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Bleach RP: A mist of hope... RP

Discussion in 'Archive' started by merlinosheep, May 16, 2009.

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  1. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    OOC and SU: http://kh-3.net/forums/roleplay/4531-bleach-rp-mist-hope.html

    It was 10.30 PM at the Seireitei in soul society and Raven Almthorn, luitenant of the 9th squad, was walking towards his division's building. He had alot of work to do today, since it was a week before it would be 3 years after his mother died, and he, his brother and father had to go through alot of organisation for the memorial. But something was not right... rainclouds where crawling together. Almost as if they where planning on striking when least expected. But he kept going, because he was busy... and he just plain didn't want to get wet... "The air is thickening? How can that change in an instant?..." he asked himself.
    "What!?" Raven shrugged. There he saw Avalon, his bigger brother and captain of the 9th squad, running towards him.
    *BOOOOM!!!* This time it was louder!
    "RAVEN! The soul society is under attack by waves of hollows! Quick, mother's memorial must wait!" Avalon said. "Hollows?! Now?!" Raven said intimidated.
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  2. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    A peal of thunder rippled through the skies of the Seireitei. Aer shifted himself so that he could gain a better view of the area. Members of the thirteenth company scrampled about for their zanpakuto. Aer's raven black hair danced about in the wind and his ravonous brown eyes seemed to be augers anywhere he looked. Men of his company shrunk away whenever he turned to give them an order and look at them, so for now he would be content and just give orders. It was still uncomfortable being a captain, buth there was no other choice. He had a duty because of his strength, and with that duty and strength he would also keep to his vow.
    "Captain!" A nazily voice called out, "Haruni Suzu awaiting orders, sir!"
    "Go and join the company leaving for the front." Aer ordered, only half of his mind was on the battle, the other half was wandering through his own thoughts.
    "Yes sir!" Suzu replied and dashed off. After his subordenite left, Aer started back to his quarters where he retrieved his own zanpakuto. The wind kicked up violently and stirred his captain jacket. The rain poured, drenching Aer to his skin but he choose to ignore the rain.


    "Shit shit shhhhhhh--" Talon cried out as he pushed his legs to carry him faster. A large beast with unusual pale green skin snaked its way after him. The head of the beast was protected by a thick skull like mask and it's eyes were the creepest red.
    "Get back here boy!" It hissed and sped up. Talon looked back, his eyes went wide and he screamed in panic.
    "Not good, not good!" Good. Only a little farther and around this corner I'll switch the tables. Talon came up on the very corner he wanted grabbed a near-by light pole and swung his body around the corner. He came to halt and turned, his right fist at his hip and his left one up infront of his face. He focused and waited for the beast. When it didn't come, he began to worry. Had it given up? Damn! If it did he'd have to find it before it attacked someone else.
    "What are you doing?" A voice hissed behind him and on instinct Talon spun on the balls of his feet, launching his right fist up in an upper-cut and throwing his weight into the punch. His fist connected with the jaw of the beast and sent it hovering into the air for a moment. Talon moved quickly and brought his fist back to his side and spun again in a thee-hundred and sixty degree angle with right heel aimed for the breast of the creature. When his heel hit the beast square in the chest, its body was flung across the empty streets of Karakura Town and into a small concrete wall. Rubble exploded and littered the street but Talon hopped over the larger pieces with his fist drawn back he leaped into the air and came down on top of the beast. His fist drove itself deep into the beasts skull, fracturing the mask. With an inhuman scream the beast howled in rage as its body began to disintagrate.
    Talon rose from where he kneeled, his breath was heavy and his brown hair matted from sweat. Swallowing he jumped back to the street and ran away from the scene. He had to get home soon.
  3. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    "Keep running!" Avalon shouted to Raven, shifting behind him. "I'm trying!" he answered a bit mad.
    "No excuses, little brother! We have to reach the point of the collapse before they get in!" Avalon shouted back again. "Yeah, yeah i know Aval...
    You'll adress me as captain Almthorn as long as you're on duty!" Avalon interrupted, while drawing his blade at the first sight of a hollow. "Crap! Some slipped through the wall!" He said while slicing his mask in two, waisting not a second on sightseeing. "Keep going, we're almost there!!!"
  4. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Rivel was sitting back in a tree at his squads base. He had been reading one his favorite novels, when the first explosion hit. He heard the other squads scrambling for battle. Novices. He thought. He made sure everyone in his squad had their Zanpakto with them at all times. "Ok boys, girls. Lets go deal with this is." Just then a messenger appeared, explaining the situation to him. "Ok, now thats what i'm talking about." He jumped out of the tree, set his book in his room, bowed to a statue of his old master, then walked out to his squad. "Ok, listen up. The target is several waves of hollows approaching the sereitai. You all know what to do." He told them. "Kick their A****" One of them shouted. "Thats right, now go to em." With that, his squad left the barracks, heading straight for the hollows.
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  5. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    "Avalon! Wait up!" Raven shouted with heavy breathing, but his brother was just standing there, on the roof, looking at something that amazed him.
    "How... can it be?" He said at the sight of waves of hollows charging the walls. "How.. did they get so organized?..." he said calmly but shocked. "We've got to move!" Raven said, now he was on the roof as well. "There is no time, right? Let's smite them!" he said while jumping forward with his zanpakutô ready to clash. "BANSAI!"
  6. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Rivel was standing on one of the towers at the outside of the sereitai. His men were below him, swords at the ready. "Lets start. Eragol, Smite them with terror with your might!" He called, drawing his zanpaktou. It changed into a large blade with the handle set on the top, instead of the middle. He pointed it at the Hollows. "Go To Em!" He yelled. His fellow Shinigami yelled in answer, and ran forward on the attack. Rivel jumped off the roof to a spot his men had purposely left open. With one swing, he made an explosion that took out ten hollows. The hollows roared in defiance and kept coming.
  7. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    "There! I can see Rivel!" Raven yelled at his brother, while pointing at the towers. They quickly shifted to them, drawing their zanpakutô's. When they arrived at the point of clash, they found almost whole squad 9 to already have arrived, fighting of the hollows.
    "Captain Avalon, Luitenant Raven! You have finnaly arrived! The hollows are slowly breaking through!"
    3rd seat Maemuri reported.
    "Not anymore they won't!" Avalon answered. "Rush, Rivélorr!" And his zanpakutô changed into a great weapon:

