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Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by keyblademaster777, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    tell me what you think about castlevania and the storyline! personally i like it very much.alucard is my favorite character.
  2. WayToTheDawn

    WayToTheDawn New Member

    Castlevania is awesome, I've completed *thinks*

    Aria of sorrow on GBA on GBA
    Harmony of dissonance
    SOTN of PSX
    Portrait of ruin and dawn of sorrow on DS

    I really like the series and the gameplay is just kickass. My fave is Alucard too ^^
  3. The Heartless King

    The Heartless King The King of Shadows

    I'm a huge castlevania fan, i've beaten the very first one made, Dawn of Sorrow, Dracula X, and Castlevania 3...i think thats all the ones i've beaten...Who doesn't love Alucard? The story line rocks.
  4. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    ive played... portriat of ruin. all the game boy ones, lament of innocence, the new one for the ds,and the old ones.
  5. Desert Warrior

    Desert Warrior Well-Known Member

    I've played Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance. I like both of them, but never beaten them. I don't know much about the Castlevania story line, so I don't know who Alucard is. But I'm sure he's the son of Dracula. (lol. I sound like such a noob.)
  6. keyblademaster777

    keyblademaster777 New Member

    he is! but he hates him because dracula kills humans and his mom is human. and of course some villagers had to kill draculas wife and now he hates humans. but its hard to beleive dracula never minded humans at one time.

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