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Are you a picky eater?

Discussion in 'General' started by Ovum, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. Ovum

    Ovum ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

    I definitely am, and sometimes it's kind of embarrassing. I never really realize how picky of an eater I am until I go out to eat. I'll sometimes even go to fancier places with my family and pray to the high heavens that they have chicken tenders with fries or a kid's menu to order off of. Things like eggs I just cannot for the life of me put into my mouth and enjoy. I think I tried them once when I was around five years old--scrambled with a lot of cheese. I hated it. They just smell rotten and gross...

    Some things I refuse to eat are:
    • Tomatoes (except in pizza sauce)
    • Eggs (unless they're cooked in something & I can't taste them, ie: cakes, cookies, etc)
    • Green garnish
    • Celery
    • Cauliflower
    • Peppers
    • Seafood (except shrimp & rarely lobster)
    • Some types of beef (ones that taste too gamey, ie: lamb)
    • Some sauces or things like mustard, mayo (especially mayo), fish sauce, etc

    How about you? Are there some things you just cannot eat? Or are you more adventurous?
  2. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I am an incredibly picky eater. Unfortunately, the things I'm most drawn to, like breads and pasta, are the things I'm really not supposed to be eating. Some things I won't eat for like "moral" reasons, i.e. the idea of eating veal or lamb or duck kind of makes me gag, because cute baby animals. With other things, I just get weirded out by the texture or the smell. A complete list of my insanity would take forever, but one example- I love cheese, usually, but except in very specific situations, I won't eat it on pizza. I scrape it off and everyone thinks I'm nuts.

    Mostly I'm just a coward. I have an interest in cooking, so I think if I had the time and actually cooked a lot of the things that squick me and gave it a go, it probably wouldn't be too bad, but years of ingrained prejudice is hard to get over.

    Lol. The worst is when they won't let you order off it. Dunno why some restaurants have to be so greedy. *shakes head in dismay*

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