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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep' started by Luke, Dec 6, 2007.

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  1. Luke

    Luke Member


  2. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    okay i think everyone knows that kh1 ansem looks like master xehanort (becuase he is him) but riku and the dark helmet, i don't think so.......
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2007
  3. HeartlessAngel

    HeartlessAngel New Member

    Well,I wonder if anyone else noticed if they've seen the extended ending from KH2:Final Mix,but the tallest knight looks like Xehanort but with brown hair.

    And then,his eyes change color to Xehanort's famous orange/yellow eyes.
    ansem the wise 59 likes this.
  4. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    dude that is not xehanort he is terra and the other guys name is even master xehanort i mean common
  5. Fist of Justice JR.

    Fist of Justice JR. New Member

    So?They dress the same?Big deal?..doesn't always mean something. MX-Ansem yea, but DS-Riku..nope.
  6. DjC

    DjC New Member

    i dont no if any of u guys have noticed but on master xehanorts,dark soldier,and rikus keyblades all have that little eye thing on them. i dont know how to explain it but its that green thing that looks like an eye. look at rikus soul eater and way to the dawn they both have it. and then look at the ds and xehanorts keyblades. they have it too. i wonder what that resembles. maybe it resembles the twilight path? since rikus keyblade is the twilight keyblade
  7. Zook

    Zook New Member

    wow this is really interesting! Is there anywhere that explains the most recent characters (the bald dude and the 3 knights) and what we know so far?
  8. Fist of Justice JR.

    Fist of Justice JR. New Member

    The "bald dude" Is Master Xehanort and the "three knights" are Ven Aqua and Terra, don't confuze the noobs buddy.
  9. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    no, no, no luke has got a piont they do look somewhat similar but we will see in the new game
  10. Luke

    Luke Member

    None of you guys can deny that they look alike, No, you cant deny any of it cause no one knows yet.
  11. Brutis140

    Brutis140 New Member

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2008
  12. rockerblade13

    rockerblade13 New Member

    I think i'm getting an idea of how Xemnas became Ansem's nobody.
  13. HeartlessAngel

    HeartlessAngel New Member

    Well,then what was Ansem's apprentice's name? Wasn't it Xehanort? That's who I meant.
  14. ansem the wise 59

    ansem the wise 59 New Member

    we don't know what the relationship between xehanort(kh2) and xehanort(bbs) so don't act like you know it all couse you don't...
  15. DawnEssence

    DawnEssence New Member

    well the Boots on MX and Ansem dont rly matter beuc..Evry Org. XIII memeber have the same boots...so i think its just a style Nomura likes
  16. Twilight Knight

    Twilight Knight New Member

    The video shown is a event that takes place before KH1 for those who dont know. Also I think the dark knight in the black hood is actually Xehanort.
  17. ven_roxas

    ven_roxas New Member

    hey guys, i got an interesting theory that is really long and already posted in the game in the 358/2 days forum. it coencides with this so you should really take a look.


    it starts there. just continue through my posts and it gets further explained. it links bbs and days and is a possible way to generate the whole kh series. it accually makes sense, once you make sense out of it. if you have trouble understanding it,just pm me
  18. ArD

    ArD New Member

    But I cannot believe that you do not notice the similarities between Terra and Xehanort, especially Terra and Xemnas. According to you guys, since Ven has the same face and hairstyle as Roxas, he must be related to Roxas. But since Terra has the same overall face and hairstyle as Xehanort, let alone Xemnas, you are a bit skeptical.

    You can have your own opinion, but you have to admit they are similar, right?:D
  19. tmp1114

    tmp1114 New Member

    When birth by sleep come out in japan and when it come to usa we will know ok.
  20. ROY17

    ROY17 New Member

    I have a question, does any of the kights( terra, aqua, ven) know sora or riku?

    I saw something on another site that terra was looking at sora and riku playing.

    Does that mean anything or was that made up to confuse people?
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