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Bounty - Roleplay [Invite Only]

Discussion in 'Archive' started by RebelMurf, Aug 26, 2009.

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  1. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Alright, Well im going to do something completely different with this RP. First off im not going to have any OOC/SU thread. You may be asking were are you supposed to put your character. The answer for that is quite simple. You introduce your character in your first post, this leaves room to develop your character as the RP progresses and leaves more freedom. There are no specific rules to characters, you must have one character who is your main character, (your main character been a bounty hunter) but for example if you walk into an inn you can control the inn keeper and some other customers, just please make sure to be clear if you do. Now then, Im sure that you realize without a OOC/SU thread that this is the RP thread. As for the time settings, It is the same thing as final fantasy's in the sense that there are guns and swords, but there is absolutely no magic!. The way I want this to work is that people develop the scenario as the please, for example [I was in a dark ally were smoke could be seen rising from the gutters, and next to some bins could be seen a dirty pile thrown out clothes etc]. You should gain more understanding as the RP progresses. As for my character, it will all be explained in my post. Lets have some fun and please, lets try to make this work.

    "Im telling you!, I saw him. The man with the $200,000,000 bounty on his head, I truly saw him. Allocard, the greatest bounty hunter to ever live." A frail drunken old man said as he threw his arms out wildly spilling his drink.

    In the background was the mummers and laughter of the few men and women who could afford to buy drink in these hard times. The old man's story seemed to catch the attention of a few younger folk while it annoyed the older customers.

    "He stands at six foot, has long blond hair that he wears brushed back. He is usually seen wearing a white shirt.. *Hiccup* awhiteshirtwithawaistcoat" The old man said in a drunken slur while he moved over to and put his arm around a young man who was obviously feeling a little uncomfortable by this.

    "Well son, this has been fun, but i must really be off" The old man said finishing off his drink.

    "OH!, You best be careful.... he's an unforgiving one that Allocard" he said as he walked out the bar.

    "Well that was fun" Allocard said as he tore off the long coat he was wearing and removed the wig from his head and replaced it with his hat.

    "Now then, on to business!" He said as he headed off into the night.

    Now then, Im hoping you all get the general gist of what I want done here. That been said if there are any questions please feel free to ask me. Now an obvious place to start would be the bar which Allocard disguised as the old man was in. But by all means feel free to start it anyway you wish.
    Nova likes this.
  2. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    Nissa sat alone in his bar stool, sipping from a bottle of what the bar sold off to be beer. It was a thick yellow drink that held the faint smell of urine, much like the rest of the town. The town was a small dingy one on the edge of a large desert. Like most towns nowadays all you'd find open was a bar and a small weaponry. Nissa had been travelling to collect a bounty on Allocard. And he was sure he could do it. Scratching his long silver hair with his frail anorexic arms he went to take another drink, but couldn't do it.

    "This place is fowl." He mumbled, when a old man, already smelling of drink came storming through the door ranting about his encounter with Allocard. Nissa was really paying attention. There had been alot of gossip around about Allocard spread around the cities he was travelling through, all started by old men. There stories seemed to lead him in circles so at this point he had given up paying attention. He sat in his stall for another long while, slowly consuming his drink. It was getting light outside and all but the towns drunkards had left.

    Rubbing his overly large blue eye's, something clicked in Nissa's head.

    "Fuck!" He shouted jumping up and grabbing his two weapons. The resembled a gun but had a long dagger jutting out of the bottom.

    'I wonder if I can catch him?' He thought chasing after the old man.

    Is this okay?
  3. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Arlin was sitting in the corner of the tavern, in a small booth, focusing on his piss-warm. . .piss in a glass.

    "Ugh, I hate this place." He was in the middle of his own thoughs when a drunken old man came bursting through the door claiming he'd seen Allocard. ". . .and old drunks." He pulled his hat down over his eyes, and slagged back to try to relax.

