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Braig... who is he?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by LivingDeath, Mar 10, 2009.

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  1. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Well, this is make me curious. But what do you think of Xigbar?
    Look at both of this video:
    YouTube - Xigbar First Meet
    YouTube - The whole Xigbar scene
    In first meeting, he said that "That's right! He used to to give me the same exact look!" Do you think who would it be? Roxas? or someone else?

    Also, he said that "But MAN, did it pick a dud this time. You don't look like you're half the hero the others were." Who could that be? It couldn't be Roxas since he add "S" on "other" and that means more than one keyblade hero.

    Also in this video: YouTube - *VOICES* KH2 Final Mix: The New Headquarters (English Subs)
    He know about room of sleep and Xemnas's "friend". What could it be?
  2. darkside

    darkside New Member

    I think that Xemnas' friend was the armor of aqua, but theres more to it than that, and I dont know what that is. I think Xigbar was referring to Terra, Ven, and Aqua when he mentioned the others. But this seems a little wierd because I'm not sure that he even existed back then, meaning he was still probably braig, xigbar's original self.
  3. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Well he was one of the originals. Plus he's probaly talking about Roxas, there howvere might be a possibility that it could be Ven, but since two out of three of those scenes are in teh first KH2 not FM+, it's probaly just Roxas he's talking about.
  4. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    Even if he was Braig back in Terra, Ven, and Aqua's time, he would still know about them. The members of the Organization (with the exception of Roxas and probably Xion) all remember their past life. Roxas doesn't remember because Sora was a heartless for a few minutes. And if Xion doesn't remember he past life, well I can't explain why until I play the game.
  5. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Xemnas must be have connection with Terra.
    Yeah, that crazy old dude is left big mysteries in KH2. Do you think that's weird? Because Tetsuya Nomura later stated that the "others" Xigbar referred to were three Keyblade-wielding knights seen in the video Birth By Sleep.
  6. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    sorry, double post
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2009
  7. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    I dont know if the theory behind this has been posted yet but, I feel like Terra IS the xehanort we know (Xemnas and Xehanort's Heartless). If this theory hasn't been posted let me know and I will elaborate.
  8. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    I know that Terra positively could be Xehanort. But this thread discussed about Braig, Xigbar's somebody.
    It is weird that he knows about three knights (terra ven and aqua) when he said, "You don't look like the others were be" except that he has seen the keyblade war (in BBS).
  9. Zenrot

    Zenrot New Member

    Well, given the ages of the Nobody characters in KH2 and BBS only taking place 10 years before KH1, its very possible that they were around during that time, and since they were working for Ansem the Wise, they more than likely knew about the events of the keyblade war. How connected they are to the war, no one can really know.
  10. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Yeah, positively. Since Braig's age is very old (more than 50), he must have seen it.
  11. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    Well, Braig is Xigbar's human self before becoming a nobody. Xigbar was talking about Roxas when he said " That's right! He used to to give me the same exact look". I don't know much about KH2 Final Mix, but now after listening to Xigbar, I'm real lost now that he was talking about the "Room of Awakening" that he believes that the other friend is at. I didn't even knew that Organization XIII didn't have their 13 members yet. After that, I've decided to watch some more KH2 Final Mix youtube clicks, & it shockes me as I keep on watching them. I feel really bad for axel & can't believe that the 6 original organization members knew about 10 years event of sora becoming a keyblade bearer.
  12. LivingDeath

    LivingDeath Dormina'd

    Because all of them have age more 20 (except Ienzo, he must between 18-27). And since Xehanort is seeking room of awakening (could be the plot in KH3 or 358/2 days) that have other friends just like Xigbar said. And the cutscenes took shortly after Marluxia joined the organization.
  13. the dark within

    the dark within New Member

    from where did you know that xigbar's real name is braig?
    what about the other members?
  14. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    In the Secret Ansem Reports, you learn the real names of Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaus, and Zexion.

    Organization Names. This link will lead to a thread somebody made. It has the name of every Organization member, with the exception of Xion. You'll have to look a little bit before you get to the page that has every single name.
  15. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Yes he was talking about roxas most members referr to sora as roxas.

    Braig knew about the keyblade wielders before sora. He said they were much stronger than him so that implys that he knows about VAT(ven,aqua, and terra) or other wielders. So if were assuming that Braig seen VAT that means they have been to radiant garden why they went there because MX is searching for the PoH(princess of hearts) or BWHoPL(beings with hearts of pure light) such as kairi who was in radiant gardens at the time.

    So again im just assuming but it seems to tie all together.

    Xigbar is an easedropper. He went down their when Xemnas was talking to aquas armor in the RoS. And he was trying to get Zexion to listen to what he had to say.
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