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Advent of a Dirge OOC

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Haresuno, Jan 3, 2009.

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  1. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    In this age, in what few call The Age of Falling or The Ending Age, men and women pray for what has been prophesied to not come true. What has been told as legend or myth has been shown as truth, and what was thought fact or has been proven as false.
    What the people thought never would come again has and now they fear the stories of their childhood.
    Beings long forgotten come to reclaim land they say is theirs. These beings are known as the Dragoth, and they wield not only a deadly force they call Calo, but also with them they bring hideous creatures that not even a madman could think of. Lands said to be unconquerable fall at their sheer ability to use the elements as a weapon.
    Yet the only thing that stands between them and more land is an invisible wall made by the Alem. Humans who claim they can wield the elements like the Dragoth. The Alem who have sworn off weapons of metal, only use Life in the direst of situations. They say that they dare not use the ability unless they need to because using too much shortens their lives.

    The Alem:

    The Alem live on Sky Peak. A mountain so monstrous that it touches the heavens. To the west the Dragoth with their vast army and lands that need mending, and the only thing stopping them is that wall made to detect Dragoth and slowly burn their thick skin.
    To the east lay cities and nations so innocent that the only ones that are aware of what is happening are only those that are close enough to Sky Peak. The Alem do not worry about anyone trying to march an army to claim Sky Peak. Many have tried before only to fall victim to the mazes and traps that are put in place. No civilian would climb the mountain without a guide.
    For the most part, the Alem have lived peacefully throughout centuries without conflict, but when conflict came to them they showed that they held advanced military tactics.
    There are six Rings* in which the Alem live. Each with their own distinct traits, duties, and weapons. The weapons the Alem use are small wooden carvings made out to be the weapon of their Ring. The Alem are also noted to not wear slippers or boots, where-ever they travel, they go by foot and are able to out run a horse.

    Each Ring has a leader called a Ringer. In order to become a Ringer you must be chosen and must be of the most elite in a Gauntlet*. There are always two candidates for this. Once the candidates are chosen, then the other Ringers gather and decide on what task should be given to each one. Usually, depending on the candidates, the tasks are dangerous, rule breaking, or tactical. Rarely do both pass, but if both do then the victor is chosen by reputation.

    *A Ring is similar to a society.
    *Gauntlets are equal to guilds.

    The Day of Raising:
    When a child become of fifteen years of age, they automatically become filled with Life to the point that it surges out of them in near-visible waves. They are then tested for what Ring they are to belong. The parents of the child and the grandparents as well as the siblings all gather and fast for five days until –if- the child returns. When they return they leave to celebrate for five days, then the newly adult Alem goes to join his/her Ring.

    In order they are-
    - Alem
    - Gauntlet
    - Ring
    - Family

    Unspoken Laws:
    Do not steal from another.
    Do not regard a woman as an item. They are equals.
    Any child below fifteen years should not be harmed, even if they raise a weapon against you. If the child is Alem and they kill, on their fifteenth full summer they are banished for a year and a half. When they return they are to be whipped twice a day for three days. On their left wrist they are tattooed with red ink and are forbidden to hide it.
    Do not kill an elderly if they foreswear weapons & mean no harm.
    Should conflict arise between siblings the mother is to settle the argument. If she cannot make a decision she is to go to the husband of her closest friend. If the choice is above her she should take it to the Ringer.
    When a child reaches the fifteenth summer and is filled with Life, they are to be tested for which Ring they belong to.

    The Alem also wear jewelry, mainly a necklace, made of a rock name Jangir, and it is normally used for marital traditions. Lately the Alem have been using the jewelry’s unusual ability to change color with their mood for military use. Telling when a soldier should fall back and be replaced or not.


    Jangir has three functions unless you are a defender which includes a fourth.

    Crimson function- Detects Dragoth, but is commonly mistaken as rage, passion, or lust.

    Navy function- Hope, sorrow, content.

    Evergreen- Nurturing, steadfast, defensive.

    Death- The Jangir turns black, signifying that the wearer is dying or close to death. However on children it can also mean that a Defender parent is near death.


    In this age, in what we call The Age of the Reclaimed or The New Age, men and women pray for what the return of what was once stolen from our people. We have been told that our journey would be one of great conquers and glorious battles.
    Long ago we were once a peaceful race. We were intertwined with nature and its balances. We are now the Dragoth, and we wield a grand force called Calo. We bring with our army, beasts that dwell deep beneath the earth’s hard crust. With them at our side, lands said to be unconquerable fall at our might.
    Yet there is an opposition. An invisible wall made by the blood of our brethren, the Alem. They have long forgotten our ancestry and they would deny the truth if it was told to them. And why should they not? We feed upon the energy of life. Living too close to the source of all life caused a need in us to devour others lives.
    The Alem who have sworn off weapons of metal, only use Life in the direst of situations. We have not. They say that they dare not use the ability unless they need to because using too much shortens their lives, and this is true for some. Our lives do not, so we are free to use it as we please.

