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Discussion in 'General' started by Kitty, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    How many of you out there in KHP Land are happy with your appearances? What parts of your body are you happy with? Which do you wish you could change? Or is there nothing you would change, even if you may not look the way society may pressure you to look? What about surgery- is that something you'd consider? Discuss anything related to body image/self-esteem here.


    I guess I can start it off, and maybe some others will join in? (Honestly, I don't even feel like I know what's interesting to post about anymore, I'm so out of the loop XD).

    I'm definitely not in love with my appearance, but I don't hate it, either. Some things I like: my hair, which is really thick and dark and grows really fast, and I've always just really loved it, despite the fact that it's not red like my favorite childhood heroines'; my eyes, which are hazel but look more and more green every day for some reason; and my shoulders, which are really freckly and I like freckles.

    Some things I dislike: my teeth, which I don't think have ever been straight, and I'm trying to save up for a trip to the orthodontist; my nails, which never really seem to grow and when they do I just end up biting them; and like a lot of women, my weight, which I can't ever seem to get where I want it to be.

    I think my body image is pretty realistic- I think when I look in the mirror I see what everyone else sees when they look at me. And I don't think there's anything I would ever want to change surgically.

    I don't know, I might come up with more to talk about later. Anyone out there want to share?
  2. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    I can relate to this post. For a while, I've been battling with appearance issues that I have with myself. And the saying is true, yourself is the worst critic ever.

    We lived in a society that likes to use sex and hot bodies to help sell a product or have good looking people on TV and in the movies. Hollywood likes to portray something that we are all not. I mean I don't think we would have a problem looking like Chris Hemsworth or Megan Fox, but what make us so unique is that we don't look alike (beside twins).

    In the Gay World, appearance is EVERYTHING. You have your own categories based on your appearance, such as Twink (skin and bones), otters (Hairy skinny people), Bears, etc. So it is much more harder because some gays are materialistic and only like the outer shell.

    We won't have that ideal body but we can do stuff to help ourselves to become healthier. I'm not happy with the way I look but that doesn't stop me from going to the gym, picking out the right outfits. And what I don't make up with looks, I make it up with my amazing personality. And I think the issue is that we don't get the self-love we deserve.

    So everyone is beautiful. You look in a mirror and what you see is this pretty soul, who loves and feel the same way as everyone else. You are unique and you are you. Nothing can change that.
  3. Ovum

    Ovum ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

    My skin. I've struggled with it for eight years and it has yet to get better. It's extremely frustrating considering I've tried everything and there's nothing I can do to stop it from breaking out. It's so difficult living in a world in which clear skin is everything, yet I'm one of the unfortunate people who just can't have it no matter what I do. I always have to remind myself that it could be worse, though. There's people out there who have issues far worse than my own.
  4. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Well, I'm not going to lie, I would like some things to change. Honestly, the main things I dislike about my appearance is mostly, despite a somewhat friendly demeanor I put on at times, most people tend not to want to approach me because I'm almost 6 ft even and built like a brick wall. It tends to be off-putting to many of my friends whom may be the same height, yet I dwarf in sheer size alone. Another would probably be my weight. I know most guys won't admit it, but I am a heavier guy, and I honestly hate it. The comments, the laughs... Hell even just buying clothes is a nightmare for someone of my build.

    I guess I'd have to say that two things I really like about my appearance would be my hair. I have thick, brown, curly hair, but it's not to the point where it's almost an afro. It's more like loose curls, and it fits nicely. My second is my eye color and stuff like that. My eyes have always been an ice blue, almost like a neon. I guess it comes down to what everyone sees as their flaws though. It is more about what you want to like, and what you are willing to put forward with your personality.
  5. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well with size, mostly large sizes, if you buy shirts with vertical lines, it creates an illusion that you are slimmer. Give it a try. For girls, buying clothes with scatter patterns will make others think they are slimmer as well. Big guys should go for plaid, vertical lines, and avoid bright colors, such as yellow.

