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Be Yourself RP- The RP to Escape (please make a temp first)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, Mar 20, 2009.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    This RP is to Escape from teh real world, get away from all your problems. It's not an official RP, but it's sort of is. This RP takes place in our dream world, and all of our dream worlds are connected. It can have romance, friendship, and more. It's for everyone, RP'er or not, writer or not (have some good grammar skills though). You can speak in your natural language (but not the whole time). This is your get away world/ RP.

    This is in dedication of a close friend of mine and a memeber and staff who was loved by everyone, locogabitron.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2009
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Lying down outside in the middle of the Night, Gotcha stares at the starry sky searching for something. "What am I looking for?" he questioned himself. "What am I even doing? I need an answer to all this. Perhaps what I'm looking for is an answer" he said to him self. He looked at his watch and realised it was getting real late. He went back inside to go to sleep.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2009
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Nicole~ Life is a pain, life is also good. What is it, it's a ride, one good ride. It has bad points and good points. Sometimes though, I need to escape.

    As I lay still in the meadow I'm staring up at the stars in the sky, wondering. What more can a person be, what more can a person do? I'm often seeking that one answer. However, I think I have discovered it...

    Nicole closed her diary and sat down on her bed and climbed in. She glanced out teh window as the oak tree out her window, her neighbor's light shining through the branchs of late winter. A small soft furry warm body at her feet, a small but chubby dog on the ground snoring in a good rhythem. Soon she drifts off into sleep...

    Nicole walked over to a boulder and sat down on it staring out to see watching teh setting or rising sun.

    "I can't believe he left the forums... sometimes life just isn't fair. I realise his parents don't want him on the forums, but msn, too! Sigh~ I guess things just really aren't fair." Nicole said. She closed her hazel color eyes feeling the salty breeze blow through her hair. She jumped off the boulder and fell off the cliff. She turned into a dive formation and landed in the water, able to breath, and she wasn't no fish. She was walking under the water, not swimming. She began to walk up the hill leading to the beach. Her hair wet from the water, but not her cloths, just slightly moisted and cooled. She headed off onto the beach.

    Nicole stopped and looked over in the sand and saw what looked like a nightmare developing. She closed her eyes and thought about her own quote. She reopened them seeing teh nightmare disappear. She went and sat down on the beach taking off her shoes and socks feeling the warm and nice water over her toes hitting her ancles. She laid back and looked back up at the sky. Stars were starting to appear. She glanced out to sea seeing a dolphin leap out of the water.

    "I hope Loco will return maybe one day, or at least visit. One thing though I need to do, keep his promise, make kichi happy and save the forums. I have that homework I have to make up, too. If I don't have it done by Monday, then I can't do a band trip next year. I also have to call about band fundraiser. Man, why's life so dificult. Oh!" Nicole said then jumped up.

    "Oh..." She said. She shook her head and laid back down, she forgot about something she promised. She couldn't do now, maybe one day, but not now...
  4. Kichigai

    Kichigai New Member

    Netta lay on her bed, listening to her mp3 and thinking about the things that had happened recently. She sighed and thought the same things again and again. "Why are the things going that way? Loco has left, Krish has left..." she looked out the window. Sun was shining and the snow glittered because of that. The spring was coming. And with it, the exams at school. There were exams all the time, but in the spring the number of them would increase a lot. "I hope I won't fail maths..."

    Netta sat up and put the mp3 away. It was 1 pm and she still hadn't do the hoovering though her mom had told her that she had to. She looked at the computer which was actually his brother's. "No time for that..." she said and stood up. She sighed and opened the window. She felt cool wind against her face, and it felt good. She noticed she was hungry and decided to head to kitchen to find something to eat. Before she left the room she stopped at the table and took a piece of paper and a pen. She drew a heart on the middle of it and write "Rakastan teitä" in the heart. "That was dedicated to all of my friends." she thought and smiled as she walked out the room and towards the kitchen, saying "morning" to her youngest big brother.
  5. Kyuu

    Kyuu your worst nightmare.

