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Discussion in 'Archive' started by Oath, May 19, 2010.

  1. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    We begin Nao! :)
    Next post starts it.

    Have fun and follow the rules... yeah. Go now quit reading and post something.
  2. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    The two misterious masked women walked gracefully down the stairs. Most of the eyes of the people on the floor or in the thrones at the head of the room were on them. No one knew who these two were and the announcer had no name to give them to satisfy their curiosity. They looked beautiful for the fact that the only parts of their faces that could be seen was the bottom halves. Their eyes and noses were covered with beautiful masks that were identical in shape but one was white and the other red. One had long brown hair that curled in ringlets down the back of her graceful back and a silver headband in the shape of desert flowers holding it back away from her mask. This was the one in red. But the most odd thing about this woman was the shoes which could be glimpsed just below the hem of her dress. They seemed to be completely transulsent though tainted red like her dress. If one didnt know any better it would seem like they were made out of glass!
    The one in white had her hair, also brown but darker than the other's, in an intriguing style done up except for a few strands taken at random out of the style and hanging down. A comb in the shape of a butterfly was the only accessory she wore.

    Gwen felt like she was going to fall over wearing the tall shoes that the strange visitor had given her and it didnt help that she was walking down a flight of stairs either and that there were a ton of eyes staring at her. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, she shot a glance at her sister. She saw that her sister seemed to feel the same by the look in her eyes behind her red mask. Gwen turnd her face back to the multitude of people as they reached the bottom step. It was then that she first noticed that there was music playing. All around her she could see people all dressed up in nice clothes and masks all of them walking, speaking, and dancing with more grace than gwen knew possible. Having grown up in the slums, she wasnt use to this kind of a scene and she was not sure how to act in the situation so she just stood there at the foot of the stairs. She saw her sister standing right next to her and knew she felt the same. If they were caught they would both be punished, maybe even killed. Gwen reached for her sister's hand for support wondering why it was so important to the strange woman that they had to be here tonight and also worrying about what would become of them by the nights end.

    She looked around, trying to see if their strange friend was there or if someone else they knew was there that they were supposed to find but she saw no one just smiles and eyes behind masks.
  3. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Arabeth looked around at the scene around her and felt strangely excited in spite of her nerves. She felt very much at home with all of the graceful and beautiful costumes and the castle. She loved it. She looked at Gwen "Come on." she said to her, "Lets go have a look around. We cant find out much by just standing here and besides we're supposed to look like we know what we're doing." she smiled encouragingly and pulled Gwenevere along with her farther into the room full of enemies.
  4. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Gwen followed Arabeth, trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone but also pretty much amazed by the appearence and how many people were there. How special could one person be that would cause a turnout like this. Prince or no Prince that seemed to be a bit extreme but she couldnt help to think it was beautiful. She nearly tripped when her foot tangled with some ladies skirt as she was walking. After making a quick apology she caught up with Arabeth again. "Do you think that the sorcerer is here Beth?"
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Elana stood on the balcony outside of the masquarade party. She wore a long elegant, beautiful turquoise dress. She looked out over the land at night many people asleep. She held her mask in her hand. She held her gloves in her other hand and looked down at her hand at the ring on her finger. To her fiance, the prince of the land, it was her engagement for a long, happy marriage of ruiling his land like his father. To Elana that ring was a reminder of her arrange marriage her father set up so he wouldn't loose his position in the royal court. That ring signified a long, torturous marriage. She looked at the saphire gem on her finger as it reflected the moonlight on it. She went to take it off, but her father put a spell on it not allowing her to remove it.

    Elana just leaned on the wall of the balcony looking out over the land before putting her gloves on and taking one last look at her cursed ring. She looked down at her mask. The turquiose mask with the diamonds, and other jewels in it reflecting the moonlight.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Gerik was standing by himself in the ballroom. He had a glass of wine in his hand and was leaning against a wall. He quitely surveyed the area. "If there's a bright side, I won't be noticed. That woman said I'd look like any regular citizen. And not somebody of the other side. Although I think she was wrong on the other point. I haven't seen those two girls. I think that woman was lying to me. The odds are slim to none of me actually encountering them. They're slaves. There's no way they'd actually be here."
  7. Amongst the radiant festivities was Leon Terch, sitting at a lone table that was stacked high with foods of all kind and multiple women around him. He was laughing loudly and the goblet of win that was clutched in his hand met his soft lips and he drank the tart beverage with great gulp. He had been there for a while but his true purpose of being there was to start a riot and while the people of the ballroom were distracted he would take the pouches that held many gold coins and return to a lone village near his camp that lay deep in the forest and use the money to help the people there to save them from starving.

