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Advent of a Dirge RP

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Haresuno, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    In this age, in what few call The Age of Falling or The Ending Age, men and women pray for a saving at what has been prophesied. What has been told as legend or myth has been brought forth from books and scrolls, what was thought fact or worthy has been proven as false.
    What the people thought never would come again has and now they fear the stories of their childhood.
    Ancient beings known as the Dragoth are being spawned forth from the depths of earths molten core, bringing with them hidious creatures not even a dreamer could dream up. Using a source they call Calo they wield the elements, conquering lands said to be unconquered since the dawn of creation.
    The only ones able to stop the Dragoth are a race of humans, called the Alem who have sworn off bladed weapons. A race who say they are in touch with nature, and can wield the same source as the Dragoth only they call it Life. True to its name they hesitate to use this source for it shallows their own life spawn. Living high in the mountains, named Sky Peak, where no human may reach without falling victim to their advance mazed paths, and traps; they live peacefully.
    News of the Dragoth's advancement towards the mountains startled and upset them. They believed that the two should never meet, so they set a wall, flat and smooth, unclimbable, to seperate the two lands.
    They have lived in peace for twenty years, but now the Dragoth advance once more towards them, so they may take the mountains and advance to lands beyond Sky Peak. The Alem sent messengers to every land they could run to in order to break their laws and bring forth an army of outsiders to stand against the Dragoth.


    Rules: 1) No GM/PC
    2) Only human type characters. Dragoth are human like, and not
    3) If you are going to kill off a character, PM the player to discuss it.
    4) Alem have five clan leaders the first four to post
    5) Keep the RP non-futuristic
    6) If you have a character from another land, please don't make to
    many lands, this is supposed to be a small continent.
    7) There are six clans among the Alem and they are: Casovier (Shadow strikers), Valemi
    (Mountain diggers), Po'lsk (Water scourers), Aliskten (Dawn drivers), Istl (Night
    Herders), and Yento (Balancers)
    Anymore rules will be determined when the occasion arises.


    Character Template:
    Weapon: (Alem cannot have swords, spears, flail or any other bladed or spiked weapon)
    Nationality: (Alem must belong to a clan)
    Strength: (If your race is Alem your strength should be in an element)


    Name: Avel Mexim
    Race: Alem Casovier
    Looks: Shoulder length white hair, that is split into two pony-tails at the
    back that are held together with a leather cord in an intricate
    pattern, which is Alem tradition. Wears Alem garb, shirtsleeves
    in colors of mountain grays. Boots are designed for the
    mountainous terrain.
    Personality: Leader of the Casovier tribe of the Alem,
    he is often cold and calculating during battles and bans to let
    any of his tribesmen even touch Life unless it is a last resort to
    save many. He has the ability to see when people touch Life and
    uses it to his advantage. Combined with his skill of reading
    others movements and advancent fighting style of hands and feet
    he quickly became the leader.
    Weapon: Gauntlets and Grieve edges named Lament
    Nationality: Casovier
    Age: 24
    Strength: Wind


    Name: Detier Mev
    Race: Alem
    Looks: Weathered face from harsh training, and dark blue eyes. His hair is a golden-wheat
    color and is styled in the usual Alem fashion of being long in the back where it is
    split into two pony-tails and held together by leather cords. His clothing is the
    same as all Alem. Shirtsleeves in colors of mountain grays. Boots are designed for
    the mountainous terrain.
    Personality: Laid back and mostly care-free, but a willing soldier when need calls. Being a
    balancer and second in comand, he often is seen doing paper work.
    Weapon: Thick wooden bo staves
    Nationality: Yento
    Age: 37
    Strength: Light
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  2. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    looks good. Time to debut Zackarias. Plz check my link to view his profile.
    only difference will be that he is an alem with ice abilities above and beyond the norm.
  3. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >Just wondering, can alem use bows and are we limited to just alem or can we have a custom race?<
    Name: Zackarias
    Race: Human
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Weapon: Sword (Just a normal, hand and a half sword.)
    History: He comes from a small town called Vernendor. Since he was 10 he was aware of his abilities. he first found out when some school bullies tried to beat him up. The air became cold and the bullies were blown back but a frozen energy blast. When a man found Zackarias in the alley he trained him to control his powers. He whants to help other people but he can be a bit of a show off.
    Emotions: Like I said before he is a show off. He likes to put on a performance while he is fighting. He is also really attached to his magic skills instead of his sword skills though he is very adapt with the blade. If your his freind he will help you out anytime you need it for the rest of your life. If your his enemy then thats about 5 seconds.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2008
  4. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Name: Tyra (tie-rah)