    Assi had just cleaned the kitchen with her sister. She walked to her room and took one her school books. She had Finnish exam on Monday and she knew she had to study for it today. She wouldn't have too much time tomorrow because she had another swimming competition. So she took the book with a sigh and sat on her bead. She had been a little stressed recently. So much to do.. and good friends leaving on forums.
    About 15 minutes later she stopped reading. "Oh dang, my mom told me I have to go and buy some milk, bread and other stuff." her mom was in funeral at the moment. She stood up and took her coat and put the shoes on. She looked at the thermometer. -6 degrees. "Good, such a nice temp." she said and took her cellphone which had mp3 player and put it on.
    As she stepped out and started to walk to the close store, listening to relaxing music, she forgot her worries for a while. Feeling the cool wing against her face made her feel good.
  6. Locogabitron

    Locogabitron Kichi's Squall Leon

    *And here comes my last post for Kairi.. thanks Kairi*
    Loco walks away from the forums, from his friends. Walks up in a darkplace and looks back where the light is. A tear came to him, he coudn't handle to loose that tear, that fall down to the dark place. He saw the light, the forums diminishing... A flash back when he becamse supermod, met Kairi, met his girl Kichi, Leah, Krish (who has left), Sao-sao, Sorabrawl, RoxasXRiku, DesertWarrior, Silver, Kyuu, rawr, everyone. As he was remembering, me smiled and closed his eyes.

    A light from the forums burst out and struck Loco's Heart. And the song, Your Guardian Angel started to play.

    "This... this feels good"
    Scenes where flashing of everyone smiling around him. Tears drop down again from him and light kept on entering his heart. He opened his eyes and a breeze came from the dark floor.

    He said his last words to the forums:

    All of you... In my Memories

    Everything... Whited out. He, has vanished
  7. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    "Ugh... I hate being sick." Tom muttered as he got into his bed. "Maybe tomorrow won't be as bad. Heck, perhaps this is the dream, and I'll wake up soon.... Right..."

    Tom drifited off to sleep.
  8. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    I laid on my bed, thinking about the past year. It's been a year since I moved to Canada. I smiled, as I remembered doing snowboarding, the Grade 9 Grad and the beautiful Summer that I embraced. It was lovely....but I have had some bad memories during the year. My granddad died, a few months ago and I miss him greatly. I miss talking to him, telling him how my life has been recently and talk to him about the news and television. I miss having tea with my granddad. I will see my nan, next year and I'm not sure how I'll react, when I see her again. I hope she's okay. He died peacefully though and he had enough of the pains he had so he's in a better place. This is what helped me go to sleep.
  9. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Hope watched Loco leave with tears in her eyes. She waved and said nothing as he vanished. "Hope!" she was startled out of her daydream by hher cousin Amy who was just barely comming hime from work. "Oh... ehy Amy." she said tiredly. Amy glared "Not that I'm not glad to see you sis but you look like a train wreck. I thought you would be in bed when I got home."
    Hope shrugged with her good sholder "Well I tried but I wasn't that tired so I just decided to wait up for you." she said.
    Amy sighed "...I understand." she said with a nod. She yawned.
    Hope laughed "Looks like I'm not the only one that looks like a wrack though." she said with sceptical smile.
    Amy nodded "I'm going to bed."
    Hope nodded "Now that I can lock the front door I'll be able to sleep now." she reached on the table to grab her perscribee pain meds and took two tablets with pepsi. XD
    She was already feeling tired and her injuries from her accident were all throbbing with agony. She made a farce as she stood up and walked over to the guestroom door.
    Amy looked at Hope "And by the way, you're dads comming to pick you up sometime tomorrow. Do you want me to wake you up before I leave for work?"
    Hope nodded "Please and thank you." she said with sort of a laugh before she closed the door behind her. It took her a while to change out of her street clothes but her pride refused to allow her to ask Amy for help. She managed to pull on a black tank top and pink pajama pants finally. From over use of her injured arm, it felt like hell but she ignored it, knowing the sooner she fell asleep the sooner it wouldn't hurt anymore. She turned off the light and walked across the room to the bed, having to be careful laying down so she wouldn't bump her bad sholder. Dyue to the strength of her pain medication she fell asleep rather quickly.
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