    "Wow! It's huge..." Raven said with awe.
  8. Jeshii was at the captain quaters in the squad 5 camp with Momo. Jeshii was reviewing some papers when he noticed how bored Momo looked. Jesse took a sip of tea and said, "Momo, why don't you take the rest of the day off and let me finish this work."

    Momo shook her head and said, "Oh no captain, I could'nt do that."

    Jeshii smiled and said, "Oh come on Momo. I know you don't want to be stuck with me all day." Jeshii looked sad.

    Momo felt bad, "I did'nt mean to make you feel bad captain. It's just since captain Aizen I....I...."

    Jeshii nodded and put a hand on her shoulder, "You did'nt hurt my feelings. Go on Momo and enjoy the day. Besides I am almost finished here anyways."

    Momo nodded and thanked Jeshii before leaving the room.
  9. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Battle continued as the squads kept on driving back the hollows.
    "WRAAGH!" Avalon shouted as he slashed around his head with an epic blow, slashing 10 hollows.
    "We're surrounded! What's keeping the others so long?!" Raven shouted.
    "Patience! They will come, brother! Rivélorr fall!" Avalon reacted as a thunder bolt shaped like his zanpakutô came crashing down on hollows.
    At the back of the hollows, soul reapers where hiding, preparing an assualt from behind.
    "Squads! Assualt!!!"
  10. Momo came running back into the room and shouted, "Captain, hollows are attacking and we need your help!" Jeshii nodded and he and momo used the flash step to get to the site of the battle. Jeshii pulled out his zanpakuto and said, "Twirl Procella." Suddenly the blade became a small tornado that could be used like a wind whip. The wind began to blow around the area and this wind was so cold that it felt like millions of small blades piercing the hollow's skin. One hollow fell in death and Jeshii did'nt even have to strike with his blade.

    Momo thought he was incredibly powerful.
  11. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    With a ferocious roar, Aer dove into the swarm of hollows. His men were lossing their edge. He had to give them something to give them hope, well, either that or rile them. He decided on both.

    "What the hell is wrong with you men!" Aer shouted, "I thought I trained you better than this! Maybe I should send you all over to eleventh company for some harsher training!" He looked back at his men and smiled. Wide grins split their faces and with a howl for vicotry they charged the Hollows after their captain, all of them brandishing their zanpakuto. Soon enough their shihaksho's and blades were drenched in Hollow's blood.

    Aer stood back and watched as his men fought valiantly. Anywhere that looked like someone was going to die, Aer stepped in to try and stop it. He succeeded a few times, but there were a few who had still been lost.

    Spitting in disgust Aer drew his blade, "I've had enough of this," he cursed. Bringing his blade back he charged at the Hollows once more, shouting for his men to pull back, "Defile God's domain, Ansgar!" His zanpakuto shrieked and morphed in his hands into a sinister black spear twice the length of his arm with a curved blade at one of its ends. He began twirling it by its haft, creating bubbles in the air that shimmered like a black form of quicksilver. Anything touching the bubbles would be shreaded to pieces.

    Quickly, and with deft hands, Aer moved his spear to create bubbles after bubbles, dwindling the number of Hollows rapidly. His men watched in awe as their gifted Captain fought to help them. Their faces breamed with pride and confidence, so one after another called out their zanpakuto's name -if they could- and set after their captain, yelling and whooping as if they were in the middle of a fiesta.

    Aer only stopped for a moment to look back and see his men coming, "Alright, if thats what you're gunna do. Have at them men! No holding back! If I find out anyone of you with-held your powers during this fight I'm sending you on a tournament against the eleventh squad members!" Aer didn't care if that made his men fight harder, but it was good to have an insentive.

