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Beating The Phantom

Discussion in 'Archive' started by KingMickey, Oct 1, 2010.

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  1. KingMickey

    KingMickey New Member

    On Kingdom hearts i can't find a way do defeat The Phantom in NeverLand Im a Lvl 51 Help me!!!
  2. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Very simple. The color of his heart determines what will damage him. Red for Fire, Blue for Blizzard, Yellow for Thunder, and Grey for physical attacks. Whenever he casts doom on your characters, immediately go to the clock tower and cast Stop on the arms. It will remain stopped for a full minute, reguardless of what version of Stop you have. Be sure to fill your inventory with Ethers and Elixirs. You will need them.
  3. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    On Stopping the clock,you can stop it even before he casts Doom on someone.If your fast enough you can pre-empt this Heartless and Stop the clock right at the start before he Dooms anyone.Just make sure to stop it after some of your attacks.(I never knew tht it stayed stopped for a minute despite which one you used.Useful to know,saves some time.)

    If Goofy has his MP Ether ability (The one where he gives you some MP from his own if I got the name wrong),then bring him.You'll be doing most of the damage even if you brought Donald,so its best for you to have as much magic as possible.Of course,like DW said,bring plenty of Ethers and Elixers (And the mega versions,though save some for the tougher bosses).
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Yes, I'd agree with bringing Goofy. His MP Gift is invaluable, and I'm not sure if you can count on Donald to cast the correct spells.

    Like the others have said, bring lots of ethers, maybe a few elixirs (I don't think I used any, but if you're worried about healing, might as well). Keep an eye on the clock and it shouldn't be too terrible of a fight.

    Good luck!
  5. destinysnobody

    destinysnobody New Member

    how to level up faster

    If u wanna lvl up fast then choose in the begining of game for your adventure to start at dead of night. it makes u have to get more exp up before you lvl up, but at lvl 40 and higher you breeze through leveling up like nobodies business.
  6. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Please don't bump really old threads. Thanks.

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