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Are You Cynical, Angry, or Aggressive?

Discussion in 'Quizzes' started by Kitty, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator


    You Are Angry

    You can't help it... some people drive you completely crazy. You do get angry from time to time.
    Anger is a totally normal human emotion, and in fact, it can be quite empowering.

    Just make sure to never let your anger get the better of you. If you're angry for too long, it will negatively impact your life.
    Feel the anger for a moment, acknowledge it, and let it go. Don't let it hold any power over you.
  2. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    You Are Angry
    You can't help it... some people drive you completely crazy. You do get angry from time to time.
    Anger is a totally normal human emotion, and in fact, it can be quite empowering.

    Just make sure to never let your anger get the better of you. If you're angry for too long, it will negatively impact your life.
    Feel the anger for a moment, acknowledge it, and let it go. Don't let it hold any power over you.

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