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Arabian Nights

Discussion in 'Canon Roleplays (IC)' started by Oath, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Arabian Nights
    Click here for OOC

    A Hope and OathkeeperXIII creation. Inspired by Disney's Aladdin.
    Written by:
    Sho Minamimoto
    Desert Warrior
    Abyssal Knight

    Any person who becomes inactive in this RP will be removed from this list and t heir characters killed off. I'm not kidding you guys. That's one thing I will strongly enforce. This is an RP so don't be a wishy washy or a crybaby. You took the time to write a profile, now stick to your guns. ;)

    Enough boring shiz lets light this candle:

    On a world made of sand and flesh, there is a civilization bound together by magic and heart. Their deity is the world itself that once took flesh in the form of a goddess they call Vasalla. But there is a truth beyond the truth. A darkness rises that will soon shed light upon this civilization through a princess, a dark sorcerer, a diamond in the rough, a street rat, an all powerful servant, and a band of murderers in the desert, a new age is about to dawn on Agaraba.

    Somewhere in the desert of Agaraba a young boy walked, looking very frustrated. "We almost had it." he fumed. The bird perched on his shoulder cocked its head slightly and fluttered it's wings "You need to find a different approach. The nomads could have killed you this time. They know you aren't one of the chosen so even if you had managed to enter the cave, you wouldn't have made it two steps. Minamimoto's guard dogs would have seen to that." it stated in a very humanlike voice.
    Jadeyn shook his head "Inchenzo we don't have long enough! Once Azura the annoying shrew finds a husband she will inherit the throne and our window of opportunity will be gone. The genies magic is the only way I can change the cosmic order of this world, free these people from the false deity by force."
    "And kill the living magic inside the world that binds them to the royal family. I know." Inchenzo interrupted. "And without doing all this, you cant take control of this world and give their souls to me to pay your debt. Don't forget, you aren't the only one that has things they want on the line. I am just as concerned as you. But running in blindly and getting you murdered is counterproductive. We must find a new way around. A way to get the lamp out without us going in to get it."
    "Perhaps find one of these 'chosen' to deliver it?" Jadeyn suggested.
    Inchenzo nodded with a twitch of his head "That could work." he agreed. "First we must find out who that is though."
    Jadeyn nodded in agreement "That is our task for today it seems." he said before drawing a circle in the sand in front of him. He stepped into circle and clapped his hands. In a flash of light the sand cascaded far above his hand in a twirling storm. When it was cleared, the boy and his companion were gone. ​
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Hey Sho, what happened?" A nomad yelled out as he sat on the ground, wrapping his weapons with cloth. "I get back from my patrol of our next area and I get told that somebody was close to finding the cave." As soon as he finished wrapping his weapons, which prevented people from knowing what they were, he opened up a sack and examined the contents inside. Seeing that the random assortment of objects would suffice, the nomad stood up and strapped the weapons to his body and slung the sack over his shoulder. "Anyways, I'm heading to the city now. If you think you want something while I'm there, send a hawk. I should be back by tomorrow or the next day. I'll be sure to write if I see anything interesting." The nomad then jumped up onto a camel and rode of into the desert, towards Agrabah.


    "My apologies bread merchant, but your unwitting donation will help feed a hungry young man today." A street rat muttered under his breath as he planned out a way to grab his next meal. "And my apologies to you as well, horse that shall assist me." The street rat scanned the street, seeing the mass of people walking alongside each other.

    The plan was simple. There was a path of hot coals nearby that a street performer was walking across as people watched. One of these hot coals were to come in contact with the horse. The pain from the burn would set the horse into a panic and hopefully run into the bread merchant's stand. With all the confusion and the goods scattered about, the hungry man could run by and grab a loaf of bread and escape before anybody could stop him.

    Wrapping his hand with scrapped cloth he had sewn together, the street rat grabbed one of the hot coals and tossed it at the horse before the cloth was burnt through. The horse shrieked in pain as the unfortunate rider was thrown off of the horse. The horse charged right through the bread merchant's stand, completely destroying it. The goods were scattered about as the merchant had dived away to avoid being trampled by the horse. Not wasting any time the street rat quickly grabbed a loaf of bread off the ground and ran off.

    "Thief! Stop! Guards! Somebody!" The unfortunate merchant yelled as the street rat ran off with his prize.