    The Dragoth:

    They come from the depths of the earth. They are adept at digging and other construction. Their land is a mystery to all but themselves and all their centuries underground have taught them ways of binding Calo with instruments. Similar to what the Alem do with their weapons. Their religion is based off that their leader is the highest of beings and that what he decides to do is above all laws he sets forth. To the Dragoth their tongue is the most important body part. To “cut out” his or her tongue is a way of saying you will kill someone. To “hold your tongue” is saying that an opinion doesn’t matter or what was said is of no importance.


    The Lord of Dragoths is known as Sertin or “Of Ancient Blood” in the Tongue of Ancients and to them is as good as a God. He sets forth the laws for the Dragoth and those of lower status do not question what he does. He takes up whatever women he wants and has them bare children so that his bloodline will produce at least one child that is worth in strength to rival his own. The Sertin kills any children that are not worthy and their mother. In order to maintain the laws Sertin appoints three men to be regulators. The regulators hire men to enforce laws; this group is called Heavy Arms. The Sertin and regulators have not left the city the Dragoth hail from. Reports from Heavy Arms are made daily to ensure there is little to no trouble.


    The Dragoth have no holidays and do not celebrate even the births of children. They hardly even drink.


    The Dragoth must feed off of other creatures’ life in order to sustain their strength. This is only when they are away from their home city for too long. The Dragoth have found that Alem children who are of a certain age (the same age as necessary for the Day of Raising) have an excess amount of life force that tastes exquisite. When this happens though, the Alem children become corrupted and any further bloodline is also tainted.

    - Drinking should only take place after soldiers are off duty (and due to Dragoth always being on duty though they rarely drink).

    The Dragoth bring with them beasts no one imagined. Among them are:

    Saquor: Formidable beasts that have can tunnel through the earth at fast rates. Their skin is near as thick as the strongest steel and arrows prove to be useless against them. They have claws as sharp as long blades, and brown fur. They feed on dirt.

    Haf: Subterranean flying beasts. As tall as three men with a wing span of eight men who are stand with their arms stretched wide.

    OKay, I need to know who all is still in this RP & where your characters are at.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  2. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    I'm still in Mr. Flopalopagus
    and I just flash fried two casovier...... ^_^ (adding to plot)
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    im still here i guess. im waiting for casoveir to come for my dudes Zack and Leo. Zack is looking at a loss in vacation time 8)
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I'm here. I'm still waiting at the gate of the city on the mountain (Forogt the name).
  5. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    (Haresuno here. Comp not up yet, so I'm typing on Rakdos's.) Go ahead and go through the gates until you meet up with the Casovier inside the city.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    By the way, I can't find the actual RP. Can you give a link if you can find it?
  7. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2009
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I posted now.
  9. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    hey are we having technical difficulties? cause i cant see anyone but hare's post. Also how did i become GM? A well, ty haresuno. I'll try to make this rp the best i can.

    edit* Just saw your posts guys. Dunno wat caused it. Try to get your rp out of the Old ones Haresuno, so i can find the thing more easily. Also were is the ooc located? cause im still routing through your profile. Finally wats with the bars on my name?
  10. Cloaked Schemer

    Cloaked Schemer New Member

    It would probably too late to ask if I could join this RPG, huh...
  11. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    It's never to late just click on the link and join ^_^
  12. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Heads up guys. I need you guys to either move your character sheets here, or onto a Character Profile page. I've asked that the Mods move our RP, but they can't. All they can do is either delete certain posts, or delete the entire thing, and because we've lost so many people I thought we should just delete the entire thing.

    Actually since I'm on I'll get your guys characters.



    Character Template:
    Weapon: (Alem cannot have swords, spears, flail or any other bladed or spiked weapon)
    Nationality: (Alem must belong to a clan)
    Strength: (If your race is Alem your strength should be in an element)


    Name: Avel Mexim
    Race: Alem Casovier
    Looks: Shoulder length white hair, that is split into two pony-tails at the
    back that are held together with a leather cord in an intricate
    pattern, which is Alem tradition. Wears Alem garb, shirtsleeves
    in colors of mountain grays. Boots are designed for the
    mountainous terrain.
    Personality: Leader of the Casovier tribe of the Alem,
    he is often cold and calculating during battles and bans to let
    any of his tribesmen even touch Life unless it is a last resort to
    save many. He has the ability to see when people touch Life and
    uses it to his advantage. Combined with his skill of reading
    others movements and advancent fighting style of hands and feet
    he quickly became the leader.
    Weapon: Gauntlets and Grieve edges named Lament
    Nationality: Casovier
    Age: 24
    Strength: Wind


