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Creepy Story

Discussion in 'Archive' started by HunteroftheDark, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. HunteroftheDark

    HunteroftheDark New Member

    In my country the paranormal stuff are very normal so i think why dont bring some creepy storys to do forum, so this is simple here you can put your own story, this story can be drawn from his imagination or some event in your live.(creepy pastas can be put here)
    Almost all know Drowzee, a charismatic and joyful Pokémon. Although, if we know Drowzee, also know its evolution. Hypno.

    Hypno has been seen in chapters of this Pokémon games. One of the most remembered events of this is the case Pokémon Pedrita.
    An island girl Secunda, In Pokemon Fire Red / Leaf Green, Arriving for the first time on that island, the father of this we will ask desperately to seek his daughter in tera island.
    Once we arrived. We went to Forest Balla.
    Not to mention that we found several Drowzee in, At the last place in the forest, we see Pedrita, When we spoke to her, this will be crying, and tell us a Pokémon that scared. At once he finishes speaking, a Hypno out of the grass and you have to fight. (Since I already knew this story yell NO CHILDREN!! XD and capture.) The most curious thing about this is that his father says at first that all the time to search for ballas to the forest. As you may miss out on learning this right the way? ... Perhaps the Hipnotiso Hypno to abuse it?

    Here is a song, the song reportedly hypno: Hypno's Lullaby

    "Come little children, come with me
    Safe and happy, you will be
    You're away from homes, now let us run
    With Hypno, you'll Have so much fun

    Oh, little children, please do not cry
    Would not hurt a fly Hypno
    Be free, be free, be free, to play
    Come down with me in my cave to stay

    Oh little children, please do not squirm
    Those ropes, I know, will hold you firm
    Hypno tells you this is true
    But sadly, Hypno lied to you

    Oh little children, you musn't leave
    Your Families for you will grieve
    Their minds will unravel at the seams
    Allowing me to haunt Their Dreams

    But Surely, all of you Must Know
    That it is time for you to go
    Oh little children, you were not clever
    Now stay with me Shall you forever. "

    I hope you like this jejejej

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