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Best and worst

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by worbs, Sep 30, 2009.

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  1. worbs

    worbs New Member

    Ok people here is one for you what was your best moments of kingdom hearts 2 and what was your worst. By this i meen what did you enjoy from what did you hate.

    For me i enjoyed most Hollow Bastion during the big fight with all the characters together.
    The part i dint like so much was to be honest Atlantis as there was absolutely no point in it what so ever.
  2. Demyxx

    Demyxx New Member

    lol i think u mean Atlantica?!

    my favorite part was when i had to defeat Xemnas! wierd i know... but i love whoppin his ass over-and-over again! :D

    The worst part was Goofy got hit on the head by the boulder, and mickey jsut lost it! :( lol im cheesy!
  3. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Best: When Sora and Riku reunited

    Worst: When Xaldin kept kickin' my ASS!
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    You actually mentioned both my favorite and least favorite moments. I loved that entire Hollow Bastion sequence. And Atlantica was the biggest mistake ever. The world sucked hard in KH1, yet they still included it in KH2, and actually found a way to make it suck even more. I can't say enough about how disappointing that level was.
  5. Arnheln

    Arnheln New Member

    OK. Some people may think I'm a bit weird but my favorite parts were when you got to visit the 100 Acre Woods. I grew up with Winnie the Pooh and seeing him in KH just tugs at my heart strings.

    My least favorite part of the game was probably when Luxord killed me for the first time....seriously...how the EFF can a Nazi lookalike who uses a deck of giant cards kill a teenager with a big metal key aswell as his pet dog and a duck with a stupid hat? Its MADNESS.
  6. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    Yea,I get what you mean Arnheln.

    My favorite part was the Hollow Bastion sequence as well.If only they put in those three behemoths...

    I have two least favorites.Atlantica of course,and also Demyx.Seriously,that guy is not the weakest,he could beat Xemnas!
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