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Breakdance/Bboying, Funk Styles

Discussion in 'General' started by Mike, Jul 20, 2008.

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  1. Mike

    Mike Member

    It's been a long time since I've had a good talk about breakdancing. If anyone knows me from some of the previous forums, you might know I'm a breakdancer/performer of sorts. I've put that on hold to accomodate my studies, so I'm quite rusty, however I've picked it back up over the last month or so. To my dismay of course, my 'skills' have deteriorated. Haha. C'est la vie.

    The real reason for posting this topic is that I wanted to introduce people to the idea, and have a discussion about certain things...and if anyone disagrees, they can challenge me. A lot of things are open to interpretation, so I'm just posting my opinions about some things. First I suppose I'll clarify a common misconception.

    First and foremost...breakdancing is not some kind of 'gangsta dance.' That stereotype really bothers me for some reason...do I seem like a gangster to you? Haha. Often times, breakdancers will be intelligent people who can carry on a good discussion.

    Next, most breakdancers dislike the term 'breakdance' and will instead use its proper name of 'bboying.' This works as follows:

    1) "I'm a bboy, that's the best way to define me." (Noun, describing person)
    2) "I'm going to go bboy with some friends." (Verb)
    3) "I enjoy bboying." (Functions as a Noun and a Verb)

    As of late, 1) has been changed to 'bgirl' for female breakdancers...however, despite this, there is no such thing as 'bgirling.' It's still bboying, and it's not a matter of equal rights...it is what it is. Many girls will still say they are bgirling, but that's just improper...and in addition, most people will say 'bboys' much as someone may say 'guys' even if a girl or two is present...it's nothing personal ladies, it's just how it is.

    Names: Traditionally, people choose a name for themselves as either a stage name or a battling name. Names with the prefix 'bboy' or 'bgirl' that are supposed to communicate something about them, like their preferred move, or style. I myself have never chosen a name for myself, perhaps Zenrot has one that he wouldn't mind sharing.

    Bboying is generally split into two streams, or subsections. One is "Style" and one is "Powermoves." Style is exactly that, people who focus on expression, creativity and basically take the same moves, and put their own twists on them...however, Powermoves include all those flashy moves that you all know and love. Flares, Windmills, all that sort of thing. Bboys who practice Style and Power are called Styleheads, and Powerheads respectively. There's no reason you can't do both, but everyone prefers one type, and will focus more on it.

    What bboying does NOT include is stuff like arm waves, the robot, etc. These are a completely different dance, known as Funk Styles...Funk Styles includes things like Popping, Locking, Strobing, Botting, Ticking, Gliding, etc...most people just call this breakdancing, but it's actually completely different. I won't go into this so much, but this is actually the stuff I'm into the most.

    This post's getting a bit long for an intro...so I'll close by saying, bboying is actually fairly easy to learn, given enough time and practice. You do need to do it every day for at least an hour to start making good progress, but as far as I can tell, everyone is capable...and it's very good exercise.

    Does anyone do it/is anyone interested in learning? (Zenrot, I'm looking in your direction) If so, what powermoves can you do, what sort of things do you specialize in? Do you have a gallery? Etc.
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