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~Darkness Came and it Went~

Discussion in 'Traditional' started by Keyblade Master Roxas, Mar 15, 2010.

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  1. Keyblade Master Roxas

    Keyblade Master Roxas Shake the Core.

    Darkness Came and Went

    "I had a premonition yesterday,
    -And so, today drove very carefully."

    20 November 2004
    Houston, Texas

    Slick road, slippery from fresh rain fall,
    Peripheral in vision,–black truck skids,
    Dark as premonition hard crashes me,
    Into rear axle, perturbing car's path;
    I swerve, but still retain control and lane,

    Continuing on my left, black mass spins,--
    Easy to predict where Hell will strike again,
    This time the blow slams perpendicular,
    Pinching front-axle to a concrete wall;
    Metal on stone screech–we come to a halt.

    Both of us get off the road and walk out;
    His clothes are torn–He's got no insurance;
    My SUV, his truck, not drivable.

    Ambulance, siren and lights flashing, comes,--
    "No one's hurt, we don't need any help here."
    "Look behind you sir: there's a five car wreck!
    And, up ahead of you, there's three cars crushed!"

    I feel relieved of my strange night's dreaming;
    So sorry to have worried death today;
    Since I was just a witness to her prey.​
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