    After running a fair enough distance where the guards wouldn't be able to catch up, the street rat entered an abandoned building and cooled off in the shade of the room as he caught his breath. "I'd rather not make such a scene. But since Kaiden wasn't around I couldn't exactly trick the merchant and just take something. When I find Kaiden I'm gonna have to be sure to bring this up." The street rat took a bite out of the loaf of bread, his hunger demanding immediate consumption of the prize.
  3. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Sho sat on his makeshift throne when he heard the nomad tell him he was going to the city. He laughed and smirked, "Don't get yourself killed boy, can't be losing anyone with that demon lurking around." He grabbed a parchment and wrote down a few things including weapons and, if possible, some fruit. He tied the mesage to his personal hawk and sent it after the nomad. "Celene! Come here would you? I need your wisdom."
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    A girl rose her head from only a short distance away "I am here, Sho." she answered from a place she was sitting by the entrance of the cave. She stood and walked to the nomad leader's side with her usual grace. "What can I help you with?"
    Menwhile back in the palace a young girl stormed from her father's quarter and into the halls. "Azura you come back here this instant young lady!" she heard her father call over the rather loud complaints of her most recent suitor. She had only seconds ago splashed water all over him from a nearby flower pot. She ignored her fathers call and simply kept walking, furious. That man was horrrible and she couldn't stand being in a room with him for even two seconds let alone marry him. She slowed her stride only barely as she started nearing the door to her own bedroom. She entered and closed the large double doors behind her. She stood there in her doorway with her arms crossed, fuming for a moment. Then she calmed herself and walked to her window, opening the doors and walking out onto the balcany, looking out at the city that she to one day soon rule but had never walked through the streets of. She took a deep breath, stepping up onto the ledge of the balcany and sitting on the edge, letting her feet dangle over the ground stories benieth her. She had a lot on her mind.
  5. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    *hope's with me. I'm not powerplaying. We just thought this faster than signing in and out of both of our accounts.

    "Watch out!" someone suddenly screamed behind Azura. She felt a pair of hands grab her from behind, causing her to jump and nearly fall off the ledge. The girl screamed and whirrled around to come face to face with Jadeyn.

    The boy stepped back away from the annoyed looking princess, laughing. Inchenzo, the bird, flew up from over the edge of the balcany and landed on his outstretched arm. "You should be more careful Princess." he teased.

    Azura frowned but turned her attention back to the desert, "Hasn't anyone told you it's inapropriate to enter a girls room without invitation." she rolled her eyes.

    Jadeyn shrugged "Maybe. But I couldn't go anywhere else without hearing all the gossip of the trouble you started with your most recent victim." he snapped back "Even the maids in my room were talking about it. Really Azura? A flower pot? Aren't princesses supposed to have a little more... I dont know... class, than that?"

    "He was asking for it." Azura simply remarked.

    "Yes? And what did the poor man do? Insult your irrelivant servant friend?"

    "Its not your business! Dont you have anything better to do?" she snapped.

    "As a matter of fact, I do..." Jadeyn said with a sly smile but his hand moved to Azura's face. Ignoring her protest he reached to a trinket that she had on a chain around her neck. "...Where did you get this?" he asked, looking at the small blue gemstone.

    "It was my mothers." she answered, confused. "Why?"

    "Because I need to borrow it." he said suddenly, grabbig the gem and then allowing himself to fall off the edge of the balcany. "Thanks Azura nice chatting with you." he said before he fell.

    "Dont!" Azura called after him but when she looked over the edge, he was gone. Now in a worse mood than before, Azura closed her eyes tightly against the intense sunlight and pushed her hair out of her face for a moment. "Is everything alright, Princess?" she heard someone say. She opened her eyes to see a few castle guards who had come busting into her room at the sound of her shout earlier. "Yes I'm fine." she said, thinking to herself that it was a little annoying to have people so near to her at all times. 'such a big house, such little privacy.' she thought to herself.

    Jayden was already halfway down the spiraling stairway to the dungeons where he did most of his work. He was absent mindedly tossing the gemstone from hand to hand as he walked. "She looked nice today." he commented.

    "Yes. Too bad she'll be dead along with her father soon now can you focus." Inchenzo answered. "The gem. You sure you got the right one?"

    "Of course I did!" Jadeyn snapped "She said it was her mothers. It must have been handed down through the generations so it has it's memories." he answered "It will be perfect for my spell now calm down." he ordered. The deamon was silent.
  6. Noir


    A boy walked through his home. He had a katana in his hand(s). He looked around for some enemies in the desert.
    "Boring, isn't it?" He said. He walked in the peaceful and quiet streets. But the wind stopped for a while.