    Arlin was an impressive looking person. He was just over 5'9", with dark brown hair, pulled back into a ponlytail, which reached down to just below his shoulders. He had a desert hat on (think a little bigger than Indiana Jones), along with a long tan coat over his shoulders. His loose dark pants shake frantically in the wind. And his long gloved reach half to his elbow, he also preffered his heavy boots to light footwear. It made it easier to shift his weight. He had his longsword in the booth to his left.

    He preferred a damascus forged long sword over guns. He was faster than your average bounty hunter.

    As the old man was finishing his story, the guy he was talking to got up and just left. Arlin didn't think much of the guy at first. But the he noticed the guy up front get up and leave.

    Arlin looked down at his drink. I hate alcohol. . .at least when in tasts like piss.

    He waited a few minutes, then got up, strapping his sword to his waist, to trail the stranger that followed the old man.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2009
  4. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    A wanted poster had been caught in the updraft of the dark alley, a man had managed to clasp it in-between his index and middle finger.

    “Allocard my ass,” the mysterious figure chuckled. “Looks like he’s got some good bounty on his head.” The figure grinned then scrunched up the wanted poster into his back pocket.

    “That’s the last one,” he said after heaving a heavy crate against the wall and quickly dusting his hands. Grabbing a crow bar from off the moist ground he took a golf swing from above tearing the soft wood to mere toothpick fractions. This was followed by a sharp movement of clicking his neck to the left, moving his dark hair off his face.

    Jacob was the name he currently went by; now covered his shirtless well built body with his long crimson jacket. He hid the intricate dragon tattoo which was wide spread across his back with his long garment.

    “These guns will do fine,” He said whilst taking them out of the crate, then placed the pistols in his jacket pocket. He had now acquired three guns to join his twin dragon double edged katana.

    Time to get me some bounty. He strolled out of the alley to begin his new desire.
  5. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Mostly un-noticed by the local people wandering from place to place in a hurry, a piece of paper was pulled by the wind. As it finally settled on the ground slightly slumped against the stone wall in an ally in the outskirts of town a lone figure who had been there saw it land.

    Slowly rising and walking toward the piece of paper on the ground, the person removed her dingy berlap hood to reveal a tanned face with bright green/blue eyes. Her straight black hair hung out of her hood and cascaded down to the small of her back. By modern standards, she was beatiful except for a scar that wove its way from her hairline on her right temple to her chin, very bright against her skin color.

    She looked over the paper and the face on the picture. She shrugged "I havent had a decent job in a while. Allocard... I hope you haven't slowed down much since our last meet." she said before she dropped the paper on the ground and walked back toward the city.

    In the meantime she unclasped the dingy cloak she had been wearing and let it slide off her sholders to the ground, underneith she was wearing the usual clothes for someone living in this town. A innocent enough looking pink dress. Honestly she hated the dress but it attracted less attention than her usual attire. Besides, the skirt was a good way to hide her combat knife, sword, and other weapons. She was heading toward her home for now.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  6. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    A man was standing on top of a rooftop, across the street from the bar. He was listening to the regular drunks talk about random things. He heard somebody say something about Allocard. He noticed somebody walk out of the bar. That person took off a wig, and replaced it with a hat.

    The man on the rooftop stood up and stretched. He stood at 5' 11" and had blue eyes. His eyes reflected the moonlight, giving them a supernatural glow. He had dirty blonde hair, almost brown colored. It reached to about his eyebrows in the front, and reached the bottom of his neck in the back. He was wearing a black trenchcoat. It was unbuttoned, opened up approx. 3 inches. Strapped to his back was a sword in it's sheath. The sword was almost 5 feet in length. The sword was made of adamantium, and would give off a faint glow. The man also had a belt that is under his trenchcoat. At his back, attatched to the belt, was a knife, approx. 2 feet in length. Also attatched to his belt was a small bag, filled with contents unknown to anybody except the man wearing it. Inside his trenchcoat were random weapons including (But not limited to), a 10 round revolver, bullets, poison darts, and a little black box.

