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Arc Rise Fantasia

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Turn based RPG's... Mmmm good. Right? Well.... yes so long as you can manage to keep a game's battle system up to speed. While there are a number of things done right, there is one big... And do I mean BIG thing they did bad. I mean it was just awful. Obviously, games these days have an insane number of voice actors jumping into a game, and most are actually pretty decent. But here... well let me get to that in a moment. Lets start with the real question here.

    Is the game good? Yes. In fact i really enjoyed the game and its unique qualities. There is honestly a lot to like about this game. The character models are very nice. They made a big emphasis on making the women either cute and badass or sexy and intelligent. Which is of course a good thing here. And the guys are mostly (the central characters anyway) are dashing and typical fangirl material. I particularly liked Cecille, because she was a hand to hand fighter. And as an added plus, she's a Lolita! Hand to hand fighter! Now that is creative thinking. I never saw that coming. And for the guys I liked Leon. Hes a badass swordsman with all the chivalry and honor at heart to match a knight of Camelot.

    The graphics were above average, but for today's standards they dont stand out much. While enviroments are colorful and in some cases very imaginitive, little things like small plants and tiny objects look a little odd. Vistas were however breathtaking and felt expansive. While you're made a giant on the world map, there's still a feeling of trekking a large scale game world. Dont be foold by how far you travel so fast. Believe me there are secrets galore on this world map and its several continents.

    Now to the gameplay. The battle system is familiar to many turn based games, but this works as a combination of Turn based battle, with real time strategy games for one reason only. An AP bar. Every action taken by any character will consume a specific number of AP. This adds a bit more strategy and planning to an otherwise steryotypical JRPG. And what makes it important is the fact that you can have as many characters as you want in the party perform any number of actions as long az you have the appropriate AP. I liked this fact because in the same turn you can ressurect a fallen ally, then use the same character to use anofher item to heal more of that characters hp. Preventing an annoying cheap kill. Along with this plus is the chances of team attacks against single enemies. This uses no extra turns or commands, and that made me very happy indeed. There are more features to the battle system than what i mentioned here, but you'll have to play the game to find that out. ;p

    The story however, is a little on the clichè side. But theres no real complaints to be had here. Its interesting enough to keep you going even if you should get bored with the battle system. But i doubt you will. I want to give nothing away here story wise. Just believe me when I say its worth it.

    Now im not going to ramble on too terribly much about my only real complaint about the game... the voice acting. You cant even really call this acting. It sounds more like theyre just reading from a page, and struggling to show emotion. Not to mention they didnt have the best recording equipment. The vocal quality is just horrid. It sounds kinda like an amateur dubbed the game because there was no official english release. And here's a quick look at how bad some of the games filler conversation is

    Ryfia- Its raining, but its sunny

    L'arc- Oh, the devil must he beating his wife.

    Ryfia- What does that mean?

    L'arc- Nothing really, its just an expression.

    Ryfia- Really? Well i like it. It sounds, interesting.

    -giggling softly while dancing in the rain-

    I think Ive made my point here. Case Closed.

    Overall its a pretty good game to pick up. Maybe not worth full price, but for a $20 buy it was worth it. From the battles, to the music and story, even the horrendous voice acting, this game gets an 8/10 I had fun with the game. I just had to turn the voices off. ;3
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2012
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    ... What kind of battle quotes are those? DX I hope the acting is not horrible. Otherwise, I may not buy it.
  3. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    A voice acting montage.

    Here's some examples. Honestly the game is good amd fun enough to overlook this flaw. Because not all of the dialogue is voiced.

    Btw i kinda messed up my quotes theyre not spot on but you get to see the first bit of that quote.
  4. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    :mad: OK! 0:53 was an awesome punch! By the time it got to around 1:00, I immediately stopped. THAT WAS A TERRIBLE SCREAM! THE GIRL PUNCHED THE BOY IN The JAW! The character animation is awesome but the voice acting can turn people away. Oi...
  5. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Tell me about it. I wound up turning the voice volume down. But ill admit there are times when the acting isnt necessarily terrible. If youre really curious look up a random lets play episode. Unless you would rather I post some gameplay.
  6. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I would rather see the gameplay. I mean, I am most likely will just skip all of the cutscenes so that I will not be driven to trade or pawn the game if I ever bought it.
  7. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

  8. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    First link didn't work. Second link... -_- That felt boring. :) But I LOVE the summoning in the third link. -_- I just hope that the battle is not so boring like that second link.
  9. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    That voice acting montage was hilariously bad, but I get the feeling that the longer I was exposed to the acting, the more it'd go from so bad it's good to just plain bad. I seriously don't know how the people involved in the making of this game could listen to that and decide it's competent. o_O At least they give you the options to turn the voices off.

    The second video of the overworld and random encounter reminded me of FF VIII. It's good to see a world map.

    @Summoner: Here's a working link to the first video: Here.

    The boss music is pretty cool, and the battle itself seems interesting enough, except they kind of ruin it a bit by talking nonstop.

    Hmm, I don't play games much anymore, but since I already have a Wii, maybe I'll pick this up if I find it cheap somewhere.

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