    "It's getting hotter.. I must hurry." He said as he walked out the streets, and a Nasod passed.
    The boy's name was Aero. He began to look at the Nasod. They face to faced.

    "I thought I was alone. Hello, you there. What are you looking at?" Aero sheathed his katana slowly, but the Nasod ignored. The Nomad leaved with anger. Aero shrugged. He turned around looking for something to do.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2012
  7. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    A young girl stood in the throne room. Attending to cleaning to help around the castle as another young girl, a princess, her best friend as well, came in for a meeting with her father and a possible suitor. She worked absent mindly when she continued scrub the floor. She moved some as the bucket of water spilt.

    "Watch it you damn servant! I'm shocked you have poor servants in this palace!"

    "My deepest appologies, sir... I wasn't watching." The young girl stood up quickly and attending to him to make sure he wasn't wet. He wasn't but continued to insult her. From there everything fell apart.

    The young girl. a servant of the castle, Huda. The daughter of one of the king's best guards and a the royal seamstress. She worked as the princess's personal servant, at least so the title is. To each other, and disliked by almost everybody else in the castle, the two were best friends.

    It had to be a good hour since the incident. She sighed as she came to the door to her room and stopped looking across the hall at double doors much more elegant than her room door. The princess's room. She walked over to the door. Usually after suitors have come the princess always wanted left alone, but this time Huda felt bad. A potential husband was ruined by her own faults.

    She raised her hand and knocked on the door.

    "Princess Azura? Are you in there?" Huda called out quietly but loud enough to be heard on the other side of the door.
  8. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Azura had sent the guards away and it was as she was closing the door that she saw her appearence in the large mirror across the room from her. Her hair was wild across her back and face and wet in some places from water that splashed off of her potential fiance and from the put she threw at him. Her face was blushed red slightly from the day's heat and her anger. She sighed and picked up a brush and was attending to herself, knowing she'd get into more trouble than she already was in if she looked like that when her father next saw her. She was just finishing fixing herself back into the princess she was supposed to look like when she heard a soft tap at her door.

    'Damn.' she thought to herself irritably. 'He's here already." she was relieved when she heard a female voice call in. Especially seeing as it was the voice of her friend, Huda. She knew the girl must feel aweful for the situation. She stood imediately and walked to the door, opening it for Huda to enter. "Hi Huda." she said with a sheepish smile "I'm sorry if my actions earlier got you into trouble." she said imediately at seeing her.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Do you mean nomad? If so, there aren't any in the city right now.<

    "Calling me a boy, even though he's a bit younger than me. Sho sure has an ego." Gerik thought to himself as he rode off, hearing Sho's last words to him. Gerik assumed Sho was talking about the so called 'Demon of the Sand' that had been gathering a somewhat infamous streak with the nomads. Gerik had yet to meet this individual, so there was no concern about a possibility of being attacked while in Agrabah.

    Sho's hawk soon caught up with Gerik and flew alongside the nomad until he held out his arm for the bird to perch. "That was awfully fast wasn't it? I haven't even made it and he already thinks of something." Gerik grabbed the parchment off of the hawk's leg and quickly read what Sho wrote. "Let's see... The food should be easy enough. But smuggling weapons out will take a bit of time. I'd rather not arouse suspicion with the people there." The hawk slowly moved until it was perched to Gerik's shoulder as he silently rode the rest of the way to Agrabah.

    Within an hour or two the city walls of Agrabah appeared in front of Gerik. Instead of heading straight towards the city, Gerik directed the camel around the city a bit. This lead him towards the main gate where travelers would enter. The entrance was set up here because the nomads have never been spotted in this direction. Gerik had made sure to orient himself with the main gate before guards could see him, making him appear as another simple traveler. He sent the hawk off towards the messenger tower to wait until Gerik felt he needed to send Sho a message.

    Arriving at the gate, Gerik left his camel in a stable right outside the walls and entered the city. His weapons were still wrapped up and he carried the sack over his shoulder. "I wonder what encounters I will have today." The nomad thought as he began his walk through the city.
  10. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Sho chuckled and gazed into Celene's eyes, "Nomads have been dropping off the face of this world quickly and to my dismay, much to easily." He frowned, and made a face like he was thinking about something before continuing, "I have a feeling this "Demon of the Sand" I've been hearing about is the cause of these deaths. But I think he may not just be doing this for fun.... I believe our resident Demon is searching for the Cave... Or more specifically... The lamp. Now I can't say for sure the lamp actually exists... but if it does..." Sho stood up, his frame much larger than that of Celene, and quickly chucked a blade at a wooden pole, shedding a bit of hair off a now frightened Nomad. "Celene, where will the Cave be next? We must move swiftly, upon Gerik's return inform him of my orders. We are not to be separated. All the Nomads will stay together if we want to protect the Cave from this one..."
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2012
  11. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    "Inchenzo I require human assistance for this spell. Morph." Jayden was saying as he poured odd looking blue sand from a bowl onto the ground in a circular shape.

