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Discussion in 'General' started by Kitty, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Anyone really good at cooking and/or baking? Have some favorite recipes or cooking-related stories to share? And so on.

    Growing up with a mom who is an average cook but who hates spending any time in the kitchen and a dad who is actually a very good cook but who never had the patience for kids underfoot while doing so, cooking was never something that held my interest until I moved out onto my own and it actually sunk in that I had to do it for myself. XD

    But recently, mainly as a productive side effect of boredom, I've really gotten interested in it, especially baking, and have decided to putz about my kitchen and see what happens. I've not tried making much of anything really detailed yet, but I can make some pretty damn good macaroni and cheese (though it's way more expensive than letting Kraft do most of the work), and I've found a recipe for chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake which I have to try soon.

    So, anyone else out there have some skills in the kitchen?
  2. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    On a completely related note, my mom used to always cook but as me and my brother got older. She started to cook less and less. So seldom, did I eat, not that I wasn't capable of cooking. I just was too darn lazy! :). I'm a terrible cook and still am but when I did cook. I experimented in making food.

    Some of things I've made and named are:

    Ham Tacos
    Sandwich Supreme
    Egg on the Roll

    But yeah, the only real recipe that I might actually follow. Is my mom's Red Velvet Cake. It's amazing! In grade school, I never was able to bring a single slice home.
  3. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Red Velvet Cake is another on my "recipes I have to try" list. It's so good.

    With a recipe, I don't think cooking is as hard as I always thought it would be. I'm capable of following simple directions, though occasionally I see a cooking term I might not wholly comprehend. What's been more difficult for me so far is finding some of the ingredients, like certain cheeses or spices, because I don't have a whole lot of shopping options in town and it's not worth the time or gas to drive out to a bigger city to shop anywhere better.

    But I think cooking is a really helpful skill to have. One of my younger sisters has started getting really into it, too (none of us ever learned much growing up), and she's been getting my nephew involved, which I think is great as long as she doesn't let him wave around any knives.
  4. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    Yeah, cooking is useful! I should really broaden what I am able to cook. Especially since college food is not a step up from HighSchool food. Plus, I don't have the money to buy fast food everyday and that would just be plain out unhealthy.

    Besides cooking, I like tasting new things which ultimately I would want to produce it for myself. Like Jambalaya Rice. The best rice; I have ever tasted. I remember my mom used to make it once in a blue moon. Normally, it has three kinds of meet and three kinds of vegetables. But I eat mind without veggies. It's very delicious though.
  5. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I made Chicken and Gnocchi soup (like the kind they have at Olive Gardens) today, so I'm feeling really proud of myself, since this is something I've been wanting to find out how to make for ages, and it was surprisingly easy. And I also made the cheesecake I mentioned in my first post the other day, and it turned out better than I thought it would, though I realized after I started making it that I had the wrong kind of pan, so cutting it and serving it was pretty awkward. But now I know. It's kind of a relief to know I'm competent at something, lol.

    You're right about the unhealthy (and not to mention, it gets boring, unless you live in a large city with a lot of different choices, which I don't), but sometimes if you're cooking for just yourself, I'm not so sure you're really saving a whole lot of money. Of course, I'm just starting out cooking real food (as opposed to like ramen 24/7) and have had to buy a lot of things I didn't have, which I won't have to buy again (like certain sized pans and utensils).
  6. Angel

    Angel Lion Heart Staff Member Administrator

    I find that store bought Cheese cake isn't nearly as good as home-made that goes for a lot of other home-cooked food as well. But I'm sure it was good, especially if it had strawberries with it. I could die with a mouth full of strawberry cheesecake.
    We have a pretty good range of restaurants and places you can eat around my parts. But that doesn't stop some from eating Chick-fil-a every single morning.
  7. EtherealSummoner

    EtherealSummoner Lamentations 3:22-26

    <.< I do not know how to cook yet... I need to learn from grandmommy. I really want to cook and I need to know how anyway.
  8. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    Lol. Someone told me when I was like twelve that the Chick-fil-a nearest us had rats in it, and I've never been able to eat at one since. We have quite a few restaurants in my town, but they're all the same. We have 8000 people in my town, so we're small, but besides the typical fast food restaurants, all we seem to have are Mexican restaurants and "southern home-cookin'" restaurants that all serve the same thing.

    I've never had store bought cheesecake. I'd never tried it at all until I randomly decided to make it the other day because the picture on the recipe looked yummy. And it was pretty good, though I know now what I'm doing so it'll be better next time. No strawberries, but it had lots of chocolate chips, so there's that. XD

    Yeah, don't be a slacker like me and wait until the last minute to learn.
  9. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    .....you should share that recipe with everyone on KHP. qqq

    I... don't really know how to cook nor bake, but I can "make."
    for example, making dumpingz and little Dim Sum.
    people say my dumplingz (I make with my grandma) are really good
    along with my Dim Sum, though I think they're okay.
    my grandma is plain talented in cooking, baking, etc.

    I can only wash rice, wash veggies, and ...etc.
    I know a few recipes, but I haven't tried them yet. -sobsob-
  10. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    The worst thing about cooking is having to wash up afterwards. Anyone else just hate washing dishes? I always hated when my mom made me do the dishes as a kid, and I have absolutely no love for it now, either. It's the worst. My dad makes the hugest mess imaginable every time he cooks. I at least try to tidy up as I go, but ugh. That's the nice thing about eating out.

  11. Khroma

    Khroma 愛久見人心

    I think I'd be the only one who "likez" washing dishes . ....
    I don't mind washing them, nor do I really hate them.
    put me on dishes, and i'd be perfectly fine.
  12. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    My mom has always been an amazing cook and growing up she kind of passed that down to me. When I was younger I didn't see her much because she and my dad were both working and going to school but when I started getting older cooking was something my mom and I would do together a lot. I learned a lot of her recipies and by the time I was in High School she kind of just passed the cooking job over to me except on special occasions xD.

    I make up recipies a lot but I never really take the time to write them down. Probably should before I get old and forgetful xD

    I actually don't mind the clean up process. Maybe it's because I worked as a dishwasher growing up so household dishes just don't seem as bad to me anymore xD it's more fun to clean up your own mess than someone elses pizza/beer covered nastyness.
  13. YaminoHikari14

    YaminoHikari14 New Member

    I love baking, and even though I'm still in High school, I can cook for myself, I have my own recipe for sea salt ice cream too, I used other recipes and gave a couple hundred different methods until I got it right. I like making kit kat cup cakes also! :D If I can find my folder with my recipes, I will share a few with everyone :)
  14. Kitty

    Kitty I Survived The BG Massacre Staff Member Administrator

    I'm not at that stage yet where I feel comfortable deviating from a recipe or just throwing something together, but I'm hoping to get there eventually.

    I've only made ice cream once, and it was a major mess and took forever. Of course, it was a bunch of kids doing it, and we were using a cheap hand crank ice cream maker. XD

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