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Discussion in 'General' started by Zerieth, Sep 29, 2008.

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  1. Zerieth

    Zerieth Head Game Reviewer

    Hey, im trying to get into a carrier of proggraming. If anyone know's were i can download a good C++ Compiler for free, for windows, lemme know plz. Also any one who wants to help me learn it would be helpful. Ty
  2. Omega

    Omega New Member

    c++? wow, i haven't played around with that in a while. my Ap computer science teacher makes us use Java. i had a good website, but i completly forgot about it.
  3. Mike

    Mike Member

    You can probably get Visual C++ somewhere for free, at least a trial version or something.

    It's the compiler I used back in the day...but really, no compiler is better than any others as they still just wind up giving you those damn 'parse error line ___' things. Haha.
  4. un BLE vble

    un BLE vble New Member

    bit torrent, limewire... JK... what kind of person would ever resort to these illegitimate sources?!

    after a quick search from google, i found this page:

    C++ Compilers

    but i'm guessing that you saw this page already.
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