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Bundle for 358/2

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Destiny, Jan 3, 2009.

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  1. Destiny

    Destiny Guest

    Ok due to the disappearence of TD, none of the main site articles are being published, so all of us from the main site will be posting them here as well as there, plus feel free to comment and ask questions, just keep the spam down.

    According to Kingdom Hearts Insider, famitsu.com has announced that the new Nintendo DSi suppose to be released will have shortly after the release of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 a special "Kingdom Hearts" Special Edition Nintendo DSi, hopefully this will come to America and Europe for everyone to purchase. So don't preorder or buy your Nintendo DSi yet people!

    The design of the DSi is unknown yet, but it will contain a special limited edition Kingdom Hearts Nintendo DSi and of course Kingdom Hearts 358/2 game. The price, color and of course the design are unknown.

    So hopefully all of you like me are really excited. I know I can't wait, stick with us for some more news and info.

    ( The four images that KHI used. You can chose which one for the main picture... Home - Kingdom Hearts Insider)
  2. Ventus

    Ventus Kickass Keyblader!

    Remember this everyone?


    They released this with the Game Boy Advance SP, another second version of their handheld. What would be stopping them from doing another Kingdom Hearts bundle with the DSi, overshores?
  3. Plasmos

    Plasmos Plasmos

    Remember this is a special edition for the GB SP.

    This is the real bundle.
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