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Bleach RP: A mist of hope...

Discussion in 'Archive' started by merlinosheep, May 13, 2009.

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  1. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Theme song of the RP: Only the first one!!!
    YouTube - Bleach Soundtrack 02

    This story is not fully based on the manga Bleach, since we bend of to continue it ourselves. So you don't have to be a Bleach Expert to RP.


    It has a hundred hundred years since Ichigo Kurosaki's (substitute soul reaper) story began. The threats that encountered the lands at that time, have all been eliminated and striked back.
    Now these times, souls and soul reapers in the soul society still live almost the same life they used to at that time. Soul reapers have fallen, and new ones have rissen.
    Now... the evil beings (eaten souls), Hollows are becoming smarter, and are attacking smarter and in faster waves.
    More and more souls are eaten and are becoming hollows to. If this continue's...
    all will end for Soul society and earth as well.
    But new hope has been found... gifted children have always been born in some regions and times. Those children mostly become gifted and strong soul reapers, who fight against the hollows. But now, there are being born more gifted kids then ever. They are now being called "Cagimaru" for their intense powers and talents.
    They are the last hope for the world we live in...

    Again the Theme song, LISTEN!!!!!!
    YouTube - Bleach Soundtrack 02


    ~Race: you can be a human with lower spiritual energy, a shinigami who has high spiritual energy (soul reapers), a hollow ('Cagimaru' are shinagami)
    ~Age: (isn't needed if you're a shinigami)
    ~Weapon: (optional)
    ~Other: (like a theme song would be really creative :D)

    I hope you all Enjoy!!!

    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  2. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Characters occupied:

    1 Main bad guy: ??? [unknown to everybody yet]: ... FEEL FREE TO ASK, IF YOU WANT TO CONTROL!
    2. Argonar priest [half-hollow]: Ardonious

    Shinigami (soul reapers):
    1. Raven Almthorn [luitenant 9th squad] : Merlinosheep
    2. Avalon Almthorn [Captain 9th squad]: Merlinosheep
    3. Aer Shin [one of the captains of squad 13]: Haresuno
    4. Jesse [New Captain of Squad 5]: Twilight Keyblade
    5. Rivel [Captain of the combat squad]: Zerieth
    6. Kasugai Kurosaki [vice-captain 13th protection squad]: Kairu
    7. Jeshii [The New Captain of Squad 5]: Twilight Keyblade
    8. Reson Etry [ later to be edited]: Dreich
    9. Megumi Shikami [former 2d squad captain]: Yukou

    1. Talon Rice [gifted human, able of seeing souls]: Haresuno


    Race: Shinigami (luitenant of squad 9 and 'Cagimaru' (gifted kid))
    Name: Raven Almthorn
    Age: 17
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Weapon: [​IMG]
    History: A boy who was born and raised in the Rukon District (part of the Soul society). He had a wealthy and happy life as a kid. His father was an important man in the political system, and was right hand of the highest captain: "old man, Yamamoto", which was the first one to discover his gift and the one to put him as recruit in the 9th squad. He climbed up through the ranks to luitenant in less then 2 years.
    He hasn't had much trouble in his life.. which may be the reason for his sometimes easy attitude...

    Other: Theme song: ditty for daddy: YouTube - Bleach Soundtrack 10


    Race: Shinigami ( Captain of the 9th squad and 'Cagimaru' (gifted teen))
    Name: Avalon Almthorn
    Age: 25
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Weapon: [​IMG]
    History: Older brother of Raven Almthorn. He has in comparence to Raven, not really lived quite the easy life... His parents were never there for him. Always busy with their work...
    He has a serious but funny attitude, and is always in for a joke with his friends and family.
    When he was putten into the squad, he quickly dashed through the ranks, to the captains seat.
    Other: Theme song: Burden of the Past: YouTube - Bleach OST # 13-Burden Of The Past

    Ninth squad sign:[​IMG]
    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  3. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    ~Name: Kasugai Kurosaki.


    ~Appearence: [​IMG]

    ~Weapon: As Shown in AP

    ~History:After all the things that Kurosaki Ichigo had done for soul society they decided to honour him by naming one of the royal family after him. Kasugai is from the royal family. Wanting to live up to the name that had been given to him Kasugai began training at an early age. Kasugai managed to become a third seat in the thirteen protection, After showing his worth in constant battles he soon became a vice-caption. With hopes of mastering his Bankai he soon hopes to become a caption for the thirteen protection squad.

    ~Other: Kasugai's zanpaktou is in its constant released from much like Ichigo's. I have yet to find a theme song.

    I hope everythings ok, any worries just tell me.
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  4. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    ~Race: Cagimaru
    ~Name: Aer Shin
    ~Appearence: [​IMG]
    ~Weapon: Name| Ansgar | Effect| During Shikai Ansgar can create voids in the air up to 17 meters. In these "bubbles" multiple slashes take effect. However there is a small delay time between the bubbles. usually half of a second between their creation, and they last for several seconds. During Bankai, Ansgar's range increases to 30 meters. The delay time is shortened to less than one third of a second and the duration is kicked up to ten seconds. Finally the area that this can affect ranges from the size of Aer's fist to a diameter of 30 meters.
    ~History: Aer doesn't like to talk about his history much, due to the fact that it is filled with the horrors of always watching his loved ones die before his very eyes. In attempts to stop this from ever happening again, Aer has vowed to always protect innocent lives and always distance himself so that he cannot get close to anyone and have them threatened.
    ~Other: On the outside Aer is a cold man who seems not to care about anyone other than himself. Inwards though he is a torrent of conflicting emotions always battling to decide his life. Only his heartless logic keeps in going and that logic always repeats two things. 1) Protect those who cannot protect themselves if they are truly innocent. & 2) Never get too close. He is currently a Captain of Squad Thirteen and leads them relentlessly.

