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Bboying and Other Dancing

Discussion in 'General' started by Zenrot, Jan 9, 2008.

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  1. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Does anyone here breakdance or "bboy" as alot of people call it. Or any dacing in general? Well for those of you who dont know and want to learn, this is what bboying is to me:

    Every culture has the elements: dance, poetry, visual art, and music. Hip-Hop is the culture that contains the elements: bboying (dance), emceeing/spoken word/rap/spittin (poetry), graffiti (visual art), and DJing (music).

    What is bboying?

    First and foremost, Bboying is--and always will be--a DANCE...

    Definition: dance

    1. intransitive verb move rhythmically to music: to move the feet and body rhythmically, usually in time to music

    ^^^ Dancing involves music (as stated by the definition) ^^^

    To dance, one must "move rhythmically in time to music". Every dance has a category of moves that are used to move in time to music in their own unique way. Bboying also has a category of moves to be used rhythmically with music. In order to be a successful bboy, one must master their own bboy sets (category of moves) and the ability to move rhythmically to music.

    How can I be a successful bboy?

    Master/Study Physics.

    Master/Study Musicality.

    Golden rule: Master/Study Bboying History and influences.

    The external, tangible, physical aspect of bboying deals with one's body's actions or movements. To master a bboy move (or move in general), one must be able to accomplish certain requirements that may include (but are not limiting to) strength, stamina, and dynamics (study of motion). A person attains strength by keeping their body in the best shape possible: stretching for flexibility and conditioning the necessary muscles. A person attains stamina by practicing sets/moves/movements. A person attains a knowledge of dynamics by learning how to generate (and keep in momentum) a constant amount of force with one's body. The better one can control the force generated in their body, the easier one can master a dynamic/power move.

    The internal, conscious, musical aspect of bboying deals with the music being played. Music determines the mood/tone/attitude/tempo of the person representing the music's 'physical' expression. To show proper musicality, one matches their movement with a vocal or instrument sound. There are two levels of musicality: beat hitting and beat riding. Beat hitting is the basic form of musicality where one matches the instrument(s) at instant/important intervals (points in time, like a high-hat sound). Beat riding is less commonly seen. It is the more advanced form of musicality where one matches the instrument(s) whole interval by continuously expressing the instrument(s) from once it starts until once it ends. To advance further in musicality, learn to match the music's mood/tone/attitude/tempo with one's physical motions.

    To understand the mental aspect of bboying, one must be exposed to it's background/history and gain experience in the field of bboying. Attending/Participating in jams, sessions, and/or battles strengthen one's knowledge on how to gain respect and recognition. EVERY INDIVIDUAL BBOYS FOR THEIR OWN REASON. THEREFORE, EVERY BBOY HAS A UNIQUE BBOYING PHILOSOPHY. Bboys are known to dance for reasons like fitness, relieving stress, attention, and pride. If one knows why they bboy, they know in which direction to strengthen mentally and to concentrate their attention on.

    Since bboying is a physical expression to music, bboying is an art. Excellent art comes with the utmost patience and concentration.
  2. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    i don't know how to breakdance, but i could learn a couple of moves from two of my friends who know how to. anyway, it'd be dope to see you breakdancing on a youtube video or something if you have one.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2008
  3. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    i have some videos of everyone from my club, I'll look them up and post them here? We aren't great but we are pretty good.
  4. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    nah, it doesn't matter if you're great or not. i mean, at least you KNOW how to dance (at least from what you say), so it'd be a great if you could post a few of those videos here.
  5. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

  6. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    man, that WAS dope. I'm surprised you didn't get more plays on youtube, lol. I remember a professional hip-hop dancing group that came to my school once (theyre called the chosen dance group, don't know if you know them or not), and you guys were pullin off some of the moves they were doing. that's amazing, seeing that you guys are only high schoolers? keep postin more videos if u have them, you're more than pretty good.
  7. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    This is the best breaker at our school. This is just practice so its not his best stuff, but he's good (also this is over 1 year ago, our recorder hasnt posted many up to date vids on youtube.)

    YouTube - Freeman Break Club
  8. Luke

    Luke Member

    Are you in that video? if so which one are you?
  9. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    im not in the previous videos. when the video from our current show gets on youtube ill post it and tell who which one i am
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