    The man (Zack) turned to his right, the opposite direction that Allocard was facing. He started to walk, muttering something to himself. "Can't wait to show you everything I learned. But I don't want to make things too easy." He looked like he was about to jump in the air. His body then suddenly dissapeared, like it wasn't even there.
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    It was after dark by the time she reached her current 'home'. It was perfectly hidden where no ideodic drunk from one of the nearby bars could stumble inside. Just behind one of the local bars, she had found a very small crack in the wall barely tall or wide enough for even her short, thin frame to slide inside let alone a grown man or woman who might ever be following her on accident or on purpose. Behind the crack in the wall was a door where someone had tried to build over a house that once stood here. Now the only room usable was the entrance but that didn't bother her much. It took no time at all for her eyes to adjust to the dim light and then she could see everything she would need for this new hunt she had before her. She quickly changed out of the hated dress into an attire a lot easier to move in (black worn out pants and top), She worked on braiding her long mess of hair. As she walked back outside her sword was hidden well benieth a black trench coat. Not that any trained eye would be fooled by that. Her appearence gave away enough about who and what she was by any trained eye. She was on the roof of the bar before most people would even have had time to walk up to the stone wall. She smiled a little and walked over to the edge, remembering there had been talk of Allocard at this very bar earlier today. Drunk People have their gossip, but that didn't make it any less worth checking out.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  8. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    Arlin went outside to follow the man leaving the tavern, then stopped just outside the entrance, feeling something cold and hard against his right temple.

    "If you value your life, you'll come with me quietly"
    Without moving his head, he looked to his right, but the stranger noticed, and moved his head to the left. "Look forward, I'll stay behind you, and tell you where to go."-he pressed the gun hard against his head-"And stay quiet."
    "You don't have to be so rude." Arlin shrugged. "As far as I can see, you're the one who wants something from me."
    "Shut up!" The stranger brought the gun back, about to hit Arlin.

    Arlin tensed, gripping his sword's hilt in his right hand. He turned right, his legs spread, and drew his sword partially out, slamming the stranger's gut, forcing him to his knees.

    He was about to draw the sword to kill the man. Until he saw his face. He was a gruff man, with a beard, and thick eyelashes. He had a scar over his right eye, that gave away his identity.

  9. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    In the city, there was a lone tower. This tower was in ruins. It appeared as if it hadn't been inhabited in a very long time.

    The top of the tower had no roof. That was destroyed, along with bits of the walls. But, in that top floor, there were windchimes decorated about the area. And there were strings strewn across the room from different angles, each one connecting to others and what appeared to be random intervals. There were pictures and pieces of papers with strange scribbles attatched to these strings. The staircase leading to the lower floors of the tower was covered up by a boulder.

    The night was silent. Nothing in the top of the tower had moved. There hadn't even been a slight breeze. But then, a windchime moved a little. It made a slight noise. Then, more windchimes started to move. Zack suddenly appeared, standing on a ledge of the tower, where part of a wall should be. He walked over to the strings. He reached inside his trenchcoat, and reached behind his back. He grabbed the hilt of his knife. He pulled it out of it's sheath.

    The blade was completely black. Even when held in the moonlight, it gave off no reflection. But the blade itself was extremely sharp. Sharp and blended in the darkness, the perfect assassin's knife. Zack walked over to one of the strings. On it, there was an old picture. It was him and Allocard standing side by side. "And now teacher, it is time for me to show you how I've changed since all those many years before." Zack didn't say it in a creepy way. When he spoke of Allocard, his voice was full of respect. He cut the string. All the strings fell down to the ground. "See you soon."
  10. Beloved

    Beloved Azure's Beloved

    "Long time, no see kid." Durzo laughed, placing his gun back in his belt. "Didn't think I'd be finding you in a place like this!" He got back on his feet.
    Durzo was a good six feet tall, if you include his thick boots. He was wearing his usual attire. A long gray coat, gray cowboy hat, with a twin magazine rifle. Excellent for rapid fire, and long range targets. . .at least when he wasn't drunk.

    "Shit Durzo, I could've killed you.-I chuckled-"But at least I'd've had a brand new hat.

    Durzo shrugged, showing his usual cocky grin. "Let me guess kid, you're going after that Allocard guy, right?"

    "Yeah, I was considering it. Assuming I can find a good gun again. I might like this sword, but I like my guns too."