    Race: Alem


    Personality:Care-free, Light hearted, determined(might change during RP)

    Weapon: Pockets of Anti-matter, take form in butterflies and parrots. Although not effecctive in combat they and bend light so see can see in all directions. She has no set martail arts style, but basis of all her attacks are from tropical animals

    Nationality: Ozkan(a small group of the Po'lsk)

    Age: 14

    Strength: combination of water, wind and light which takes form mainly as "Nature"

    History:In Ozy-Kali female are the leading gender. As like all Ozkan at the age of 8 there sent out into the thundera, with basic survivel skills and there base element to survive for 2 years. Tyra spent the first year getting to grips with her elements. But she couldn't master a single art, this lend to the elemental of "Nature". Opon her return Tyra was worshiped as a Godess who could shape the very foundations of the peoples beloved forest. To prove her stature Tyra was choosen to represtent the Ozkan in the battle against the Dragoth.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2008
  5. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    ~Alem do not used spiked or bladed weapons, but arrows are tipped. Not entirely sure about that one, and no you are not limited to just Alem, and you may create custom races.~
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Cool, custom race. My character would be semi-custom race, if it is okay. The race would be Alem who broke away from the whole because they didn't believe in some of the rules of the Alem, such as complete isolation and no weapons. They don't hate the Alem though, and will even go out of their way to help them.

    Name: Gerik
    Race: Vac'amen
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Personality: Calm. Has an ego. Cocky.
    Weapon: Two swords, he will sometimes use only one or both.
    Nationality: Desert Nomads
    Age: 22
    Strength: Earth (If my semi-custom race is okay. If not, please tell)
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2008
  7. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    ~Alem will mean "The untouched" so your race could be called Vac'amen "Chosen path" maybe?~
  8. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Alright with me. Edited.
  9. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    ~Okay, now if we can get at least two more people to play we can begin.~
  10. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    If I did something wrong, sorry.
    Name: Arianna
    Race: Alem
    Looks: [​IMG]
    Personality: Quiet but self confident.
    Weapon: A Staff
    Nationality: Casovier
    Age: 20
    Strength: Light
  11. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Name: Kareino
    Race: Alem
    Personality: Quiet and very calm person. She might seem cold, but she's very kind.
    Weapon: Bow
    Nationality: Casovier
    Age: 18
    Strength: Ice
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2008
  12. KeybladerX

    KeybladerX New Member

    Heres mine :D


    Race: Unknown
    Looks: Tall, hazel eyes and black hair with red tips. Wears
    a red garment with a gold embossed hood. Has a gauntlet in his right hand which he uses for unarmed combat. Also wears a spiked metal boot on his left leg which he also uses in combat. Has a red cape.

    Personality: Acts uncaring and emotionless. never shows his true emotions out in the open. Has felt love and kindness for a few people in his life but these emotions confuse him, so he pushes them away.

    Weapon: A red blade with a ruby embossed hilt. Its name is Nil-Ir

    Nationality: Unknown as yet

    History: Not much is known about him. When the word spread that the Dragoth were advancing once more, he volunteered to join the army that was being raised to stop them.


    Strength: Master of fighting with fire. Has many abilities including Flight, Teleportation and can do just about anything with fire.

