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BASToF Syndrome

Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by Denki Wolf, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    It stands for "Be a stranger to fear".

    It's a bit kiddy, but the anime is actually pretty cool.
    It's diffrent, yet familiar.
    It's interesting.

    I found it while surfing through shows to watch on my Wii using Netflix.

    The story is based in the year 2097.
    The world has a video game called "Lemon".
    Lemon has somehow connected with the real world, and when a location in the game gets hurt, the same happens in the real world, even if there is no one around, including the virus.

    it's odd, but fun to watch.
    Some of the characters are forgetable to annoying at first, but quickly you get used to them.
    The animation is very well done, if the sound effects sometimes aren't.

    It has been rated Pg-13, but it has never really pointed that way, in the 10/29 episodes I have seen.

    By the way, some of the voice actors where poorly chosen for the dubbed version.

    I know this isn't a rating area, and this thread isn't for it, but Because of all of it, I would say it is 7/10.

    Who else knows about the show?
    It is 2001-04 old, but it seems to be fairly unoticed.
    If you haven't heard of it, check it out.

    Tell me what you think about it for yourself.
  2. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    I think that people should have some interest to it. I was interested as to what BAST meant anyways.
  3. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    Man, I should have hidden the reason it is called that, like somewhere in the middle so that people would have to read to find out what it meant.
    That would have been great.

    Anyways, If it helps, here is the opening to the anime.
    YouTube - Bast of Syndrome opening
    The original name was BASToF Lemon, but got renamed, when it came to america.
  4. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Well, I definitely won't be watching the Dubbed version (I never really do, except for rare cases like Black Lagoon where the English Dub is actually better).
    I only watched the Opening, caught my attention, seems to be something that isn't similar to what I have watched before (except the mechs). Might get on to watching later on when I have the time and throw in what I thought of it =]
  5. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    I finished the show the other day.
    It was fantastic.
    The ending was very thrilling, and quite honestly, the ending was very satisfying.
    I can honestly say the people who made it knew how to write a story, create character development, and had great art design.

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