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Create Your Own Form

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 2' started by lanihead7, Jun 19, 2007.

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  1. lanihead7

    lanihead7 New Member

    Create your own form. Just make a name for your form, when do you get it and what abilities and attacks do you have. What is the weakness of the form? Have fun with it!
  2. lant

    lant New Member

    the Eye Form. Just one look and the enemy dies =] fastest playthrough evar!
  3. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

    i dunno....

    Tri form

    a form using 3 keblades?
  4. Mon-sieur Bome

    Mon-sieur Bome New Member

    Chibi form xDDDD
    Giant head with big eyes and shoots keyblades from the eyes
  5. creusset

    creusset Guest

    i say mystic form. it has 2 weilded keys and 6 keys in the back that shoot magic
  6. Juste Belmont

    Juste Belmont New Member

    Pyro-mage form. It's two Keyblades that are wielded. Both can attack and one shoots fireballs, also the one which cannot shoot fireballs can be used as a shield as it has the power to defend it's master without having to be held. It's auto-shield. And a combo which turns the fireball-shooting keyblade into a fire-snake that scorches enemies.

    ( Pretty sweet huh)
  7. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator


    I say this because i saw a picture with sora looking so amazingly powerful and it got me thinking man that could be a form. You get one majestic keyblade and another of your choosing. In this form. you are able to fly just as the ultimate form however you can propel the keyblade in any way you want. while attacking physically with your original keyblade in hand. You can differ from Levitating or groud movements. This instead of using only the skills of that form (I.E. valor, Ultimate) because they only allow you to do there special skills. in this form all are Accessible and this form can only be activated if you are below 25 percent health. that would stop from people always winnning.

    Here is the pic that made me think tihs way

  8. Riku

    Riku New Member


    Thats cool man, I would made the Dual Mode, a mode that you could the keyblades as Darth Maul lighthsaber, that would look cool.
  9. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    O like a long Staff keyblade that sounds wicked
  10. Riku

    Riku New Member


    Mostly like Sephiroths sword too....
  11. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Sephirtoths swrod? What do you mean his sword was just unnecessarily long
  12. Riku

    Riku New Member


    I just meant that long, I think that sword weights like my mouse.
  13. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    o lol if a keyblade was that long youd win the whole level by swinging one time seriously lol
  14. Riku

    Riku New Member

    I Actually...

    I actually think that actually with one swing you kill the one thousand heartless, hey man, I think that we are the only ones talking here, lets see other peoples opinion.
  15. NeRo

    NeRo Your Supreme Lord And Savior Staff Member Administrator

    Eh enough of that. I think that the Ultimate form and the silver one were useless bc they both were duel keyblades. both did magic and phycisal damage. just one was silver and could fly and one was yellow and could jump high....nothin differnt
  16. Demi Shock

    Demi Shock Guest

    levitates a good distance from ground.
    4 keyblades orbit sora and revolve around him
    2 controlled telekeneticaly(spelling?)
    the 4 orbiting keyblades act on their own and perform wisdom shot when enemy is in sight


    Destruction wave (shockwave emits from sora)
    Alpha-Omega (draws enemy in, and orbiting keyblades attack)
    Isanto Shot (all keyblades fire wisdom shot at once)
    Thrasher (attacks with all keyblades much like when you take keyblades from Roxas in FM+)
    Final Wrath of Zeus (performs the limits strike raid and ragnarok, but with all keyblades)

    Yeah....pretty overpowered, but awesome if you think about it.
  17. i would make ultimo form he has a million blades. he gcan attack without touching any of the blades. he can also fuse all of his blades together to make a gigantic sword its taller than 30 story skyscraper:cool:.he can also use the giant sword if he was in north carolina and the sword was in japan.note:i am only ten years old :D
  18. ultimaweapon463

    ultimaweapon463 New Member

    Ragnarok Form- Combines the power of the keyblade and the keyblade masters handling three keyblades.
    Drives Consumed: 7
    Growth Abilty: Key Drive- Keyblade(s) set off a wheel with Sora locates in the center* when square is pressed and held down.
    Key Revolution- Floating keyblades spin around Sora clearing away enemies by pressing square**.
    Infinte Finish- All moves are counted as finishing attacks.
    Tri Power- All stats Strength, Magic, and Defense are tripled in this form.
    Rapid Attack- When attacking, keyblades attack very quickly.
    Key Float- Sora floats around*** with three floating keyblades to attack for him.
    *Sora is in a dodge roll form while keyblade attack and surround him like Xaldin's Lances- (+)
    **Keyblades assume the same form as the growth ability, but Sora assumes the position of changing into form.
    ***Floating is like in Final Form

    Gained after Sora has 7 Drive Gauges.

    PS... ultimo form? a million blades? overkill, mate
  19. axelvs.riku

    axelvs.riku Member

    twilight form:sora has a way to the dawn and ultima weapon and has dark and light abilities
    sora and riku fuse for this form and sora is grey in this form and he runs at normal speed has all abilities that riku and his normal self have equiped
    learned when sora fuses with riku for master or final form

    ps.im 10 and ultimo form is the most cheap form ever
  20. Ransu

    Ransu New Member

    a form huh? hmmm.....well i would go with a form like a Nobody and a Heartless together. (not sure how to explain this =P)
    i'll just call it the "Divine Darkness Form" for now...

    its a form that lets you have the power of your Nobody & Heartless. you can use the power of light & darkness. also you have about 4 keyblades. You dual wield 2 keyblades and the other two floats around you. (kinda like final form in KH 2) also you run faster, and have the growth abilities.

    the dual wield keyblades are: the you have equipped, the second is the dark keyblade (seen in KH 1)
    the two that floats around you are: the Heartless Keyblade & the Nobody Keyblade. (i made these two up, and i am trying to draw them)

    the moves...hmmm....not sure...well this form has access to everything but summon & limits.
    if you press square, you block and you also do a counter. (like the regular sora, but his two floating keyblade are the ones that blocks and stuns the enemy for about a second with the counter.)

    you can make the two keyblades fight a different enemy while you fight a different one too.
    or you can make the 2 keyblade fight with you.
    when the drive is about to disappear, you get to do a special move before you revert back to normal.

    well there it is, the form i made up....i think it came out ok i guess...
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