    Name: Detier Mev
    Race: Alem
    Looks: Weathered face from harsh training, and dark blue eyes. His hair is a golden-wheat
    color and is styled in the usual Alem fashion of being long in the back where it is
    split into two pony-tails and held together by leather cords. His clothing is the
    same as all Alem. Shirtsleeves in colors of mountain grays. Boots are designed for
    the mountainous terrain.
    Personality: Laid back and mostly care-free, but a willing soldier when need calls. Being a
    balancer and second in comand, he often is seen doing paper work.
    Weapon: Thick wooden bo staves
    Nationality: Yento
    Age: 37
    Strength: Light

    Name: Zackarias
    Race: Human
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Sword (Just a normal, hand and a half sword.)
    History: He comes from a small town called Vernendor. Since he was 10 he was aware of his abilities. he first found out when some school bullies tried to beat him up. The air became cold and the bullies were blown back but a frozen energy blast. When a man found Zackarias in the alley he trained him to control his powers. He whants to help other people but he can be a bit of a show off.
    Emotions: Like I said before he is a show off. He likes to put on a performance while he is fighting. He is also really attached to his magic skills instead of his sword skills though he is very adapt with the blade. If your his freind he will help you out anytime you need it for the rest of your life. If your his enemy then thats about 5 seconds.

    Name: Gerik
    Race: Vac'amen
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Personality: Calm. Has an ego. Cocky.
    Weapon: Two swords, he will sometimes use only one or both.
    Nationality: Desert Nomads
    Age: 22
    Strength: Earth

    Race:Vampiric Dragoth
    (was going to draw own, but my scanner won't work :()
    Personality: he may be on the evil team but still likes to have fun (not a huge fighter, more neutral than evil) but will follow orders if he can't find a loophole.
    Age:? (looks in his teens)
    Strength: darkness
    Abilities: Absorb, move with blinding speed, Summon Demons, Create/Manipulate Darkness, Possession*, Night Vision, Enhanced Senses(pain felt is enhanced also, hence why he doesn't like fighting), Super Strength, agile, Create/Open Portals, sunlight and any other thing that supposed to effect or Kill vampires doesn't hurt him (not invincable, he can bleed to death, starve, stabbed in the heart. but he's not effected be the things that are in myths and legends), mind tricks, Empathy, skin as strong as leather armor, Power Drain, Charm, doesn't have to breath. can heal but it take a while (about a day for stab in a non-vital spot)
    Dark Barrier- Forms a Barrier around Target.
    Blackout- all light sources black out (including natural light).
    Dark Chain- unbreakable Black chains fly everywhere and capture the enemy.
    illusion- creates illusions(duh)
    • Forces demons into his enemies, possessing them.

    Name: Leo

    Orientation: Closer to Alem


    History: Joined the Knights at age 13, becuase he had no were else to go. His eyes were ruined by a dark spell that he had failed to block so now he uses his hearing to fight his enemies. He is a extremely strong warrior, who can wield his claymore with one hand and at eye blinding speeds. Definently someone you want on your side, because he only needs a breath to know were you are. His aura perception is also as high as it can go, allowing him to distinguish between friend or foe.

    Attitude: A bit of a punk when he is trying to act normally. He's one of those guys you expect to start rapping, but when he begins to fight watch out. He does a total 180 from his peaceful nature, and you might as well not ask for mercy because you won't get any.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2009
  13. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    My profile is under Archais in my signature.
  14. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    so, whens the new roleplay going to start. btw you spelt my name wrong in the sig. you can spell Dark Riku, Rakdos, and Zerieth, but can you spell Zeronus....NNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!! -crawls in corner and rocks back and forth- so unwanted.
  15. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    I'm almost done re-writing the outline for the story, n' about your name, I think it's better with the "o" =/
  16. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Zeronus.....you fail ^_^
  17. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    I'm sorry that it's taking so long for me to get the IC up, but I've gatta get detailed with a lot of the Alem and Dragoth stuff.

    It won't be much longer guys. Again sorry.
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Lolz, poor zeronus. And zeronus, your a kh begginer so you fail more than haresuno. Lolz. I can wait i guess.
  19. Rakdos

    Rakdos New Member

    Being a KH beginner is not bad. Just because Haresuno doesn't have much of a life doesn't mean you can make fun of the small one. Sorry Tall one but I had to.
  20. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    <_____<; Ignores Rak's comment.
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