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Bleach: The Skirmish (O.O.C. and S.U.)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Cameron, Jan 28, 2010.

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  1. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    This is my first attempt to make a RP, so don't judge me too harshly, 'kay?

    ----THE STORY----

    It has been 13 years after the defeat of Aizen Sousuke, and the castle of Las Noches is in ruins. The worlds – the real one as well Soul Society knows peace. Captain Positions have changed after the death of Captain Commander Yamamoto and a new leader has been chosen. All of the Divisions have new leaders and thus the Captains have great responsibility over their troops. The entire Shinigami realm thought that the real skirmish between Aizen Sousuke’s Espada’s and Hollow’s has ended, but a new threat rises from the dark sands of Las Noches… They have obtained the power to transform themselves as Arrancars, and because of Kurosaki Ichigo’s late disappearance, the real world has no protection over it. The leader of Arrancars has plans to revenge their fallen comrades and all of them hold something personal against the Shinigamis.

    As the Captain Divisions hear of the new force and that the castle of Las Noches has been secretly started to rebuild by their scouts, they take immense action. All of the Divisions are preparing for the upcoming war as well the Arrancars.

    Where the battle will show? Only time will show…


    1. Players can choose between 13 Arrancars and 13 Captains. Shinigami Captains can have Lieutenant Officers (so there can be 13) and Arrancars can have 1-3 Fraccións.
    2. No God-Modding. It’s very unfair towards other members, and this rule also applies your Bankais and as well Resureccións.
    3. Swearing is allowed withing the range of good taste. Just don’t overdo it.
    4. Romances (even between Shinigami and Arrancars) are welcome to the RP. Nothing sexual thought.

    Character Template:

    Name: (example: Aaronierro)
    Height: (example: 5”0)
    Weight: (example: 155 lbs.)
    Gender: (example: Male)
    Faction: (example: Shinigami/Arrancar)
    Appearance: (insert pic here plz)
    Zanpakuto release (shikai/bankai) or Resurrección: (example: The Fire that Rules the Skies)
    Division/Arrancar position: (example: 1st Squad, 2nd Squad/I, II, III, etc.)
    Title: (example: Captain of the 1st Squad, Lieutenant of the 1st Squad / 1st Arrancar, 1st Arrancar's Fracción)
    Personal Treasure(s): (example: Friends, Family, etc.)
    Weapon(s): (example: Katana, hands, Kidō, describe freely and add a picture if you want!)
    Ability: (example: Kido techniques, strength, and things like these )
    Bio: (the character past)
  2. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Name: Rikimaru Senri

    Gender: Male

    Age: about 1800 years old

    Faction: Shinigami


    Division/Aarancar position: Shinigami Captain

    Title: Captain of Squad 9


    Zanpaktou release:
    Shikai: 'Let's shock the world, Banrai-Kimi!' (means Thunder Lord) the shikai is simple, the blade glows blue with electricity. can fire off lightning bolts that can vary in strength, from numbing to scorching. if it touches metal it sends small shocks through. in a fight this means the more the enemy fights the more shocks run through, numbing him enough that eventually he can't move or feel anything.

    Bankai: Kencho Banrai-Kimi (the Striking Thunder Lord) holds blade up to the sky and declares Bankai. a lightning bolt appears from nowhere and hits the blade, vaporising it. a black cloud forms from the holder and expands encasing him and his foe within. nobody can escape unless the bankai is disengaged or the user dies. within the black cloud the user has complete control over electricity. can create bolts with a thought, can make lightning clones, can make energy swords. can make sparks that surround and encase the enemy before making an explosion of electricity.

    Ability: Besides his Zanpaktou, which is the strongest of all electric types, Rikimaru is quite skilled in his own right. He's a master swordsman and has the fastest Shunpo out of all the Captains. He's not quite skilled in kido except for two spells which he's mastered, Hado 4: Byakurai and Hado 33: Sokatsui. His physical strength is average among the Captains and his intellect his higher then most.

    Personality: Rikimaru is kind and silent. He prefers to speak only when needed or urgent. He's highly intelligent and looked up to by many of the younger Shinigami. Dislikes fights but will always step in to protect a life. He is actually scared of is power and dislikes his Bankai because of it. He hates to go all out and kill. In fact unless it's a dire emergency or his own life is in danger he will refuse to use his full strength. During his spare time he will usually walk around Sereitei helping the commoners which earned him the nickname 'the People's Captain'.