    The ground around them was soon littered with slow disolving corpse of the Hollows and fresh blood stains. Ruptures of reitsu from shinigami or zanpakuto echoed through out the Seireitei as squad thirteen threw themselves at their enemies. It was a good thing Hollows showed no mercy, because today that was Squad Thirteen's battle cry.
  12. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    >I'm assuming the combat squad is 11. I couldn't remember =)<
    IC: Rivel could see the situation was hopeless. Some one had to go bandkai, or they would lose to the sheer number of hollows. Well, if thats what it took. "Back men, I'm going to show these hollows what power really is." They understood, and ran back to establish a perimeter around the shieki. "Explode! BANDKAI!" A force ripped the ground apart around him as a second blade appeared. His spiritual pressure sky rocketed. He raised both blades as his robes changed into a white and black uniform. Both his blades grew an extra half (multiply it by 1.5) He brought his blades down, making a giant explosion that shook the field. Hollows engulfed in the blast vanished from the field. "Now thats what I'm talking about!" He was having an adrenaline rush, something he lived for. He began rushing the hollows, making blasts with every swing.
  13. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Post song: YouTube - Pillar-Frontline [Frontline by Pillar]

    "Rivel!" Raven shouted loud as he hopped off a hollow, slashing his throat. "He's going berserk! I was i discovered my bankai!"
    "Don't worry, little brother. You will." Avalon answered while crushing another white mask. "Now if you don't mind. Somebody crossed the line nobody dared to cross... and now the rest will follow!!" He said while a bleu-ish aura slowly surrounded him. "Ban...kai..." He whispered.
    Blue waves started to emenate from him and a dust cloud was created, attracting the attension of the hollows. As Avalon slowly walked out of the dust, something quickly like light crushed three hollow masks in a row. All hollows shrugged as it happened. He slowly walked out, but was followed by a blue spiritual pressure. "MEET, RIVÉLORR!!!" Avalon shouted out loud to the sky, as Rivélorr whipped his blade round', slashing alot of hollows. "Men! Let me hear your battlecry!!! Today is ours for the taking!!! CHAAAAAARGE!!!"
  14. Jeshii saw that situation needed to be handle in a different manner. "Perhaps we should take all the hollows out at once." Jesse raised his sword and said, "BANKAI!!! Raging storm within" Suddenly dark storm clouds gathered around the area and lightning striked each of the hollows, once the bankai dissapeared there was no hollows left, they had all been killed.

    Jeshii looked at all the other soul reapers with a stern yet calm look. Momo was amazed, she had never seen her new captain use his bankai. It was incredibly strong.
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Rivel stood in a cloud from the hollows that had blown up. "Jeshii, that cheat. He had to go and ruin my fun.
    Whats the point of a bankai that kills everything in one shot?" He let his blades return to normal, and sheathed his zanpaktou. "Jeshii, you bastard!" He shouted at the man. "Why did you have to and ruin my fun?" Despite his needling, he was friends with all of the captains. He still disliked Jeshii's bandkai though. He'd rather have Aer at his back. Now there was a man who fought fair. He waved off his men so they could take a rest, and walked over to the captains. "Well, that was interesting." He said with a grin.
  16. Jeshii looked at Rivel, "Rivel, do you want to know why my bankai kills all my enemies in one shot? There are two reasons. One, is because I hate battle and would prefer to end a conflict as soon as possible. Two, is because my bankai kills my enemies instantly so they wont have to suffer. Your lust for battle makes me sick." Jeshii told Rivel.
  17. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    "Now calm down, Jeshii.." Avalon said as he walked towards the duo, with his little brother right behind him. His bankai slowly turned into damp as he did. "It doesn't matter anymore, now that they're gone." Avalon said.
    "It was kinda weird at first, but it turned out to be a great fight!" Raven said. " I went like berserk when riding that hollow! and all those..." He was interrupted by Avalon, hushing him.
    "Calm down lil' brother... killing isn't supposed to be fun."
  18. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "Let the boy be. It must be his first time on a adrenaline rush like this. He'll wind down." He turned back to Jeshii. "I just like to give my enemies a chance. I don't think my kills suffered much, unless the bits and pieces they have left can feel, which i doubt. Calm down." He was coming off his high by now. "What i want to know is why intel didn't tell us anything before they were right on us. Its kinda hard to not notice a bunch of hollows stampeding over here."
  19. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    "Because most of our intel comes from Squad Two which still has sever damages from the battles with Aizen." Aer interrupted ans sheathed his zanpakuto, a false smile slid on his face as he greeted each of the captains and also their underlings. "What are the casualties for your companies?"
  20. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    "A few gone. They knew that it was possible, and made sure they took a few hollows with." Rivel replied. "We're going to hold a ceremony for them tonight. We'll give them a proper send off, squad 11 style." He smiled sadly. "I forgot about squad 2." He added sheepishly.
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