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Card Deck System

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by Luke, Dec 6, 2007.

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  1. Luke

    Luke Member

    Ugh i hate it. Even if it is supposed to be morwe advanced than COM i know its gunna ruin a good game :(
  2. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    i heard that BBS might be following the same card system for the gameplay which is strange becuase it is the PSP a very advanced gaming system not the game boy (which needless to say is very old and not so advanced........)
  3. sora14

    sora14 New Member

    it should be like kh2 i dont like the card system
  4. Fist of Justice JR.

    Fist of Justice JR. New Member

    It won't ruin the game, i think it'll make it better.Harder but better.
  5. DjC

    DjC New Member

    at least itll look like a command menu. like fist of justice jr said, its not gonna ruin the game and it might be fun to use. if u guys ever played re:CoM the card syatem was way better than the gba version, and i didnt really have a problem with it. so if its even more advanced than the re: CoM card system then it must be very good
  6. Fist of Justice JR.

    Fist of Justice JR. New Member

    Also, off topic here, Nomaru said about "growing" in leveling up, I think he means That ven Aqua and Terra will recieve more armour as they level up.
  7. Luke

    Luke Member

    both COM`s were ruined by it, they would have been better off with out it.

    And BBS will probably be bad as well.
  8. Fist of Justice JR.

    Fist of Justice JR. New Member

    No it won't.It just won't, do you not listen? It's a revamped Version of the Cards, we may not even see cards in the game!
  9. Luke

    Luke Member

    So?if its anything liek COM it will suck.
  10. Xigbar

    Xigbar New Member

    Luke that's your oppinion not a fact. I will agree that I didn't like COM for the gameboy, but I did like Re:COM, which in fact was a lot better then I expected. It hasn't even came out yet, and who knows, it may or may not have a card system.

    It all depends on what the Nomaru feels like basically. :/
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2007
  11. Fist of Justice JR.

    Fist of Justice JR. New Member

    Luke if you say it will suck one more time, I'll will punch you in the face, via the internet!

    It won't be like CoM, cards won't be visable, from what we know.
  12. darkmickey123

    darkmickey123 New Member

    i thought that Com rocked, so even if it is entirely card based i will be happy with it.:)
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Fist of justice dont get mad. because im with him i hate the card system i did not like COM at all because of the gameplay. i hated the stupid card system and im preety upset that SQUARE screwed this game up with That silly card system as well
  14. DjC

    DjC New Member

    have u played re:CoM? the game was way advanced in card deck system. and if u look at the new scans that just came out today look at the bbs one. the command menu looks interesting. and different, also u have a meter above the hp bar and its blue,. but i dont think thats ur mp cause it says i cant really make out the letters but it says i think focuss. if u wanna see the new scans of all 3 kh games go check out my discussions and updates thread
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Im fully aware of these updates i am the KH mod after all..I have watched gameplay of RE:COM and i still do not like the card system. it is interesting but i still do not like it
  16. Luke

    Luke Member

    I have re:COM, I think the gameplay is clanky and awkward. I`d rather have a regular kingdom hearts game.

    Card based games usually don`t do very well, liek a have said.
  17. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Its not that they dont do good. because i enjoyed the game Baten Kaitos and it was extremly card based. its just i feel that they ruined BBS by adding that silly card system into the interface. the game would be amazing if it stuck to the Free-roam and realtime actioin
  18. Zexion_14

    Zexion_14 New Member

    I find its true(even though im not buyin bbs cause I got a ds) the card system was the ebst they could do for CoM cause it was game boy but for this they should make it like Kh and KhII
  19. ishotansem

    ishotansem New Member

    I dont hate it but the ocansional miss when you hit the heartless didnt help
  20. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Well i dont hate it just strongly dislike it. I mean yea its ....unique but is it neccesary. in COM it made sense because they actualy utilized the cards in the story. i doubt this story will have :cards" but just will use that silly battle system
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