    I know this, because I am a big guy as well, but I've been doing cardio, so it has been helping with weight loss.
  6. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    See, the problem I had Yukie, is that I went to the gym for three straight months, 3 times a week, doing mostly cardio and core. It didn't do anything for me. Be doing a mile or two a day, and I didn't drop more than a few pounds here and there. It kept shifting. It was actually frustrating enough that I quit the gym. I generally wear button ups and dress shirts, alongside jeans. It has generally worked for me.
  7. Ovum

    Ovum ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

    How was your diet as you were doing that? The biggest factor that goes into losing weight is what/how much you're eating. I guess that's another conversation, though.

    I forgot that another thing I don't like is my resting bitchface. Sometimes people think I'm mad when really I'm just peachy.
  8. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Funny thing is i lost a lot of weight in highschool playing Dance Dance Revolution. i used it as cardio and before i knew it i had fixed my shape without even realizing it. But when i went to college....that Mcdonalds Dollar menu shut all that up....

    Now i just have a hard time going to the Gym because i feel like i'm being judged by everyone.

    as for my appearance there are a lot of things i don't like about myself. i'm not as tall as i wish i was, im self conscious of my feet, because of the scar's on my upper thighs and knee i dont like to wear Shorts. idk i'm a wreck lol
  9. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    As for my diet, I'd be eating generally very little. Since I work in fast food it'd be maybe a sandwich from work when I got there, and a sandwich or can of soup or something when I got home. Never really more than two meals a day for a while.

    And I have to agree on the face thing. Most of my friends think I'm constantly pissed when I'm just fine lol.
  10. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well generally speaking, if you go to the gym and continue to the same routine, over and over again, your body is getting used to the workout and you aren't challenging yourself. So switch it up, have days, where you strictly work on cardio, then the next add abs, then next do legs and arms, and don't forget to rest!

    As for the judgement at the gym, it is going to happen. What I tell myself is that at least I make an effort to come and work out. At least I am here, so you going to have to deal with all my glory.

    Ive suffer from a skin condition call psoarsis, and it is chronic and perm. It appears as blotchy patches of dried dead skins and sometimes I flare up and it is red and very noticeable. And it didn't really hit me, until I was at the gym, (LOL) and the director of the gym approach me and asked me if I had MRSA (contagious disease) or open sores. I was so embarrassed that I kinda almost gave up on life and cried to sleep.

    But then I realized something, who cares. What I have, others have it and go through the same judgement and stares. At first, it is hard to cope with a chronic disease, but it doesn't define who you are. Im sure all of us have friends. And our friends got to know us. And that it is what this is all about, define yourself they way you want to be define.

    And as for the diet, just eat, dont starve yourself, but eat right. If you are going to eat greasy, balance that with something green. No SODA! Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated.

    If you burn at least 400-600 calories a day, per week, You'll lose an average of 2-3 pounds.
  11. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    This, especially the NO SODA bit. I've lost quite a bit of weight over the last year and a half to two years, and cutting the soda out and replacing it with water helped a lot. Really, any kind of sugary drink needs to go- down south here, that usually means a lot of sweet tea, though my vice has always been Pepsi/Coke. And I still relapse now and again, but I try to be aware of it and cut back on something else whenever I can't resist.

    And the other main thing to watch, which is especially trying for me, is carbs. I've been getting sort of lazy about avoiding them lately, which I think is the main reason why I haven't managed to lose these last few pounds.

    I reckon most people are self-involved and not actually paying attention to anyone else, but I'm at the gym every day and I always notice the men staring in the mirror, at themselves or the other guys around. And even though I'd expect the opposite, I never feel like any of the other women there are paying me any attention. Kinda weird.
  12. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well lol there are alot of a gay thoughts going through a guys mind.

    1. they are competing with one another, testosterone thing. Like who can bench more bro?
    2. they are checking each other out, either it is admiring the muscle or something dirty.

    No one really judges anymore in the gym. But a side note, we should never, ever, fat shame, slut shame, or body shame each other.
  13. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Too bad that's all people seem to do. Sometimes I think people are wired to take pride in themselves by bringing down other people, whether or not they actually speak the words aloud. Probably everyone's guilty of it at some point or another.

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