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Aqua009's art ~Enjoy!

Discussion in 'Traditional Art' started by Aqua Fresh, May 23, 2010.

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  1. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Hey guys! This is a few drawings I did. :)

    Attached Files:

  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Those are pretty!

    The first one is a bit of an odd pose- it looks (to me anyway) like her head might be turned a little too far. Other than that, I think they all look great. The rose is very detailed, and I think the headshot looks pretty realistic.

    Seeing other people's art makes me wish I had talent, lol.
  3. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Thank you Toph.
    I just finished another picture!
    One, I wasn't done with.
    But the second, I was done. :)

    Attached Files:

  4. VentusSearcher

    VentusSearcher Steam is the only way....

    Really cool. I like your 2nd post pics.
  5. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Thanks. :)
    I'm woring on drawing a kawaii school girl with
    short hair! :)
  6. Falling-Ven

    Falling-Ven New Member

    dang aqua these are really good :D keep up with the great work!!!
  7. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Really nice work, Wish I could draw like you :)
  8. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    Thank you all.
    You can also ask me to draw any other anime if you would like! ^^
  9. Zero

    Zero ♫♪♫Dear☺God♫♪♫

    Your welcome ^_^ and it's up to you what you want to do I'm just here to say stuff about your amazing work.... :D Can't wait for more.
  10. Aqua Fresh

    Aqua Fresh Anita ✿◠‿◠

    I'll mix this up with some origami!!
  11. OrgMachinimation

    OrgMachinimation New Member

    My goodness. Your work is quite beautiful. Exquisite, really.
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