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Discussion in 'Mature Discussion' started by ansem the wise 59, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    i understand this is a very contraversial topic but i though it should be discussed

    some people think abortion is right, other's think it is wrong i fit in with the people who think it is wrong now this is a debate people are allowed to express their opinon's



  2. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I'm definitely against it. I consider it a cowardly and selfish way out of dealing with an unwanted pregnancy. Now, you can call me heartess for saying this, and I can see the arguments. Many people have sex without considering the consequences. And then when they find themselves all of a sudden pregnant, they just say, "Oh well I can just have an abortion." That child's potential life will never happen because you couldn't handle taking responsibility for what you did.

    Some people say that there is no child yet. No one was killed. And on some level you may be right. But you know, why does no one consider who that child might have become. How many amazing people in this world now and in the past would not have existed had their parents made that choice. So you can't take care of the kid. I get that. Not everyone is ready. But someone else can. Put them up for adoption. They can still have a life, and the responsibility for taking care of them can belong to someone who is capable of doing so, and who wants to do so.

    Another argument is against children conceived from rape. Again, I say this is selfish. That child is not responsible for what his parents were. I can understand you not wanting to raise a child when you have to remember who their father was and the even that cause their birth. Again, put them up for adoption. Let someone else raise them if you can't. But don't condemn the child for something that is not their fault.

    There is one reason I think that abortion should be considered. That reason is if the birth puts the mother's life in danger. In that case it should be a decision made by both parents about whether the child or the mother should die. If no one's life is threatened, then the child should be born.

    And yes, I said both parents. I refuse to hear any of this crap about it being none of the guy's business. It may be the mothers body, but it is the father's child as much as it is hers. I believe he should have a say. I personally would hate to know that I could have been a father, something I very much look forward to someday, but a decision was made without my consideration about the future of my child, born or not. It may be her body, but it takes two to tango. The creation of that child involved both the mother and father, and the decision to end it's life, for whatever reason, both ones I agree with and that I don't agree with, should involve both of them as well.
    Kitty likes this.
  3. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    i agree with every word you siad in fact i believe in the same idea's as you

    however i just want to quote one thing
    how is it that a child will put the mother in danger unless the mother has other medical problems i don't see the reason why she should not give birth
  4. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    There are cases where the birth of a child does in fact put the mother in danger. You are correct when saying that a great deal of these are a result of some other medical situation, but some just are what they are. It's a complicated process, and there is a lot that can go wrong. There are cases where the mother and the child are both in danger, and either one can be saved, but not both. Either the mother or the child will die. At this point, it should be up to the parents to decide what happens. It's a decision I hope I never have to make. It's a horrible choice to have the put before any person. But those situations are the only ones I can accept as a legitamate reason to abort, in any stage of pregnancy. Whether it be complications with the birth itself, or some other medical complication that will kill them other unless she aborts. That is a good reason, but there is no other.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I would not choose to have an abortion for myself, for reasons already specified above. But I have a big problem when the government tries to pass laws telling me I cannot. If the baby's parents make the decision to have an abortion, they should be able to without having to get it done in some dirty shack because idiot extremists are bombing clinics and lawmakers are hassling everyone.
  6. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    are you crazy.......... those are baby's if your mom got an abortion when you were in her stomach you wouldn't be here no one should be given the choice to kill it's illegal to kill people but yet these doctor's kill one every time some one wants a abortion
  7. Riku

    Riku New Member


    Exactly, all those that think abortion is right, they are definately wrong, do you know how it feels how to waste a new life that way?, it is awful, even if the parents want it, they should be stoped, it isn't the child fault, you have to atleast put some effort and try the best for him, he is a part of your life.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2007
  8. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    I think ya'all missed the point of that little post. She didn't say she agreed with it. Far from it. I, in fact, agree with her. You've seen my earlier post, so you know my opinions. I don't agree with abortion, personally. But at the same time, I don't think that it can be made illegal. And in any case, if people are going to do it anyway, and they will, they might as well have clean facilities to do so in.
  9. Riku

    Riku New Member


    I might as well fix that post, anyway, they might as well start thinking about the consequences.
  10. Xigbar

    Xigbar New Member

    I fully disagree with abortions. Abortions is just another name for killing an inocent baby, in my oppinion. With abortions clinics and prostitutes going there it's getting worse in worse. Some people may not agree with this saying, but I agree with it 100%. I did make it up as well.