    Durzo grunted, then took out the revolver he'd put to my head, and tossed it to me.

    "Well, in that case, you'd better take this one. No use getting some used up piece of shit, only having it jam later."

    I caught the gun. "Thanks." He looked down the road outside the tavern. "So, would I be right in assuming that you're after Allocard as well?"
    Durzo nodded, "Yep. And no, I'm not going to help you and split the earnings. Damn, you young'uns are so lazy these days. Needing an old man to you your dirty work."

    I laughed, letting my head roll a bit. "Who said I was asking for your help, old man? You'd just slow me down!"

    Durzo slumped his shoulders, then looked at the sky. "Its getting late, I'd best head back to my workhouse. I'll see you if I see you kid."

    I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, sure. You mean your whorehouse."

    Durzo shrugged again. "Hey, someone's gotta give those lonely women some loving company." Then he turned and walked into the sunset.

    How cliche.

    I went back into the tavern to rent a room for the night.
  11. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Allocard sat in the room with the lights turned out. In the dark he could make out the large cabnit that had been placed stratigicly in the conor of the room right next to the window so that it could still open but not block out what little light came through the window. He was also able to make out the desk were he had been wrighting at not five minutes ago.

    Thinking about it Allocard realized that the room was very plain, a single desk with a single cabnit, and what apeared to be an old dress re-sewn as a curtain.

    "I shall have to give them enough so they can upgrade there living standerds" Allocard said as he began watching the door again. It wasn't that he was worried of who might come through the door, It was purely out of habit that he would watch it.

    Suddenly there was a knock at the door, "Sir?, There is a man here asking for you."

    Allocared recognized the voice to be that of the lady of the house.

    And so it starts Allocard thought to himself somwhat dissapointed that he didn't have has much time as he had hoped for.

    Allocard then went to the room window and gently opened it. Three floors up

    Allocard jumped up onto the window cil, in a full sqauting position. Next thing Allocard knew the door was on the ground landing with a large thud. Looking at the doorway Allocard saw the silloet of a rather large looking man.
    Allocard then droped out of the window using a blade he pulled from his belt to control his decent.

    After landing Allocard began to run into what apeared to be some kind of swamp.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2009
    Nova likes this.
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    As she walked into the bar and looked around she was already discusted. She usually didn't hang around places like this very long. You can be a drunk without being a mess... she laughed a little at herself and then began to walk into the bar. A voice behind her made her stop though "Well well well look what the wind blew in." a sarcastic voice said. She stopped and looked over her sholder to see a young boy about the age 14 standing there with his arms folded. She smiled a little "You mean, look who the Kat dragged in."
    The kid laughed and hugged her "Where have you been Katsumi! You promised you would be back ages ago!"
    Kat chuckled and pulled the kid back so she could see his face "You've gotten bigger, Jacob. How long as it been." she ruffled his hair about, something he didn't seem to like as he shoved her hand away "Not long enough if you keep that up." he teased.
    Katsumi laughed "Fair enough, is your dad here?" Jacob nodded "Yeah and boy he'll be glad to see you. Just a second and I'll go get him."
    Not long after he had gone behind the counter of the bar and into the storage room the door burst open again and a tall, rough looking man came through. He looked happy to see her but Kat shook her head, suddenly serious "No time for Pleasant greetings. I need news. Have any drunks been giving any good gossip lately?"
    The bartender scrached his chin as he thought "Not that I know of, Kat. There was one ruffian here some time ago that was muttering on about Allocared but then he's been a hot topic here for quite some time. We cut the man off of the hard liquor and gave him a gentle push onto the street where he can get his head clear.
    Kat smiled a little, "Yes I'm sure it was just a gentle push." she said sarcasticly.
    The bartender smiled "You know me all too well, Ms. Kat."
    Katsumi smiled "Yes and I'm dreading it more every day." she reached into her pocket and pulled out a single gold coin "You didn't see me here today." she said as she placed it on the counter and began to walk away.
    RebelMurf likes this.
  13. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    This thread is closed until further notice

    Nova likes this.
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