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Best and Worst of the FF Mini-Games

Discussion in 'General Final Fantasy' started by Kitty, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    So, this thread here's for some general discussion of the mini-games you can take part in throughout the various Final Fantasy games. Which were your favorite? Which did you hate? And so on.

    As for me, my favorite is a tie between Triple Triad in FFVIII and Chocobo Hot and Cold in FFIX.

    I've heard people say that Triple Triad was too time-consuming, boring, and basically pointless, and so on, and I see why they would think so, but I loved it anyway. I couldn't guess how many hours I spent hunting down specific cards, resetting when I screwed up and lost my freakin' Laguna card or accidentally let the Random rule spread like some horrible, incurable, contagious disease. I became addicted to getting all of the cards.

    Though I do wonder a little at a world where everyone carries a deck of cards, and has no problem playing a game with anyone who asks, even during the middle of a heated battle. :D

    And Chocobo Hot and Cold was also great. You could get some really great weapons and accessories through it, and hunting around the world looking for the right spots to dig was fun for me. ^_^

    The worst mini-games for me were all in Final Fantasy X-2. The mentally scarring "Massage Leblanc" and the so-horrible-I-don't-wanna-think-about-it Thunder Plains Lightning Tower Calibrations are the two that jump out at me the most. X-2 also completely ruined Blitzball, which I hadn't loved in X, but still played occasionally, so much so that I could barely tell what the hell was going on.
  2. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    (FF7) G-BIKE. Ohh the hours I spent on it just to beat my brothers Highscore.
    Chocobo Hot and Cold was fun.
    I know I spend hours of time on Minigames in FF games because they always (usually) hold some nice prize.

    I remember spending many hours to get perfect arrow cards for FFIX Tetra Master (restart each time the card you pick up off the ground has a little number of arrows) and then spending even more time levelling them up. And then came the Skipping Game. the countless times I tried to get 100 jumps for the cards. Especially at the beginning of the game so I could get a head start for the Tetra Master against everyone in Alexandria (and steal good cards =P)

    Trying to remember some lame ones but Blitzball is the only one that comes to mind. It just gets BORING in the end. First time I was all hyped up about it, then started winning each time. then it just got boring. The prizes almost seemed worthless for the effort later on.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    The only VII mini-game I spent much time on was chocobo breeding/racing. And I really only did that so that I could get all of the super materia that were hidden around. Oh, and the battle arena, but again, I didn't really enjoy it much, I just did it for the Omnislash.

    IX's mini-games weren't that memorable to me. I was very sucky at the jump rope game and the "Race that dumb kid Hippo" game. Or Hippaul, I guess his name was. >_< And Tetra Master, though it was pretty similar to Triple Triad, never came close to holding my attention, though I'm not really sure why. I played the tournament that you had to for the story, and that was about it.

    Agreed. The only real reason to play was for Wakka's overdrives and Celestial Weapon/Sigil, but my last playthrough, I got Attack Reels and quit, and then just customized a weapon for Wakka. If you're playing a challenge game, like No Sphere Grid, No Overdrives, No Summons, I suppose some of the prizes like the Dark Matters came in handy. Normally, though, any of the "good" items you could win through blitzball, I had plenty of from capturing fiends for the Arena by the time I might have needed them.

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