    The deamon did as he was asked. First causing his own death then awakening in a new form. Inchenzo, now in the form of a young man (though older than Jadeyn) then set to work helping Jadeyn. It didn't take long at all until they were ready. In the center of the circle he placed the gemstone that he had previously taken from Azura. With a snap of his fingers and a few words spoken fom Jadeyn in a language that sounded much like a cassete tape played backwards, the sand was set on fire... though the fire was black in color it slowly faded to white and then disappeared and in it's place was images that flickered before his eyes hovering over the gemstone. It showed the city of Agaraba and moved through the city showing people. First it sped through the streets, into the palace and showed the face of Azura speaking with her friend Huda in her room. Though it didn't linger there long before the image rushed to her bedroom window, over the balcany and back into the streets where it then showed a young man on the streets eating bread. It only paused on this boy breifly before it moved on to a different young, poor looking boy (legendseeker hasn't posted yet so I cant say what he's doing xD) and lastly to near the edge of the city. The last image he saw was a face that looked somewhat familiar to Jadeyn. He assumed it was because of one of his many run-in's with the desert people. Though not to many, Jadeyn could tell the man was obviously a nomad. Why the magic had shown Jayden this man, he wasn't sure at first. He had asked it to show those in the city that would proove useful to him for his goals. Then he understood. As quickly as it came, the image was extinguished. The sand was gone and all that remained was the unharmed gemstone that he had taken from Azura.

    "A princess, two theives, and a murderer." he puzzled as he picked up the stone and stood up. "One to bring them together, the two who can enter the cave, and the one who knows where it is."
  12. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    "Amah, Amah" a voice said softly tugging at the girl. Slowly, Amah lifts her head off the table with a slight drool. "You fell asleep studying again. You must continue!" Amah rubs her eyes adjusting herself to the arbitrary rays of sunlight. "Yes madam". The mistress leaves. The child extends her arms and stretches as far as she could. Then she examines the petite and cluttered room. Shelves and crates filled with manuscripts, scrolls, and books. A bed rarely occupied. Her table with a majestic scented candle. "I'll go get some fresh air really quick" she thought standing and placing her hand on the dirt colored, ductile clay wall. With an effort and some force, the wall budged revealing a small tunnel able to fit a small child. (Outside), the breeze brushes against Amah's skin as though feathers have swept against her. She takes a deep breath. "I wish I could live here! I mean really live!" She walks cautiously into the quiet allies hoping not to be spotted.
  13. Abyssal Knight

    Abyssal Knight I step back into the light of...

    A light breeze blew through the young thief's hair as the thief sat on a rooftop the overlooked half of Agraba. The young only smirked at the beauty of Agraba in the day. "What a wonderful job I work" The thief said as she stood up on the ledge. The young thief looked upon Agraba's vendors and salesmen and smiled. "Looks like I have a lot to do" She said as she dived off the top of the building, then grabbing onto a ledge before falling to the ground. Hanging from the ledge she flipped and landed two feet on ledge with her hands in the air as if she were and acrobat completing a daring jump. She the turned around and took a quick glimpse of Agraba again and said to her " I am the greatest thief of Agraba.". Asaya then smiled and bowed, then flipped off the ledge of the building and landed two feet onto the ground. People stopped and gazed in amazement of what the young thief had just done. Asaya turned around to see people smiling and clapping at her. Asaya bowed and smiled at the crowd and then ran off into a dark alleyway.
  14. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    The sun beamed down. It was yet another scorching day, Minato raised the hood over his head to block out the sun. Minato stood upon a rooftop overlooking The area near a back alley. His clothes fluttering about in the wind. His mind clouded. Yet his face remained stern. He saw a young girl on the roof opposite to him she was doing some sort of acrobatics. "Why...is she.." He only shook his head and wondered why she was drawing so much attention to herself.

