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A Lost World OOC

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Dreich, Apr 5, 2009.

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  1. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    Hi to all u prospective RPers and welcome to the OOc for an RP I hope will be interesting and successful...now this is my first time doing an RP on this site, but I have rped many times in the past and am willing to work hard to see that this goes well...

    Anyways, here's the basics of what it'll be about:

    Well it's mostly going to be an rp revolving around a torn world...post-apocalyptic I'm thinking, but like 100 years after the apocalypse, where we've all been forced back to swords and what not...but do to the "apocalypse" we were forced to live in isolated areas (iso-zones) on the planet...and due to the century of living in iso-zones, the area outside those zones has become hostile and everything out there is dangerous and deadly...I figure the rpers will be students in an academy and we all end up going out with a military patrol or something and our guard ends up dieing, thus leaving us stranded miles outside the nearest iso-zone and having to learn to survive outside and attempt to work our way back to the iso-zone. I'm thinking that everything but weapons will be somewhat futuristic, but we'll have to fight with swords and what not.

    Of course there will always be opportunity for romance in this rp, because it will be a bunch of co-ed college students, and they're stranded. so it'll mostly be action with some romance and mystery mixed in...kinda covering all the bases

    If you've gotten to here and still want to be in this I'm warning you that I am a little picky when it comes to RPing and I will require that anyone who will be in this must have at least 3, 5 sentence paragraphs per post in the actual rp...This does NOT mean a sentence like...My name is Dreich. will pass off...I understand that sometimes people just can't produce three paragraphs and I will be somewhat lenient in this, but that means u pm me and let me know you're having trouble

    Now if u have decided to stay even after my little lecture there I will now tell u that I would like you to have a character bio in within a week of you posting that you'd like to be in the rp

    There will be 8 spots for characters open excluding me and annyssrr who will be helping me run this in case I for some reason am unavailable.
    2.Curtis8494-William Jacob Johnson
    3.Kairi Star-Nic
    4.Haresuno-Riley Horfet
    5.Kardorious-Kardorious Fang

    I don't request much for bios but I would like this

    Age (somewhere between 16-25 preferably, exceptions can be made)

    Degree (you are college students after all, and what u intend to major in can effect what you can be useful in when it comes to surviving...all degrees will prove of some use I will make sure of it)

    Military Experience (yes or no with option of details, this may mean they are currently serving)


    History (anything you would like to put here would be helpful or else this can be left blank)

    my character bio

    By the way guys I would like to point out that everything except weaponry will be like futuristic advanced...this means medicine and vehicles and what not...if u want a better explanation of this let me know via pm and I'll be more than happy to explain
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
    Haresuno likes this.
  2. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Name Kanio

    Age 18

    Degree He has a degree in Drama, History and Forgotten Languages

    Military Experience not serving

    Appearance [​IMG]

    History Kanio is a 18 year old boy, who has had a rather normal life. He never has gone to help the military before because he was so busy with work at school. He likes a few girls around college but he hasn't had the confidence to ask a girl out.
  3. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    Name: Anna

    Age: 19

    Degree: Technology

    Military Experience: Not sure

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    History: Careless about study because she's already make a good education in college.
    She don't like messing around with anyone.

    I hope I can run this right as Dreich wanted.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  4. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Name Nic

    Age 15

    Degree Not in college yet, but is in the military, probaly will go to college as a music major

    Military Experience yes, but not in fighting, she calls the command the general tells her using her piccolo

    Appearance the one on teh right

    History Nicole is a normal girl except she was forced to take her father's place in the war. She had to go to a millitary academy and begin training there. However she had and injury during training with her leg. She can't run and was no loner suitable for combat, but was put into placement as the cammand carrier. She uses her piccolo to carry out commands the general tells her to carry out. Certain notes meaning different battle plans.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2009
    Kardorious likes this.
  5. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Name: Riley Horfet

    Age: 20

    Degree: Intends to major in psychology, creative writing, english, art and history.

    Military Experience: No.


