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Bien le bonjour ! Comment allez-vous ?

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Gromnax, Dec 5, 2010.

  1. Gromnax

    Gromnax New Member

    A french title for a french guy... Sorry, I could'nt resist. :D
    So Hi alls, I'm Gromnax, a french 15-years-olded guy, who lives in Normandie (Just next to England, so.)
    I speak English... Well, in fact, I understand English, but... I'm not a god, so I'm allergic for english long texts.

    I'm making a Kingdom Hearts Fangam (WTF ? Another ! o_O) based on the history of three teens during the three firts games.
    What else ? Maybe you know the Blabla 15-18 and de Jeuxvideo.com, themost active forum on the french web. Hum... We can say I go on it sometimes.
    Well, like said Obama, Bonjour ;)
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Bonjour and welcome to the English Speaking KHPlanet. ;D Anyways, welcome to the site, I'm Destiny, call me Des or whatever. Check out the rules/FAQs. I hope to see you around :)
  3. Epic Kirby

    Epic Kirby New Member

    Hi, welcome to the forums, I live in England, far from the channel though.

    hope to see you round on the forums :)
  4. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy it.
  5. Goldfish

    Goldfish Cats in the Cradle

    Le Pigeon. It's on the shirt I'm wearing right now. I assume it's French and it means "The Pigeon". if not, then sorry =\
    hello and welcome, nevertheless.
    see you around. Enjoy.
  6. Gromnax

    Gromnax New Member

    Thanks you all. :)

    I'm very happy to be here ! :D
    "Enchanté... Mouarf, I don't know what's the english for it... Dommage x) )

    Goldfish => A funny name for a mark... Pigeon is the bird's name, that's right... But if you say about somebody is a pigeon in Franche... Mouarf. "Un pigeon" in this mean is a guy who is stupid to buy and sell... For example, a guy who buy a Playstation 2's game for 90€ is a "pigeon". We say also "pingeonner"... Wich means to swindle, take for a ride. Eum... I think is not a good idea to begin play as a teacher... Thanks ^^ !

    I'm going to read FAQ and Rules. x)
    (Je me demande ce que veut dire l'acronyme FAQ en anglais... En Français, c'est Foire Aux Questions, mais pour vous ? Désolé de ce petit passage en français ^^')

    Thanks a lot ! ^^

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