    When she was done the crowd applauded her as if they had seen a circus performer or one of the sultans jesters. Minato slouched down with one leg leaning off the ledge of the roof. " Honestly...people"
  15. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    "Appologizing to me? Please, if anybody should be appologizing it should be me! I wasn't being careful and I ruined another possible husband for you. I'm sure your father will be mad at you and then the news traveling through the palace. It's all my fault. Not yours." Huda rambled on before sighing.

    "I'm really, really sorry, Azura." She sincerely apologized. "Has your father been here yet?"
  16. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    For a brief moment Gerik felt as though he was being watched by something. Before he could really do anything to hide his face the feeling left. "Hmm... I wonder what would have caused that feeling just now. I'll be sure to stay alert in case something like that happens again." Gerik continued to wander the streets, looking at the citizens go about their lives.

    Arriving near the palace, Gerik witnessed a group of people leaving. He could tell that most of these people were servants to the wealthy man who coincidentally was soaking wet. "And that wench has the gall to insult me like that. Mark my words, that princess will never be married as she is now." The people on the streets cleared out of the way of the princess' latest rejection as he stormed off angrily, his servants hurrying after him.

    "I see... So the princess still hasn't chosen a husband yet. Well, I did toss some stuff in this bag that would let me pass off as royalty or something. Maybe I should act like one of her marriage candidates and get a good look at what is going on inside the palace. Sounds like a better option than to sneak inside and risk being caught." Gerik turned and walked down one of the side streets, away from the crowds. Out of the corner of his eye Gerik saw a young man exit a building and run off. Unfortunately Gerik wasn't paying any attention to the young man whatsoever, so he did not notice anything that would reveal the young man as one who was chosen to enter the Cave of Wonders.

    As he continued to walk through some of the quieter areas of Agrabah, Gerik saw a young girl who was alone. She had a bit of dirt on her clothes, as though she had been rolling around on the ground recently. Gerik approached the young girl and crouched down to her eye level when he was in front of her. "Hello child. Where are your parents? Are you lost right now?"


    Aaron left the building he was hiding in after he finished eating the stolen bread. As soon as he exited the building he passed an odd sort of man. This individual had two objects wrapped up in cloth and a sack that he was carrying over his shoulder. Aaron figured this man was a merchant and walked in the opposite direction. He saw the wealth noble and his servants leaving the city and questioned the people around him as to who they were. "So Princess Azura rejected another man? Wow. She must have incredibly high standards if no man has sufficed so far."
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Azura blushed, remembering her actions but she couldn't help but to laugh. "Senator Ale was far too dull, greedy, and high tempered to be a good husband. You ruined no chances of a husband. Only angered a mongrel. And when a dog misbehaves its only natural to punish it, least it grows up to think misbehaving is ok. You did me a favor." she said simply, chuckling. "Did you see his face when I threw the water?"
    At Huda's question about her father, Azura sobered. "No he hasn't. But he is angry. I'm sure He will come sometime today."

    "the cave will open next near the oasis farthest from the city. It will be a long journey and it will not be there long." Celene explained. "only two weeks." it will close here two days before it will open elsewhere. To make it on time, we mustn't wait even a moment after it closes here."
  18. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Huda laughed.

    "Yes, I will admit, it was very entertaining to see his reaction to the water." Huda said giggling along with the princess. "Dogs never like getting wet, plus its unleashing to smell them afterwards."

    "Perhaps I can try to get your punishment, or convince your father, or I suppose I can help you sneak away again." Huda said thinking of a way to help her friend out.
  19. Taboo Sho

    Taboo Sho The Math Emperor Staff Member Moderator Content Writer

    Sho frowned and whistled, he sighed as a hawk flew down towards him and perched on his shoulder. He pulled out a pen and wrote Gerik, return to the encampment as soon as possible. The nomads will be moving very soon, and I need you here. Don't squander with your time, get what we need and get back here. And please, avoid conflict if possible. -Sho

    "Go to Agrabah, find Gerik and watch the skies for me my pet." He pointed in Gerik's direction and the hawk flew off.
  20. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Azura shook her head "You don't deserve punishment, Huda. It's why I threw my temper in the first place. I'm not about to let you take mine. To try to convince my father would only bring more trouble." she added...
    The two of them heard footsteps in the hall them toward Azuras room. The sound was gradually getting louder as Azura commented "I fear the stench of the dog is apon us." though she said it to continue their jokes on the horrible man, Azura was serious in her statement. She had misbehaved and was resolved to face whatever consequence her father had to offer.

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