    Clubs: Grappling, Juujetsu, Kendo, & Writing

    History: Riley is the quiet type who enjoys expressing himself through his words on a piece of paper. He is little spoken but when he has to speak it's usually worth the time to listen. Riley kept mainly higher than average grades throughout his school years up until high school where he pressed himself hard to get -and keep- his high grades.

    Other: Enjoys studying dead languages and mythology. Hates bitter foods.
  6. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    well as of this point I'm thinking of starting the RP soon with what we have, but if everyone is willing to wait I think I'll just wait till it's full
  7. Kardorious

    Kardorious New Member

    Name: Kardorious Fang III

    Age: 20

    Degree: Medicinal Technology, Healing Aparatus

    Military status: 6 trip medic


    History: Orphanded as a child at St. Michaels Hospital. Grew up watching and reading medical practices. Quickly adapted quick thinking in medical practices and at the age of 14 was admited into the military for his infinite knowledge of Medicinal Herbs and Tech. , along with Healing Aparatuses. Because of this knowlegde he has perfected his body phisyc to an unnatural state yet muscular.
  8. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    I will start this RP in a couple of days with what we have and find some way to later include anyone that may join...please post in here once in a while to remind me that you are active, and that you're interested...if anyone has an objection to starting this within the next 3-4 days let me know and I will post-pone it
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Okay. This looks seriously cool. Welcome to The Kh forums btw.

    Name: Zack

    Age: 20

    Degree: Has a degree in biology

    Military Experience: Yes to an extent. He is a master swords man, after taking some classes with some of his friends.

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    History: Went to a tech school for biology. At the same time he joined the schools fencing club and learned how to fight. He is also into lost technology, trying to restore things that were lost in the apocalypse.

    Heres his girl friend. God this is gonna be very hard to do, but every writer needs a challenge and my book has romance. I would appreciate input on how I'm doing this. Constructive criticism only plz, i need to be able to benefit off of input, not get mad over it.

    Namer: Emily Leve'l (Lev-ehl)

    Age: 19

    Degree: Mathematics

    Military Experience: The same as Zacks, but she is in archer club.

    Appearance: [​IMG]
    (But not as emo)
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
  10. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    I'm still in.
  11. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    I just thought I'd let everyone know that the RP is up and ready...both I and Kairi have posted, get your posts up soon please everyone...if you have any recommendations let me know, whether it's about the story line or my writing
  12. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

  13. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I'm sorry but I'm quitting the rp.
  14. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    that's alright...I understand that sometimes things just don't work out the way you want, but I have to say that we will miss having the opportunity to have you here. Thanks for the notice anyways
  15. annyssrr

    annyssrr New Member

    why Sora?

    By the way I'm quitting too because I'm busy with my school work and other rpg. srry Dreich. :(
  16. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Wow, the rp has just started and already people are leaving. I feel for you Dreich, but heres to a successful rp anyways.
    *Holds up soda pop and jugs it*
    *Eyes start streaming* That was a really stupid idea XD
  17. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Can I join? This looks good.
    Name: William Jacob Johnson

    Age: 16

    Degree: Going for two degrees. Culinary and Musical with guitar.

    Military Experience: Not in it but knows alot about it since his grandfather was in it.

    Appearance:[​IMG] Carries a sword and an acoustic guitar on his back.

    History: Was a child genius with cooking and music but failed everything else because he didn't want to do it but he got two scholarships for music and culinary. He has since been going to college since the age of 14. His father was an alcoholic and his mother died in child birth so he ran away, going to live with his grandfather until he left for college. He now is travelling the world when he reached here.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2009
  18. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    Curtis you're in, but remember there are no guns

    and I personally believe that this RP can be successful despite people leaving...I understand why the left, they had things going on in there life...I feel for that completely and wish them the best.
  19. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    I know. It's a good story line you set up. I think this might be the first of it's kind, but only the REAL rp veterans would know. I've been on this site for a while, but not that long and i don't do a lot of rping.
  20. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    guys by the way I would rather have you do one good long post (like my starting one, most of mine will be like that or longer) a week that encompasses as far as I've progressed the story line (maybe even farther if circumstances allow), rather than fifteen posts a day..but that's just my thoughts as to how this can run smoother overall
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