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Blue Dragon

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Beloved, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Okay, there may be some of you who will think that this game is a little immature for your tastes...well, you'd be almost right. It starts a little kiddy...definately. But as you play the story quickly evolves into something truly memorable.

    Okay, gameplay is your classic, simple turn-based RPG style you'd expect. But it made interesting for the absolute need for strategy. It desent matter if you're lvl50 fighting a lvl20 boss. If you use poor strategy, your a** is gonna die. The most balanced party would be in front(when you get all your allies) three guardian class in front, and white and black mage in back. However, you will unlock classes as you lvl up. And you lvl up your classes by gaining SP in battle.

    While on moving around monster populated inviroments, you can pull the left trigger to pause time and show a ring around the party. Enemies inside the ring can be engaged all at once. This help when gaining X2 and X3 SP. You can also get field skills by lvl'ing certain classes. Assassin will eventually give you Stun Bomb. Self-explanatory. When you engage certain enemy types, you could witness a monster fight, which could make your battle a lot easier. Monsters engage each other instead of you.

    Battle itself is simple, but you need to keep a close eye on your HP and MP, and don't let one character get too low, because enemies will begin to target the weakest character. Also, allies in the back row cannot be attacked by close range attacks, which means they will more or less be safe....somewhat. They are EXTREMELY vulnerable to magic however. Now, some advice to that; until you get your fourth party member, keep them all in front. Otherwise, your attacker will easily get overwhelmed.

    The musical score is amazing...but the boss battle song is a little...less than fantastic, though you do eventually get fond of it. But the game's overall score is truly awe inspiring. But by far the greatest track in this game is the final battle. One Winged Angel fans, prepare to be swerved. This'll be your new favourite.

    Graphics....DBZ a thousand times better. They're amazing. Especially FMV's.

    Overall 9/10, becuase I don't like catchy boss music.

    For XBOX 360 only....that's obvious by now though.

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