    Picture: [​IMG]

    If there is anything wrong with my character please tell me

    Thanks :)
  13. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    <is this okay>
    Race:Vampiric Dragoth
    (was going to draw own, but my scanner won't work :()
    Personality: he may be on the evil team but still likes to have fun (not a huge fighter, more neutral than evil) but will follow orders if he can't find a loophole.
    Age:? (looks in his teens)
    Strength: darkness
    Abilities: Absorb, move with blinding speed, Summon Demons, Create/Manipulate Darkness, Possession*, Night Vision, Enhanced Senses(pain felt is enhanced also, hence why he doesn't like fighting), Super Strength, agile, Create/Open Portals, sunlight and any other thing that supposed to effect or Kill vampires doesn't hurt him (not invincable, he can bleed to death, starve, stabbed in the heart. but he's not effected be the things that are in myths and legends), mind tricks, Empathy, skin as strong as leather armor, Power Drain, Charm, doesn't have to breath. can heal but it take a while (about a day for stab in a non-vital spot)
    Dark Barrier- Forms a Barrier around Target.
    Blackout- all light sources black out (including natural light).
    Dark Chain- unbreakable Black chains fly everywhere and capture the enemy.
    illusion- creates illusions(duh)
    * Forces demons into his enemies, possessing them.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
  14. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Alright, looks good. Glad someone decided to play a Dragoth (Looking forward to see how you play him Zeronus! It'll be interesting.) Now then, lets start! Anyone can post for their character first.
  15. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    The day seemed like any other day at first, but later in the afternoon it got a little more interesting. Gerik was out patroling around camp, making his usual run about half a mile away from the oasis where his camp is located. While patroling, he saw somebody all alone, collapsed from exhaustion. Gerik then brought the person to camp. When he awoke, the stranger was curious as to know where he was. Gerik told him that he was at a camp of Vac'amen. Then the stranger stopped wanting to talk to anybody. Gerik asked him why, and the stranger reluctantly explained that he was an Alem. As much as the stranger hated doing so, he warned Gerik about an ancient enemy returning to wage war against the Alem, and the Alem needed all the help they could get, even if it was from traitors.

    >How is that for a start?<
  16. KeybladerX

    KeybladerX New Member

    >I'll start my character as well then<

    Xante stood atop a mountain, overlooking the walls that separated the two nations. The view was amazing. On one side was a huge army camp, with the dragoth banner waving. On the other side, was a much smaller alem camp, who looked helpless in front of the mighty Dragoth Army. 'This would be a hard war' Xante thought to himself.

    "Well, I guess its time then," he said to himself, and began his long journey down the mountains and towards the Alem camp.
  17. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Tyra was praying in the Grotto dedicated to her mother. Her mother was the first to discover "nature" manipulation, and was the only one able to yeld it until the birth of Tyra.

    Tyra was surrounded by 16 light patches, all diffrent shapes and sizes. She was he only one able to see them, making it so she was the only one able to manipulate there powers of lightbending giving her the ability to see in all directs for up to 2 miles.

    Hopping down from the tree shrine she began to move swiftly down the mountain side to reache her destination by nightfall.The war was beginging and it was her duty as leader of the tride, The new goddess of nature to protect her small village.
  18. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik had given the stranger supplies and pointed him in the direction of another place to warn people about the Dragoth. The remainder of the next two days was spent preparing everybody to move out towards the mountain ranges the Alem called home.
  19. Zeronus

    Zeronus New Member

    Kai headed across the land towards Sky Peak. he had be sent by the higher ups to spy on the enemy.

    Fat lazy bastards. Why can't they do it themselves.

    when Kai reached the mountains, he looked and noticed that there were many villages that where built upon them.

    Great more work

    His mission was recon only, so he couldn't just destroy the villages. it was a good thing he'd decided on not wearing his uniform (he's wearing the same clothing as in pic2) because that was the only difference in appearance between him and any other human.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2008
  20. KeybladerX

    KeybladerX New Member

    The trail winding down the mountains was steep, but Xante moved fast nonetheless. Time was running out. Soon the Dragoth would advance, and sweep all before them.

    When he reached the Alem camp, there was quite a stir. people were running about, packing up stuff and leaving.

    He caught a running man by the arm,

    "Excuse me," he asked, "Could you tell me what is happening?" The man stared at him with unbelieving eyes.

    "Don't you know?? Everyone is leaving. The Dragoth are coming, and we cannot hope to stop them here. So everyone is fleeing to the forifications at Sky Peak, and hope that we can halt the advance there. You had best do the same." And with that the man ran off.

    Xante was left alone, in the midst of this chaos. He made up his mind. He would go to Sky Peak. And find out if what he could do to help.

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