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Creative Thinking, KHDDD

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' started by Derek, Feb 2, 2017.

  1. Derek

    Derek Well-Known Member

    I did this a while back and I have enough time right now to copy and paste sooooo~ >3>
    tumblr ver: http://derekscorner.tumblr.com/post/156623601987/creative-thinking-khddd


    More ideas I had today. When it comes to long series or ones I’ve known a while I get ideas for it. So I’m just gonna ramble them off~

    Now for me what I disliked most of DDD was gameplay but one fault almost everyone else had was time travel. It is confusing, it can be a lazy thing to use in story as well but for this let’s make ideas on how it could’ve worked without time travel.

    I’ll post my ramblings, let me know what yours are.

    PART #1 Replacing Time Travel

    Honestly I dont know why Nomura even went to this…well okay I do. I honestly believe he only done it so he could make an excuse for Norts to appear. Ansem, Xemnas, fan favorites for KH3.

    However what is kinda annoying is he didn’t really need to for this. So if I were to replace time travel I’d resort to Replicas.

    They have been established since the original Gameboy Advance version of Chain of Memories waaaayyyy back in 2004 with Replica Riku.

    These things are established well in the story. Days also focused on this plot point. This is why resorting to time travel confused me so. We knew Xemnas and Vexen were working on this technology/sorcery/science and we had seen two good examples of it, Xion and Repliku.

    Now I’ve had some argue against this saying “yeah but they went rogue and became their own people!” well yeah they did but that’s because they was copied, Xion herself was made to specifically copy Sora’s keyblade more so than him.

    Xehanort’s scheme of possessing 13 bodies isn’t much sounder. If he can take the bodies of multiple people and control them then he could’ve easily spread his heart over 13 replica bodies and controlled them.

    It would’ve been an easy way to bring back old villains if that’s what Nomura wanted.

    Part #2 Replacing the “Recompletion” Rule

    This one bothered some and even thought I had seen it in some fan translations of interviews since 2006 it does still come off as lazy or out of nowhere in-game when there’s only two big KH forums left.

    The forum scene is dying or dead so those who’ve read such things are few and even if they know of them many dont want to read them.

    Now many have their own view on it but most consider it lazy or out of left field. I too found it a bit forced since it’s obvious it’s just there to revive people like Xehanort’s trime travel did. Especially fan favorite Axel who’s overstepped his intended role several times.

    Honestly with this I would’ve just thrown it out. None of the characters brought back do anything and the only one that does, Axel, can be replaced in is roles.
    Others such as Xigbar also came back but since he’s also a Xehanort he would’ve been back with time travel regardless.

    I honestly feel that this should’ve just been thrown out and let characters who’s roles are done be. It also makes you wonder what the point of KH2 through DDD was when all these people are now more important as support human characters instead of when they was nobody villains.

    Dont worry I have an idea for Axel in this story.

    Part #3 Namine, Roxas, Xion and Axel (plus Ven)

    Now this was probably what I considered KHDDD’s biggest missed opportunity. It’s set in the Realm of Sleep. This realm literally exists and is comprised of dreams.

    The fallen hearts of worlds, the lost hearts of people, their dreams constitute this place. Anything can go here and we see that several times. There is “no time” or most importantly how Sora sees Roxas, Xion, and Namine.

    These three were lost yet because they’re tied to Sora AND because he’s in a place where dreams are made real they manifest before him. Something they wouldn’t normally be able to do but this realm allows them too.

    I feel this should’ve been the farewell to them. KH3 is about “saving” lost wielders but instead of convoluting it with recompletion and somehow giving Roxas, Xion and Namine bodies it would’ve been easier to resolve them here.

    How I’d do this is simple
    1) Have Roxas, Xion, Namine AND Axel appear to Sora throughout his DDD story. It would make it feel like Sora’s story has importance given Riku was the obvious star of this game.

    2) We seen it crammed together at the end but here stretch it out. As Sora meets each character have them teach him something or show him a glimpse of their lives. Feel their pain and so on. This would let him understand them and the larger story he never knew while also showing us him taking on their pain.

    3) This would play at the end when the pain becomes too much and Xehanort strikes. Instead out of nowhere here it’d have build up. Plus Sora would have better understanding and connection to Xehanort by seeing how he ruined the lives of these four people.

    4) Since I took out Axel’s original role have Ventus be crucial. Let’s say while Xehanort does try to lead Sora astray that instead Ventus also tries to help Sora and guide him. When Xehanort takes Sora one way Ven appears and leads Sora another. Trying to keep him safe.

    This would come to a head at the end when Xehanort and his 11 replicas decide to use Sora as the final host. Instead of Axel saving Sora it is Ventus who does so. Either by projecting a reflect around Sora or having his armor appear around him.
    Given Vens state he couldn’t do much but you could have him appear phantom like which would draw a reaction from Xehanort.

    5) At the end finally resolve them. We have to keep Ven for KH3 but we can give the others peace. Perhaps fashion it as the final scene but have Sora go back to the Realm of Sleep and free Axel, Xion, Namine and Roxas from their pain.

    It’s a real of dreams, these four wanted normal lives and friends, this would be a perfect heaven for them. Have Sora set them free so they can live in the dreams peacefully.

    You wouldn’t need no complex reasons or body generators just have them be happy and together among dream eaters or something. Perhaps they go to a beach or whatever. Just resolve these 4 people here and let them go.

    It’d resolve them nicely, give them relevance to Sora’s story and clear the way to focus on TAV in KH3.

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