    [T][H][E][M][E]: Guillotine part 2 by Escape the Fate

    ~Race: Gifted Human
    ~Name: Talon Rice
    ~Age: 19
    ~Appearence: [​IMG]
    ~Weapon: Gauntlets
    ~History: Talon is a pretty average High Schooler. His grades aren't amazing, but they're decent. He's a Muay Tai fighter and he can see spirits. He doesn't really know when it started because he used to be so engrossed with his studies that he rarely even went outside, but when he started High School all sorts of wierd things started happening. He was suddenly being attacked by wierd creatures with bone white masks on their faces. If not for his training he'd be a goner, yet some how there seems to be more to it. Talon has also been studying Ki, Chakra, and Reitsu trying to figure out what it is that destroys these creatures. So far he hasn't found a link but Reitsu seems closest. In truth though without realizing it Talon's reitsu (spiritual energy) naturally bonds with his fists and feet and other parts of his body. It's also why he wins so many street fights. (Lol @pic&last sentance.)
    ~Other: (like a theme song would be really creative
    {T}{H}{E}{M}{E}: Soldiers of the Wasteland by Dragon Force
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  5. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Great, Haresuno! accepted!
    As for Kairu, it looks great and the history is awesome, but the picture isn't working and you didn't edit Race (which is gifted human, i guess?)
    Anyway if you fix the picture and race, you're probably accepted.
  6. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    His pic is was working last night and still is for me. Maybe it didn't fully load on your screen?
  7. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    yeah, it i guess it wasn't just on the computer on school... so... Accepted! It's awesome by the way :D
    Can you guys, by the way, tell everyone about it, so more people will join?
  8. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    I shall, do not fret! Also you could post in the spam lounge maybe?
  9. Dreich

    Dreich New Member

    I think I'll join I just need to get some stuffs together
  10. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Whoa. Uh, give me some time to think about this one. I do watch bleach, but, well, some things in it are, well, I'm feeling real weird about this one.
  11. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    I'd think so long as no one makes their character a visard things would be fine.
  12. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Yeah that's right, you really don't have to be a bleach expert to join in.
  13. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    ~Race: Cagimaru
    ~Name: Rivel (RI-phel)
    ~Appearence: [​IMG]
    ~Weapon: Normal katana, the thing in the pic is his release. In his released state his already high speed is jacked up and he can make explosions with a range up to twenty feet. His bandkai gives him two weapons, while making him near invisible. Both can make explosions over fourty feet. Bandkai does not require his release, but it injures him if he skips to it.
    ~History: Became captain of the combat squad at an early age. He is the most feared swords man among the shinigami, and no man has ever crossed blades with him and lived to tell about it. He always had high combat abilities and his ability to mix attacks with hakodou make him a force to be reckoned with. Because he is captain, he has strived to obtain his bandkai. He achieved that, and blew away about twenty hollows in a single swing. Something that should make an Hollow run for it.
    ~Other: Forze Del Mal
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
  14. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Great picture and ability's, Accepted!
  15. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Thanks. I forgot to mention he likes to play games of chance.
  16. Name: Jeshii
    Race: Soul Reaper
    Rank: The New Captain of Squad 5
    Zanpakuto Name: Procella
    Zanpakuto Type: Wind
    Zanpakuto Abilities:
    1. Procella is a wind type zanpakuto as such it's wielder can control the wind.
    2. Shikai: Procella's blade turns into a twister of wind that can be used as a wind blade or wind whip.
    3. Also in shikai, Procella can make the wind so cold it feels like thousands of small blade hit the enemies body at once.
    4. Bankai: Procella summons a large storm that sends frozen blades of rain down, creates powerful winds, and uses the power of lightning to strike opponents at light speed.
    Bio: Jeshii passed the captain's exam not to long after Aizen was defeated. Jeshii was known as a very silent soul reaper. When he became captain of squad 5 he met Momo Hinamori who was betrayed by captain Aizen and nearly killed by him. Jeshii kept Momo as the liutenant of squad 5 and is now trying to win her trust.
    Pic: I still need to find a pic
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2009
  17. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Lol, i expect you to post em' later on, if you do it, accepted!
  18. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    ~Race: Hollow-soul reaper
    ~Age: Unknown
    ~Appearence: [​IMG]

    The amulet he uses to control Hollows:
    His zanpaku Tô in released form:

    ~History: Not much information aquired yet, he was only seen once by a soul reaper in a squad retrieving souls on earth. He was the only one to survive as they where attacked by an army of hollows and this dark fellow. He seemed smarter then them, able to really control their every move
    His hollow mask: [ i had to make some changes:]


    PS: if anyone wants to control him... Be free to ask!
    If nobody asks, ill control him myself
  19. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Hollow-Soul reaper? Do you mean an Arrancar?
  20. merlinosheep

    merlinosheep A.K.A The Leaver

    Yeah, kinda like the guys in Aizen's squad. (the half hollows)
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