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Discussion in 'General' started by LDC1121, May 17, 2008.

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  1. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Hi, I just recently read a thread form a member who needed advice on how to find a girlfriend and lots of people gave him good advice. But I'm a girl needing advice on boys. So could you guys help me, I'd greatly appreciate it?! :)
  2. Mike

    Mike Member

    The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

    I think your question's a bit too vague. You might do better posting a little detail about your situation, what your fears (in regards to dating/boys) are, and what you're looking for in a boyfriend.
  3. SheShe

    SheShe New Member

    we need more details on what u want to know, i mean i could just list a bunch of stuff about them, but im not sure thats what ud want, so give some more detail on what u need and ill b happy 2 help
  4. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    I would like to noe how to approach guys and how to weed out the goods ones from the bad ones. I like guys who are funny but noe when to be serious. Also they should be decent looking, they don't have to be drop dead gorgeous but at least cute. To describe myself, I'm a little shy around new people, I love anime, and I'm sorta cute except I don't like the fact that I'm really tall. (sorry I noe u guys didnt ask for my description but I thougt I'd put it out there!)
  5. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps


    Just be yourself. Shy is a good quality in a girl, and you should use it. I don't know, reading your description reminds me of Hinata in Naruto, but anyway, it is okay. Most guys love a girl who is funny and have a good personality!

    Remember looks is not important, but if you are into Jocks, they are the type of guys who like materialistic girls.
  6. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    well I'm definitely not into jocks! not that there's anything wrong with jocks, it's just that I don't like sports at all! though I would date a guy who plays sports as long as he wasn't stuck up and wanted me to go to every one of his games! lol
  7. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    hey i'm they guy that made the thread about getting a girlfriend, let me just say you fit what i'm looking for perfectly. (not trying to be pervy).
  8. Yukie

    Yukie Fist Pumps

    Well since I am a guy, I like girls who can think on her head. Cause if you hang out with me, you may be embarrass. I dance in public places, I am loud when I see a girl, and I laugh loud. So if you are funny, then that is a plus!
  9. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    Thanks for the compliment but just to let you noe, alot of people in my school think I'm kind of weird. (not crazy psycho weird, just really different :) )

    I rarely get embarassed, and I sometimes break out in dance if I'm in a really good mood. My personal favorite is the sprinkler! lol :D
  10. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Please don't double post. You can edit your last post if need be. Just a friendly reminder.

    As for approaching guys, we're all different. My best suggestion is to be yourself and let whatever is going to happen happen.

    As for "weeding out" guys, a word of warning, especially if you are "sorta cute" as you say. Cause in my opinion the girls that are "sorta cute" are better looking than the ones who are supposedly "drop dead gorgeous", so you may have more guys who think you're attractive than you think, which makes the following scenario more likely.

    Beware of guys bearing large and overly elaborate gifts. There's a good chance these guys are just hoping to wow enough that you'll have sex with them. I work in a kitchen, and one of our cooks has been making the big fancy desert platters for a few of the better looking waitresses. They are impressive little displays to be fair. But he does this every day, and the whole intenion behind is he wants to get laid, and he's hoping this will convince one or more of them to let him in their pants.

    I'm not saying to get all paranoid. But tread carefully and don't let yourself get manipulated. Because there are guys who will try. Make sure you find one of the nice ones. ^_^
  11. Kileandra

    Kileandra New Member

    As an older girl here I couldn't help but noticing your topic title, kinda stood out :)

    But after reading all the replies, I have to say I really agree with EbAll's advice. Don't get paranoid indeed, but always tread carefully when guys try to win you over with special stuff. It usually spells out BIG trouble. I know, I've had my fair share.
    Just always try to see all sides when you meet someone but somehow don't really know if it's good or bad. When a guy tries to win you over, try to find chances to observe him and see how he is with other girls. It usually reveals his character. Also sometimes winning in advice from friends that also know or have seen him can help :p

    The best advice is indeed that you gotta be yourself, guys your interested in, funny but serious, want to know the whole package. Just relax, be 'you' and the right guy will come on your path :p

    Hope you don't mind another girl butting in, but I just could'nt hold back putting in a word myself. You sound like a very lovely girl any guy would love to hang out with :)

    Also guys, your replies are all great, so I hope that you don't mind a girl to share her vision on this ;)
  12. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    To Kileandra: I don't mind that you are a girl giving me advice I actually appreciate it and found your advice very useful!

    To EbenezerAl: I'll be careful of guys with big and fancy gifts, but what if a guy gave me a small bouquet of flowers? should I still be wary of him?
  13. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Don't OVER analyze the information. You shouldn't be wary of the gift, but just if it looks like the guy is trying to be impressive and overly controlling.
  14. Kileandra

    Kileandra New Member

    :p Glad to hear it, love, that you don't mind :) And that it was also useful :)

    Also Zenrot here is spot-on :D

    Flowers are usually ment, but when he's really trying to impress you with big fancy gifts from the start, he can have an hidden agenda :eek:

    Alawys try to trust your own emotions, when it clicks, you'll feel it deep down, it'll just find it's place and you know it's right :p
    When your already hesitating or have an strange feel about it, immediately listen to it and think things trough before you go any further :)
  15. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

  16. EbeneezerAl

    EbeneezerAl New Member

    Like I said, don't get paranoid. Just bear that in mind if you seem someone right off the bat doing things way over the top. Ususally it's the small gifts that are the honest ones. Also, if a group of guys asks you and a bunch of other gals to go hang out, especially if you're not all dating, that's a HUGE warning flag. Especially if alcohol is involved.

    And while Kileandrea is right in terms of paying attention to how they act around other girls, pay special attention to how they act around other guys. Especially if they don't know there are any girls within earshot. I'm not saying to stalk a guy and spy on him to see if he's being legitimate. But I will say that it's often among the other guys that a guy will say what it is he's after.
  17. LDC1121

    LDC1121 New Member

    To EbenezerAl: thanxs, but I wish I had gotten that advice a couple of weeks ago when me and my friends went to the mall. No guys asked for drinks but they were hitting on us and making rude jokes! Ugh I hate guys like that!

    To demon of darkness: when are people going to learn that weird people are going to take over the world! lol! anyway I don't take offense if people call me weird, I accept the fact that I'm different and I love it. So when people ask me "Why can't you be like everyone else?" I tell them that if I was like everyone else, I wouldn't be me and if I wasn't me, what's the point in living? :)
  18. demon of darkness

    demon of darkness New Member

    a big amen to that LDC1121. when that era arrives the world will be just like kingdom hearts or an anime, it's gonna be beautiful. :)
  19. Omega

    Omega New Member

    heck yeah! that would be awesome!
  20. Mike

    Mike Member

    Some good answers here already...so I'll just add something.

    Don't rule out the jocks, as long as they fit the other things you're looking for. If a guy is athletic, then they can go do their athletic things while you go talk with your girls about stickers...or boys....or whatever the devil it is girls do these days. [/family guy quote] Sometimes if you're too compatible, you do everything together. While this is a wonderful thing and both of you would have much to gain...you want to hang onto those things you have before the relationship as well.

    The take home point is: opposites attract...but if you're 'too' opposite, then you're in hot water. You do want some common ground. From what I've noticed, the more your interests overlap, the more time you spend together, doing these interests.

    From the sounds of your description, search out the quietest kid in your math class, and give him a hug or something from behind randomly. That's what Anime would do.
    Last edited: May 21, 2008
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