    It was a good plan. Problem was it that he couldn't keep his eyes off of the two maidens that were amongst the people. Interesting... He understood that they were royalty as to how they carried themselves. The alk was always the same, couldn't go against it. Coming from the same guy that robbed from a multitude of nobility.
  8. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Well, today I make my impression on the main nobility of the kingdom. This dance has every important member of my father's court here. I must be my very best. Dante thought to himself as a servant finished tying the laces to his shoes. He was wearing a deep blue suit with longer coattails and had a small gold headband on to signify his royal blood. On his hands were white silk gloves and on his left hand was a small gold ring, the symbol of his betrothal to the daughter of the kingdom's most prestigius magic user. While Dante had wondered why he was never allowed to pick his own bride, he had no regrets. It was for the good of the kingdom he was told. And on a more personal note, Dante found the sorcerors daughter to be a beauty unrivaled. As the servant finished he backed off and did a bow. Dante just nodded and headed down the hall to the masqurade party. Out of his inner coat pocket he pulled out a white mask that covered his eyes. With a sigh he put it on and headed into the ballroom.
  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    >Mrs. Smith already said that the kingdom is in a desert. NO FOREST!!!<

    Gerik looked around the ballroom, occasionally taking a bit of some food. He hadn't moved from his spot for a while. He was just looking at the faces of anybody who would walk in. Gerik touched his face, feeling the mask concealing it. He scanned the area, not looking at one place for too long. Gerik then felt as though he noticed something important. He looked back at where it was. He saw two women enter the ballroom. "How strange." He thought to himself. He saw one of them trip over another woman's dress. Gerik laughed to himself. "They're not the most graceful of women I've ever seen. But they are... Intruiging." Gerik stood up straight and began walking towards them.
  10. Oath

    Oath King Bitch™

    Arabeth shrugged "To be honest I dont know but I know that lady sent us here for a reason and so whatever happens... happens." she smiled a bit "Besides even if we do get recognised can you imagine the look on their faces if they were to figure out that enemy slaves crashed their little party." she laughed "Now we shoud quit calling eachother by name. Our names sound too much like we are from..." she looked around and then decided not to say it. "So have fun at the party, Anestasia. I'm going to have a look around." she gave her sister an encouraging smile, letting her sister know that she had called her by the wrong name on purpose. She then walked off farther into the room ready to explore.
  11. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    As Dante walked around the ballroom he made note of the names and titles of the people that approached him. He knew his father would likely ask him about them later and it would be better if he knew them without having to ask. Eventually Dante caught sight of the person he was looking for, his fiance. With a kind bow and apology he left the throng of nobles that surrounded him and walked over to the balcony. "Hello Elana. What are you doing over here? The party's inside." He asked kindly with a smile on his face.
  12. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Elana was slightly startled but recognized the voice as she did a mental sigh in her head. "Nothing, m'lord." Elana spoke with elegance turning around to face Dante. She glanced down at the mask. "I'm just out here enjoying the beautiful evening." She lied. She was out here to try and get away from another party thrown in honor of her and Dante getting married. She did a fake smile to her fiance that could have passed as a real one. "Is there something you'd like to speak to me about... dear?" She almost choked on the word dear as it came out of her mouth, one of the spells her father used on her to show true affection to Dante. She quickly turned around though hoping that maybe he'd leave, but she knew very well that would probably not happen.

    OOC:: hey what exactly is going to happen with the king and sorcer, if we need them and nobody makes them by tonight, I'll make a template for the sorcer, I guess.
  13. GrandShadow

    GrandShadow I accept your challange.

    Dante gave a slight chuckle. "You don't have to call me lord." Dante looked up to the sky and smiled. "You're right, it is a beautiful evening. This party should be outside." As Dante looked back to Elana he was slightly surprised that she had turned back around. Normally, girls couldn't look away from him. Yet she did it all the time, just another reason he liked her. "If it's not too much trouble, could you spare the skies your gaze and join me for a dance?" Dante asked as he held out his hand.
  14. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Elana turned around and really had the tendancy to just punch him in the face and get her feelings out, but the more she thought like that, the more her father's "curse", affected her. She so wanted to turn back around and just go back to gazing over the country and at the night time sky. She did another fake smile and walked over to him. "I'd be..." She couldn't believe she was getting ready to say what she was going to say. "I'd be honored, Dante." She said as she took his hand and walked inside to the masquarade. As she put her mask on. She looked around the crowd and noticed two particular people. She quickly looked away though and glanced back at Dante.

    Elana did have to admit, Dante was very good looking, probably one of the best looking man in the world, but she didn't care about beauty or looks. She cared about the person's personality and their beliefs, and that she hated Dante for. He's exactly like his father, self absorbed about everything and cares only about himself. He thinks he's all that, when in truth to her, he was no better than the devil.

    Elana sighed though mentally and got in a dancing stand and put her hand up on his shoulder. She listened to the music the small symphany band played. A classical piece, popular for classical ballroom dancing. She listened as the beat of the music was a slow one. The song was beautiful, and she knew what it was intended to be, a love song.

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