    If you don't want your partner to have an abortion, make sure to wrap your willie. ;]


    *Cough* Excuse me *Cough*
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    @EbAl- It's "y'all", not "ya'all". Every time you do that it drives me crazy <_<

    And thank you, Ansem the "Wise", for commenting without even reading my post. I do NOT agree with abortions. I would not have one for myself. And I'm fully aware of the reprecussions if my mother had had an abortion, as I'm adopted and my birthmother was 17 when I was born and an abortion could very well have crossed her mind. I fully support adoption if you're pregnant with an unwanted child. But I do NOT support the government telling me what to do with regards to abortions. If I want to have one, I damn well am going to. I don't think the government has a right to pass laws banning and restricting abortions from people who are legally capable of deciding for themselves.
  12. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    i read your post and i was argueing the piont of what you siad here
    and here
    meaning there should be a law about getting rid of abortion
    no one should be given the choice to get a abortion

    also my mom was adopted too i very well know the possiblity that i wouldn't be here ethier so...

    next time read my post more carefully before you post :mad:
  13. Riku

    Riku New Member


    Really unexpected xD.

    Anyway, I know that some people don't want a child and then they end with one, but the thing is, they should atleast put the baby in someplace secure for him, you know, abortion is one of the greatest sins humanity can make.
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Ansem, my opinion of you is getting lower by the second.

    What gives a bunch of lawmakers the right to tell anyone that they cannot have a medical procedure that they are of sound mind enough to make? Perhaps an abortion is necessary in order to save the mother's life. Should that be illegal? What if the baby has severe mental and physical disabilities and wouldn't survive if it lived to be born? Should the mother have to carry the baby to term and go through the delivery for a baby that isn't going to live? I think the parents should at least have the right to decide for themselves what to do in that situation.
  15. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    1.) i could care less what your opinion of me is

    2.) 1. i do have to agree with you, i really have an issue with the government right now 2. my nefew is mentaly disabaled and im glad my sister did not have an abortion becuase he is doing good, my sister had the courage to risk her life to make sure my nefew got a chance at life. now(granted) not everyone is my sister (no duh) but killing people is just wrong......

    3.) i thought of something the other day, when a person has a abortion i don't think it would be killing just that one baby... but all of the babies descendents. like if that baby lived and had kids and stuff. i think that with one abotion we are killing thousends of people (as hard as that is to believe)
  16. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    What if that hypothetical baby grew up to start a mass genocide of Holocaust proportions? By your reasoning, allowing that child to be born just killed thousands of people. I don't think you can think too far into the future like that when making an abortion decision. You can't know what a child will grow up to become, assuming it even lives that long.

    And so why were you arguing in the first place if you agreed with what I said?
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2009
  17. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    While I still hold my original standpoint in this debate (morally opposed but legally for abortion) I would like to point out an interesting hypocricy in our legal system.

    The law upholds a woman's right to have an abortion, suggesting that to abort the unborn child is not taking a life. However, if you kill a pregnant woman, you will be charged with two counts of murder.
  18. Lost Darkness

    Lost Darkness New Member

    ~True Story~Believe me or not I don't really care.

    I'm 18 now but a year ago I got this girl pregnant. I couldn't afford to get rid of the baby and I didn't tell my family. I was left with one thing to let her have it and she did. The baby died during birth and I escaped being forced to have to give my "life" up.

    I'm for people having abortions because why should they have a baby they will either throw away or put up for adoption. I come from a ghetto area so most girls here have kids and they are just 16 and 17.

    I found funny how one of you said now people just think they can have abortions well if you have 1G you can....but if your like me you can't afford it.

    The people that say this is bad should adopt those kids that people want to abort. You want to invade sumone elses life and feel like your "God" and tell sumone what to do than you take the child and raise it.

    People that abort know they made a mistake and if they keep aborting they might never have kids so its a win win for everyone.
  19. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I think that I am making an enemy of the state by saying this, but abortion is the parents choice... You say that killing is wrong and that its a coward's way out, but its much easier to say things when your just a casual observer. When someone is in a situation like an unwanted pregnancy, do you think they really are overly observant? No, its a panic and they want it gone, and its a practice that is legally allowed. And do you also not eat meat? That is killing. Do you eat at all? Because eating anything plant or animal, you have to kill it first. And maybe the fetus is a human, not a deer or something, but if its not concious of its own existance, then what makes it so different?
  20. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    what are the odds that one baby would start a holocost, this has only happend once and that was hitler. did you stop to think that it maybe possible that a baby that wasn't aborted may grow up to find a cure for cancer or a become a huge political figure some day, you guys have got to stop thinking negitivly, so what if a baby was born and wasn't aborted, wether or not he becomes a mass murder or a president of the united state's, the parent's are to blame for raising them badly or perfectly
    it isn't a win for that dead baby is it?
    the difference is that (im a religous man) god told us in the bible that it is okay to kill animals becuase we use them to eat and stuff, i don't agree (however) with killing for sport. also killing a person is wrong. no one kills for selfless reasons, anyone who kills or abort's are just doing it for there own benifit (which is just the same, maybe worse, then killing for sport)

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