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Aliera in the house!

Discussion in 'Archive' started by aliera, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. aliera

    aliera New Member

    Hiya guys! I guess I'm a noobie here! *heh* well I'll soon get used to it! and make loads of KH friends! yeah! *punches air* well I suppose you'll wanna know some things about me, ok here goes, I hope you're prepared for 99% randomness and 1% more randoness cause I'm afraid that's included in the package!

    OK well where to start, well here's a good place, I am OBSESSED with Kingdom Hearts, I loved it even before I was offically old enough to be allowed to play it! ;) I have to say I'm a bit of a Sora fangirl, ok ALOT of a Sora fangirl, unfourtunatly, my friends at school know this all too well, so I hope you're prepared for most of my warbling to be on Sora!
    I draw him in my spare time, and I have to say I am quite proud of some of my drawings and I show them to my friends all the time (even though most of them don't know who the heck he is!) I have tried drawing Riku before.... it failed... badly *facepalm* I cringe remembering the memory!
    I love taking which KH charatcer are you/would date you quizzes etc, I ALWAYS get Sora, I am NOT joking, it's kinda creepy... but there ya go, living breathing Sora over here, and I got his goofy smile to! no seriously I have! *friend in background rolls eyes, she's heard it all before*
    so there, that's me done,
    peace out!
    *leaves room*
    *pops head back round door*
    oh and don't be afraid to say hi, I don't bite! (unless in vampire form)
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Oh yeah so random. I like the "punches air" thing. Hilarious! XD

    Well welcome and of course with your positive and somewhat random (who am I kidding completely random) attitude. You'll make lots of friends.

  3. aliera

    aliera New Member

    aw thanks! :D
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forum. Hope you have a good time here.
  5. Noir


    Welcome to the planet. Read the rules so you'll be not in trouble. have fun
  6. I'm new here myself, but I thought I'd come in here, and say it anyways! Welcome to the forum~ :3
  7. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    i joined here not so long ago~
    but i hope you enjoy your stay at the forumz here~~ ^w^

    LMAO. Sora fan-girl~
    i've seen Roxas and Riku fan-girlz,
    but i haven't met a Sora one~
  8. Paranoia God

    Paranoia God Fuck off

    Welcome to the forums~ I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun! ^^ I'm new here as well~ x3
  9. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Before you are officially old enough to play it... *thinks about it* -.- but it is rated E for everyone so... *facepalms* meh. *Takes Requeim's spotlight as a moogle* I am Brandon! ^_^ I JUST LIKE YOUR AVATAR! A STICK! No one has that one before around here! But yea... stick... you can be random here if you want. Randomness is cool.... except evil, emo, demons, nasty chocolate, nastiness, the color charcoal... rabies, yelling, disorders, meanies, and being Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs... I wonder if I said them all. OH! And being Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs! XD But have fun!!
  10. aliera

    aliera New Member

    aww thank you all! nice to know that there are people around who care to be active! @Khroma : you never met a Sora fangirl? o_o well lucky me, less competition! :D
  11. Light&dark

    Light&dark Salute 2 dem hatas moffo!

    *Walks In on everyone's conversation* You've just met another Sora fangirl, Guess what?! Now you have competition and Im not easy to beat >_> XD everyone Is so random... I LOVE IT, Hm lets see welcome to the forums I hope you like It here and don't be a stranger *Pokes your head* Poke poke poke! Lol anyway stop by my profile sometime! ^.^ Master Summoner your freaking me out alittle and now I shall go now, See you later Aliera and like I said before Im not easy to beat so prepare yourself! Lol

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