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A Second Organization meeting.

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by GC4life, Feb 7, 2011.

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  1. GC4life

    GC4life New Member

    The inevitable sequel.

    Xemnas: Alright. So far today, we gained a new member. Today, she is observing this meeting, as according to custom, new members aren't allowed to speak at there first meeting. Now, before we get things started, I would like yesterdays minutes. Luxord, if you please.

    Luxord: You basically yelled at everyone again.

    Xe: Did I ask for the short version?

    Lu: Fine. You yelled at everyone for being idiots.

    Xe: There we go. Now, to get things started, I would like to introduce a new rule: Vexen is no longer allowed to talk. Now then does anyone have any-

    Vexen: Don't we have to vote new rules into effect.

    Xe: NO TALKING! Now then-

    Axel: He's right you know, we do have to vote.

    Xe: FINE! Now, the proposition to bar Vexen from speaking is on the table. Now, all in favor, raise you hand.............WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE RAISING MY HAND?!

    Demyx: Because Vexen is always fun to listen to.

    Xe: Fine! I understand you stupid reasoning, but you Saix, why didn't you raised you hand.

    Saix: Because I want to study him. I want to know how he gets all those ladies.

    V: It's simple really. You just have to have a big-

    Xe: SHUT! UP!

    V: I was going to say 'shield'. Women love it when you use protection.

    D: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Ha ha ha. Come on, even you have to admit that was funny.

    A: Ha ha, yeah that was pretty good.

    Roxas: I don't get it.

    A: I'll explain later.

    R: OK.

    Marluxia: Well, no matter how good a pun it was, my girl doesn't like it when I use protection.

    Larxene: Oh you~.


    S: Ask about news and such sir.

    Xe: Yes, of course. So. Does anyone have any news they'd like to share?

    Xigbar: Tonight's the AC/DC consort I got tickets for.

    Xe: You got tickets yesterday?

    Xi: Well, it helps to be persuasive.

    Xe: You held someone up, didn't you.

    Xi: Yep.

    Xe: Well, that figures.

    Xi: Would you want to pay when you can get in for free?

    Xaldin: He has a point

    Xe: Right, anymore news?

    Lexaeus: I just beat Mad World.

    Zexion: Really, I just beat No More Heroes 2.

    Le: Wanna trade?

    Z: I would, but I'm going to get Sonic Colors from Xaldin.

    Xa:.......Don't judge. Cause I could probably kick the crap out of you.

    Z: How 'bout after?

    Le: Sure.


    Xa: Cause it has a few good games.

    D: We don't play it on the big screen.

    Xe: Good. Good. More news.

    S: Oh right, before I forget, the custom pizza maker just came in this afternoon.

    Xe: Splendid. With this we can make up to 32 pizzas.

    R: Why do we need that much?

    Xe: What are you, new here?

    R: Uh yeah, I just joined last week.

    Xe: Oh, right sorry.

    A: We go though pizza like we go though heartless.

    R: Ah.

    Xe: Right, now, more news.

    Lu: Poker night at my place.

    Lu: I'm game.

    Z: I'll play.

    Xa: Sure why not.

    V: Can't. Goin' to see AC/DC with Xigbar.

    Xe: Wait what?!

    Xi: I said I had tickets meaning more than 1. I don't have any extra.

    Xe: Well, crap. Ah, I have a mission anyways.

    Lu: So, who's gonna be our 5th poker buddy?

    A: I'll do it. Roxas, you wanna watch/

    R: Sure.

    Xe: Well, that takes care of everything. Meeting adjourned.
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