let me know and I will alow it...anything other then that you have to fallow the rules...I will make minor characters for you guys to kill aswell...

    area's to fill:

    Dark Soldier #1-Abyss/Sifer
    Dark soldier #2-
    Dark soldier #3-
    Dark soldirer #4-(More dark soldiers after this I will aprove)
    Shingen-(Optional, he works with Groudon(Partner pokemon) and other Ground and Rock types)
    Ivy-(Optional, she works with Drapion(Partner pokemon) and other Poison types)

    Soldier for Light #1-
    Soldier for Light #2-
    Soldier for Light #3-
    Soldier for Light #4-(More Light soldiers after this I will aprove)
    Oichi-(Optional, she works with Jigglypuff (Purin)(Paertner pokemon) and other Normal types)
    Mitsuhide-(Optional, he works with Articuno (Freezer)(Partner pokemon) and other Ice and Flying types)

    Unknown main charaters to story:
    Nobunaga-(Belived to be an antagonist, he works wth Zekrom(Patner pokemon) and other Dark types)
    Reshine(Reh-SHE-Neh)-(belived to be a protagonist, she works with Reshiram(Partner pokemon) and other Ghost types)
    Victoria-(She is the key to something but what? she works with Victini(Partner pokemon) and other Psychic types)
    Kenshin-(he works with Mewtwo(Partner pokemon) and other Psychic, Ghost and Dark types)


    Name-(on the Optionals on the antagonists protagonists and unknown come to see me for the detailes)
    Aperance-(can be feudalage clothing as well as present day, prefer aperance to look somewhat like pokemon)
    Weapon(s)-(No guns)
    Soldiers type-(The pokemon type you use, no restrictons)
    Partner pokemon-(Can ba any legendary as well as raguler pokemon, all partner pokemon can talk)
    Main pokemon nickname-(Optional)
    Other pokemon-(Can chose pokemon)
    Partner pokemon personality-
    Partner pokemon Bio-

    Role-Drak Soldier #1
    Soldiers type-Dark
    Partner pokemon-Darkrai(Talks)
    Main pokemon nickname-Nightmaer
    Other pokemon-Umbreon, Tyranitar, Mightyena, Hydreigon, and Mandibuzz
    Personality-Dark and quite, dosenot talk unless spoken to or has something inportant to say, attakc strategy is vicuse and ruthles
    Partner pokemon personality-Dark and vicuse, never lets his partner get hurt, if someone manages to hurt his partner he will put the same hurt on them ten-fold.
    Bio-She was born into the world of darkness. she was treted badly by her perants and at the age of ten she killed them with her own two hands. seeing potential, Nobunaga took her in and trained her in the ways of the soldier, in four years she became one of the best pokemon fighters in Nobunaga's army that she got a spot in the Dark Soilders. however is she realy fighting for Nobunaga? or are her plans even more darker?
    Partner pokemon Bio-Darkrai was dravling trying to find worthy oponets, suddenly he saw Abyss in trouble when she was training and went to her aid. he fought of the pokemon but even more aperaed. as they fought together they developed a nuteral relationship and found themselfs in the Dark Soldiers.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2012

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