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BIONICLE: Dark Reign

Discussion in 'Archive' started by FON, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. FON

    FON A Lazy Comic Artist

    Gather friends...

    Listen to the tale...

    Of the BIONICLE....

    In the time, before time...

    Six mighty entities, referred to by their creations as the Great Beings, created life and made a home on a planet known as, Spherus Magna. However, their creations began to rage war over a powerful substance, and no longer sought to obey the Great Beings.

    The war raged for so long, and the source of energy began to boil and energize to the point that the planet was broken into three, smaller worlds. But the Great Beings prepared for this, and built a giant robotic entity that would fit an entire world in there.

    The robot, known as Mata Nui, went off into space to explore the universe, the worlds, their people and their cultures. But, after 100,000 years had passed, the creations e made, called the Makuta, rebelled against their creator and shut him down into a deep slumber.

    For the next 1,000 years, war broke out to revive Mata Nui. But, just when hope was thought to be found, and goodness and justice thought they had won, the leader of the rebellion, Teridax, had banished the spirit of Mata Nui into a mask, and sent away, crushing the hopes of many...

    But, there are still rebels, who have hope still in their hearts. Are you one of them? Or, do you wish to serve this Dictator, and help crush the foes of Darkness?

    Welcome to the BIONICLE: Dark Reign RP!

    What is BIONICLE?

    A tale of biomechanical humanoids made by the great beings. Some are warriors, some are workers. Some are protectors, and others are corrupt and serve the darkness.

    The Story

    The RP takes place during the Reign of Shadows story arc of BIONICLE were Teridax had successfully gained control over the Mata Nui robot (aka, The Matoran Universe), and had banished Mata Nui (unknowingly) to Bara Magna. It will be taking place on the island of Metru Nui, which has six districts or cities, Ta-Metru (Fire City), Ga-Metru (Water City), Le-Metru (Air City), Onu-Metru (Earth City), Ko-Metru (Ice City), Po-Metru (Stone City) and The coliseum.

    You are on of the inhabitants of the Matoran Universe, but are you a rebel, or a follower of Teridax?

    Playable Species

    Toa: Protectors of the Matoran, and mighty warriors that fight for freedom and justice. They have the control over a certain element, use mask powers, and use weapons in combat.

    Matoran: Matoran are the "backbone" of the matoran Universe. Designed to help the Mata Nui Robot function, they have become villagers, and now, slaves under a mighty dictator. They don't have powers, and can't use mask powers, but can still fight. They can become Toa, if exposed to a Toa stone.

    Turaga: The elders of the matoran universe who were once Toa. It is said that when a Toa looses his power, or bestows it to six new matoran, he or she is turned into a Turaga. They cannot use their masks at full strength, and same goes for their elemental powers, but their wisdom is vast, and they have a lot to teach.

    ((Note: Only Toa, Matoran, Turaga and Makuta can use masks, and only Toa, Skakdi and Makuta can use full powers.)

    Skakdi: Reptilian like beasts, Skakdi are vicious and cruel beings. They can use eye vision (be it heat, laser, etc.), one elemental power (though it can only be used with anther Skakdi), and use weapons in battle, and are quite brutal infighting, though some can be quite skilled and intelligent.

    Vortixx: Tall, and considerably the more beauteous or handsome beings of the Matoran Universe. They are forgers, and create weapons, machines, and other things that benefit the Matoran Universe. Odfly enough, the females are superior to their male counterparts who are disposable and expendable.

    Makuta: Beings of Dark Power now, only so very few remain, but the inhabitants believ only Teridax remains. They are gas, actually, known as Antidermis, and use armored bodies to keep their gas like forms from escaping. Like Toa, they can use mask powers and weapons, but they don't use one particular elemental power. Each Makuta has access to 42 different powers (though in this, we will only use three as their main abilities).



    Composed of many of the inhabitants of the Matoran Universe who want to get revenge on Teridax and save their universe.

    Dark Hunters:

    A Group of mercenaries who work for those have the money, and often steal weapons and other things they can use. They are neither good or evil.

    The Brotherhood of Makuta:

    The Brotherhood is composed of the Makuta, or, what's left of it, and they worship Teridax know and treat him as a god now. Mainly Makuta are in this group, but some Rouge Toa, Skakdi and Vortrixx have been known to be in this group.


    Metru Nui Map:


    The City of fire and the forge of Metru-Nui. Matoran of Fire mainly reside here, and work on making masks, as well as machines and weapons.


    The City of Water, and the more, educational district of the six. Many of the Matoran here are teachers.


    The City of Earth, and the location of the Archives, where they kept record of every known, Rahi (animal), plant, artifact, anything you can possibly think of is kept in record down here and placed as an exhibit.


    The City of Air, and home to the chute station, and many vehicles used for transport. The Chute Station is a mode of transportation to send people through tubes to other locations on the island.


    The City of Stone, which is a desert like area, where they build statues and sculptures, and often put together the machines made in Ta-Metru. It pretty hot here, just as a heads up.


    The City of Ice, made of crystals and icy mountains, were Matoran researchers look to the stars and read the future, and often study science as well.

    The Coliseum:

    At one point, a place for tournaments, now its home to the Brotherhood. It is in the center of the island, and the tower is said to reach above the clouds, and peaks over the world.

    Character Template:

    Name: (Be creative and don't use actual human names, or any canon names such as Tahu or Lewu)
    Elemental Powers: (If any) Elemental Power - The Bionicle Wiki - The Wikia wiki about Bionicle anyone can read and edit!
    Mask: (If any) Kanohi - The Bionicle Wiki - The Wikia wiki about Bionicle anyone can read and edit!
    Tools and Weapons:
    Abilities and Skills:
    Other Information:

    Important NPCs:

    ((note: You may control the NPCs, but use them in the right way please))

    Vahki: Robotic entities that use to guard and protect the Matoran. Now they serve the brotherhood, and often look out for any unusual activity. They are colored differently for each district, and have different tools and abiltiesto get the job done.

    Rahkshi: Vicious, brutal, and malicious "sons" of the Makuta, they serve as the elite guardians of the Makuta, and are hard to take down alone. It takes even a whole team of mediocre Toa to stand up to just one. There are 42 different kinda of rahkshi, which are based upon the 42 powers the Makuta have.

    NPC Matoran: Just regular villagers.

    1. All Basic KHPlanet Forum Rules and RP rules apply, please go read them if you have not read them.
    2. No Godmodding, or Powerplaying, I will not tolerate any of it.
    3. No Metagaming (Meaning, you can't just know your opponent's plan, or just know something is happening when there is no possibe way you can)
    4. Be Nice
    5. Any Questions, ask me through PM or here.
    6. Have fun!

    EDIT: I'll have links to masks soon.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2012

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