    Bio: Rikimaru was born in district 2 to one of the lesser noble families. He always excelled at anything he did and because of his abnormal spiritual power, enrolled in the Shinigami Acadamy to learn how to control it. He was always at the top of his class and graduated with top honors, setting multiple records along the way. He was first placed in Squad 6 where he embraced the Squad thought of 'rules above all else'. Later he was promoted to Vice-Captain of Squad 9 because of his outstanding mission record and his adherence to the laws of Soul Society. In Squad 9 he learned that those without fear shouldn't fight. Upon learning his Bankai, he came to appreciate that thought all to well. He was recommended by the retiring Captain to take his place and took the Captain's Exam a month later. He passed and was introduced into the Captain rank a couple days later. He's been doing his duty as Captain ever since.

    there's my Captain
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010
  3. Cameron

    Cameron New Member


    I'll edit mine later, damn IE closed when I was almost ready. Boohoo!
  4. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    if you need any other characters then let me know and i'll make them
  5. Name: Leonardo
    Height: 5"11
    Weight: 140 lbs.
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16 (100 Shinigami Years)
    Faction: Shinigami
    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Zanpakuto release (shikai/bankai) or Resurrección: Hikari and Kurai. After shouting "bankai" both Katanas change form and become more powerful, increasing his overall control over Light and Dark. During this time his Strength, Speed, and Durability are increased dramatically. As he does this, his magic (that he learns from reading his massive library of books) is at it's fullest potential. After his bankai is finished, he is totally vulnerable and his weapons return to normal katanas (as his shikai is always active).

    Division/Arrancar position: Shinigami Captain

    Title: Captain of Squad 13

    Personal Treasure(s): Friends, Family, Journal, Sketch Book, Books

    Likes: Reading, Writing, Drawing

    Dislikes: Bitter Vegetables

    Weapon(s): Black and White Katana

    Ability: Photokinesis and Umbrakinesis

    Bio: His life as human being was cut short by a horrible incident that took away his life and the lives of his friends and family. After being recovered by the Soul Society, he concentrated solely on his abilities of Photokinesis (power over Light) and Umbrakinesis (Power over Dark). Many years had past until he was admitted into the Soul Reapers and later on, by display of his skills in combat and large sense of leadership, promoted to Captain of the 13th Sqaud. His true goal is find any threat to the world of the living and to eliminate it, even if means of dying in the process.[/QUOTE]
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2010
  6. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Reonarudo accepted. Only thing that should be edited is the age! Since Shinigami's are long-aged, it should be hundeds or thousands of years which he have lived.

    I'll do mine later... gee what a pain when there's not time for all.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2010
  7. alchemistz

    alchemistz New Member

    I want to join but I can't follow the story cuz' I didn't watched the anime.
  8. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    No worries there! I'll post some links that cover some information enough. If you do not want to read spoilers, it's kinda tricky... but anyway.

    Arrancar - Bleach Wiki
    Shinigami - Bleach Wiki
    Hollow - Bleach Wiki

    If you need any more information, that Wiki covers most of the questions!

    Oh! One thing. Since the leaders of the Gotei 13 have changed and these Arrancars are new species, they don't use the clothings like they used to wear in the Anime. So when you're selecting a pic, it doesn't have to be any Captain robes. If you want to, it's a different thing.


    Name: Raijunso
    Height: 9"1 (believe it or not)
    Weight: 250 lbs
    Gender: Male
    Age: -
    Faction: Arrancar
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Resurrección: "The Cannibal" - After Raijunso releases, his mask is regained and all of his abilities are grow, but his speed isn't the greatest. The name of his release is simple, he can drain strength from dead corpses which gives him the edge in many battles. His sword transform into a mace ( Mace image by Kenneth109 on Photobucket ) that is almost as tall as him, which makes the attacks very strong, yet very slow.
    Division/Arrancar position: Ist Arrancar.
    Personal Treasure(s): He toins a coin almost everywhere he goes, a silver coin.
    Likes: Death
    Dislikes: The joy of Life
    Weapon(s): Raijunso uses his katana, which his quite extraordinary within the ranks of Arrancars. He dislikes using his hand because he states that it's "messy". He uses his Cero rarely and places trust in his sword.
    Ability: He is the most powerful character among the Arrancars because of his massive height. One of his punches can bring down houses and many other things. His attacks are quite slow because of the strength, but he's got a very strong defense.
    Bio: Only thing that is acknowledged is that Raijunso was the first Arrancar to recover from Adjuchas class after the death of Aizen Sousuke. Even that the castle of Las Noches was destroyed, the throne remained clean and without a scratch. The legend tells that he sat for three weeks in the throne and after that, he stood up and began to repair the castle. After other Arrancars joined him, they decided together that they would have their revenge.


