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Be Your Best; Forget The Rest (The Future is Coming)

Discussion in 'Site News & Announcements' started by Icarus, May 9, 2010.

  1. Icarus

    Icarus skinwalker

    Are you ready for the next step in the Roleplaying world?
    Coming from the minds of Kairu, Moogle, and I we present to you Roleplayer of the Week! Or just RPOTW for short. Only the best can make it. On the brave can actually go through with it. And only a slight few can actually come out on top.
    Now, let's get some things straight.

    What is RPOTW?
    RPOTW is, simply put, a test of skills against other roleplayers. It will test your ability to write in an situation.

    So I need experience to join?
    No, not at all! If you believe you have what it takes then you can join. Granted that you need to know how to write and type, but that should be easy as you're on this forum.

    When does this take place?
    We started already once and were able to get 2 rounds in. We de decided on a re-boot so we could get the word out. Originally it took place every week. Now it will be a bi-weekly event until we are able to get more participants and get a crowd of regulars.

    How does it work?
    It's simple. Every other week us two (Kairu and I) will pick a scenario. One of us then each take up the task of writing it out and expanding on it to give it more substance. Then that person will post up the scenario in the main RP section. We'll be giving a week for all possible participants to enter. At the end of that week we "grade" them

    Grade them? How so?
    Once again, quite simple. We check 3 main areas.
    1. Grammar/Mechanics- Spelling and all that good stuff will be a big thing in this.
    2. Content- The amount that you put into the submission. We won't be looking for the next War and Peace but we do want something to look at.
    3. Relevance- How well the submission goes with the scenario.
    We'll be looking into all of these parts when grading your submission.

    So what do I get?
    As of now the only sort of prize you will receive will be Rep points. But who knows. We might have more prizes in the future or larger ones if you win multiple times!

    Hopefully this answers all your questions. If you have any more do not hesitate to send either I or Kairu and we will gladly answer them. Now keep an eye out for the first round in the reboot. It will be arriving very, VERY soon.
    Are you ready?
  2. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Nova likes this.

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