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Angel Beats! The New Battlefront! (OOC+SU)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by ADogX, Aug 27, 2011.

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  1. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    Angel Beats! The New Battlefront!

    Welcome to the New Battlefront. You are a teen who has not fully passed on after death. You live in the Afterlife, fighting God so you are not obliterated or turned into an NPC, losing your soul. You are trying to find a purpose in the Afterlife, and fighting is the only way. You, and other New Battlefront members, are in a school, attending classes with NPC students and teachers. If you are not careful, if you become a model student, you will be obliterated. You must fight with your teammates in order to defeat God, and to pass on to Rest in Piece. And be warned, a woman named Angel will try to stop you as well. Your group meets in the Principal's Office, along with a workshop known as The Guild, for weapon construction such as Katanas and Guns. Don't worry, you can't die, no matter what happens to you.

    All standard RP Rules apply
    No Machine Gun posting
    3+ lines
    God-Modding is not an issue in this RP. You cannot die. You can only be obliterated or become an NPC.

    Characters Needed:

    Battlefront Leader: Youhei Sunohara (ADogX)
    Second in Command (For more advanced RPers):
    Guild Leader: Itsuki Narita (8-Bit)
    NPC Teacher 1:
    NPC Teacher 2:
    NPC Students: (open to all. No Template needed)


    Status (NPC, Member, etc):
    Weapon (Any sword or gun):
    Specializes in (stradegy, close combat, etc):
    History Before Death (Good or Bad):

    Name: Youhei Sunohara
    Age: 17
    Status: Battlefront Leader
    Weapon: Murumasa Katana
    Specializes In: Samurai Sword fighting
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Bio: Sunohara is a nice person and protects his comrades. He's a born leader and always acts calm. He makes sure his missions are done correctly, yet he rarely sets out on missions at all. He spends his time in the meeting room (The Principal's Office).
    History Before Death: Sunohara was an ordinary high school senior. He got along with everyone and was an A-B student. There was someone he loved that he was nervous to say so to. Then one day, he was in a car accident and was hit by a truck. His whole body was crushed. He now leads the New Battlefront in the fight against God and Angel.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2011
  2. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Name: Itsuki Narita
    Age: 16
    Status : Guild Leader
    Weapon :http://www.coolgadgetconcept.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/coolest-handgun.jpg (Has Two of these)
    Specializes in : He's very well rounded in terms of strategy and tends to match the best strategy to the situation. He's a skilled marksman and swordsman so fighting isn't a new thing to him.
    Appearance: http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/...33fb629f637fa36fe5d4a831d81278650480_full.jpg
    Bio: He is a usually very calm and thinks more than talks but is kind hearted and has and has a strong sense of justice.
    History Before Death (Good or Bad): He grew up to be a rebelious teenager who went to late partys and spent most of his free time at a shooting range or fighting a gang leader or two. One day he was gunned down by a gang whom he had tangled with before.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2011
  3. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    It's good, but I want to save SiC for more advanced RPers
  4. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Then you should of said that before I made my template.
  5. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    there I fixed it
  6. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Okay edited it !
  7. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    ok accepted
  8. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    So how many people do we need before we start this ?
  9. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    until the roster is filled (can't edit due to Character Limit on PS3)
  10. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Name: Teru
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Status Second in Command (If available: if not Member)
    Weapon: Broadsword
    Specializes in: Strategy and also in close combat.
    Appearence: Tall with black hair that covers his blue eyes. he doesn't smile too often though he has a good sense of humor. He wears a white cloak.
    Bio: He is loyal to his commrads and will not hesitate to save anyone who is in need. even if it means sacrificing himself.
    History Before Death: He was a military strategist for the United States. He was killed in battle while trying to save his best friend who had broken his leg during a retreat. His friend managed to survive. Teru has no regrets over his actions that led to his death.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2011
  11. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    The only thing I see wrong is the Angel Wings. Unless he was for the Angel slot, wings should be restricted.
  12. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    Alright so then you want them gone? I can edit.
  13. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    ok then. Oh and add the Gender. I forgot that in the Template =/ anyway, accepted then
  14. TheKnightofAwesome

    TheKnightofAwesome /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

    alright It's been edited.
  15. 8-Bit

    8-Bit New Member

    Name: Hideki Kasai
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Status: Member, Leader of Diversion Squad
    Personality: He's usually a really goofy and kick back guy but will get really serious when it comes to missions and diversions. He will hit you with his guitar if you actually do manage to get him angry, which takes lots of time and effort.
    Specializes in: Hand to hand combat, guns and shooting.
    Bio: He's the leader of the diversion squad of the new battlefront as the vocals and guitarist. He generally takes almost every single mission that the battlefront carries out. He has little to no memory of his past and doesn't really care.
    History Before Death: His parents divorced when he was three so he never really knew his father, however it soon came back to haunt him when *his dad came and murdered his mother. Hideki tried to stop him but got stabbed in the stomach trying, which ultimately lead to his death.
  16. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    seems I forgot about the Diversion Squad. Accepted. We still need more members
  17. Key King

    Key King Member

    Name: Andy Montalvo
    Gender: male
    Personality: He is usually angry about something, but when he calms down he's a nice guy.
    Status (NPC, Member, etc):Member
    Weapon (Any sword or gun): Google Images and this Google Images
    Specializes in (strategy, close combat, etc): sniping, swordfighting, and computers
    Appearence:Google Images
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  18. ADogX

    ADogX R.I.P. Captain Unohana

    few things. The Diversion Squad is a rock band. They play music for the NPCs and to lure Angel. Reasons why are depending on the mission. Add his gender as well. I forgot that in the template
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