    Name: Tolier
    Height: 6"1
    Weight: 198 lbs.
    Gender: Male
    Age: -
    Faction: Arrancar
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Resurrección: "Tiger Bones" Once that Tolier uses his Hollow release, he regains his mask (see picture: http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T Images/Tiger_Mask_IV3.jpg ) and gains Tiger-like powers and his nails turn into solid bone. His speed is increased dramatically as well his power, and he can use Blood Fang attribute, which unleashes Cero's (to those who don't know, they're laser-like beams that Hollow's use).
    Division/Arrancar position: IIIrd Arrancar.
    Personal Treasure(s): He holds great respect to the one-on-one battles.
    Likes: Warm places
    Dislikes: Cold Places
    Weapon(s): He uses hand-to-hand techniques and rarely even touches his katana until he releases. He uses Cero's frequently and places trusts on his speed and strength.
    Ability: Speed that matches many of the most talented ones, Superhuman Strenght and very good hearing. He uses Cero's too.
    Bio: Many who know Tolier say that he's a survivor. A real one. This is because he began as a mere low-class Hollow after his soul was eaten - and he followed his killers footsteps. He feasted on lost souls over and over again until he became a Gillian. He didn't become uncomplete thought, and so he began to eat the kinds of his own. Later on, he became a Adjuchas and eventually ripped off his mask, thus becoming one of the Arrancar that now rule over Las Noches - for what Aizen one did to their fellow Arrancars, he holds revenge for all of the Shinigami and is loyal to the most powerful Arrancar among them, their leader.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2010
  9. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Name: Issa Korungai

    Age: around 1400

    Gender: Male

    Alliance: Shinigami

    Rank: Captain of Squad 2

    Appearance: (will add pic later)

    Zanpaktou: (will add pic later)

    Zanpaktou powers:
    Shikai: Rush, Akuma Insei! (Devil Star) He spins the blade and it transforms into a four pointed star with a empty center. In the center is a rod that connects to a chain extending from a glove on Issa's hand. The chain can stretch to any length and Issa can control the star through the chain. If Issa wants to he can fire his Kido spells through the star instead of his hands, allowing him to hit foes from multiple angles and distances. If he wraps an enemy in the chain he can activate his zanpaktou's attack Insei Wana, means Star Trap, to cause the star to rip through the captured foe.

    Bankai: Kouseki Akuma Insei(Crystal Devil Star) Issa throws either his sword or the star up in the air and it breaks into hundreds of his shikai star, only without the chain. The stars are controlled by his thoughts and retain the ability to fire off his kido spells. Basically his bankai is an unchained, multiple verion of his shikai.

    Personality: Issa is the typical bad boy persona. He seems uncaring and cocky but is actually very loyal and intelligent. He doesn't like being ordered around but will still follow said orders. His favorite thing to do is just sit around and do nothing.

    Bio: Issa was born in district ten and joined the Shinigami after one saved him and his friends. He wasn't very skilled in much except his swordsmanship and he trained constantly to make up for his flaws. He was first in Squad 13 but was transfered to Squad 3 and then to Squad 2. He is the current Captian of the Squad and as such is an expert in hand-to-hand combat in addition to his other skills.

    modified character from my Bleach Fanfic.
  10. Hey noz, can I pm you a question?
  11. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Sure, not a problem.

    And btw, I'll get this started once I have enough time to make a proper thread about this. Been little busy lately.
  12. All right then. Wait, can make some moar characters first?
  13. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    Sure, that's fine with me. Just wait for me to accept them first, when you've done them.
  14. All right, then I'll be making in a moment.
  15. Haresuno

    Haresuno KH-3's Übermensch

    Name: Kyou Rinzai

    Height: 5'8"

    Weight: 175 lbs.

    Gender: Male

    Age: 240

    Faction: Shinigami


    Zanpakuto release: "Turn everything to naught, Kucabara" Upon uttering the release phrase, Kyou's zanpakuto loses it's watazaki appearance and takes on the form of a pen looking broad sword. In this state, Kucabara is allowed to create small voids where ever it slices.

    Division/Arrancar position: Fifth division

    Title: 3rd seat

    Personal Treasure(s): His guitar (can't remember the type it is. See pic above)

    Likes: Nature

    Dislikes: Industrialization

    Weapon(s): Proficient in hakuda (CQC), decent zanjutsu, horrible with kidou, and decent hohou (speed).

    Ability: No kidou (save for byakuraii and Shakkahou), zanpakuto abilities explained above.

    Bio: Before Seireitei, Kyou wandered around aimlessly near the outskirts of the first eastern district. It was by chance that a shinigami came across him and persuaded him to join the Gotei.
  16. I don't know if noz will be on for a very long time. We should wait for a while to see what happens next.
  17. Cameron

    Cameron New Member

    I'll make this when I have the time to make a good opening post. Thanks Haresuno for joining, you're accepted.
  18. All right noz. Sorry for the character delay. I thought it would just be easier for me to just have me sort of ordering around members of my squad.
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