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Day of The Dead (Actual RP)

Discussion in 'Archive' started by Chocobo Dyl, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Shaun got up to the bar, he turned and looked around. He saw his table, three chairs, one for him with his friends Dean and Will on the other two. There was a young couple on another table, and in the corner a somewhat shady person, he was wearing a black shirt and had mid longish black hair. He looked up agai at the bar and the clock,"10:30..." he muttered.
    "What was that?" The barman asked.
    "Oh, err, nothing. Two pints of guiness and a lager. How's business?"
    "Slow." he replied as he pulled the first Guiness. "Mainly just you and Dean, who's you other friend?"
    "His name is Will, used to go to college together, he went for 4 years in music. Get's about £200 a month. Who's that guy in the corner?"
    He passed the lager across,"Said his name was Aron Fletcher or something, he's came in a few times now."
    "Ah, whatever. See you."
    Shaun picked up the three drinks and took them to his table. He passed the lager to Will and one of the guinesses to Dean.

    "Have you ever, like actually thought that we should do something with our lives." He saw that Will was about to interupt,"Something worthwhile you know?" There was a bang on the door and a bat screeched as if it had been stepped on.
    The barkeeper shouted "Sorry, we're closed." and it stopped.
  2. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Ah, Thanks for the drink Shaun, but im gonna have to pass. I'm driving." Dean said pushing his drink away from him.

    "And I don't know about you bum's but I was in the military, And if that's not doing something I don't know what is" Dean said as he walked up to the bar to get himself a soda.

    "Ill have a soda when your ready" Dean said to the barman with a smile. He then sat on a stool looking at the various ornaments that were behind the bar.

    "Excuse me there handsome, but did I hear correctly that you served in the military?"

    Dean turned to see an attractive young woman sitting not to far away from him with two friends of hers sitting at the same table. They smiled at him and he smiled back awkwardly. I'm pretty sure there to young to be in here at this time Dean thought to himself.

    "Yes you did, and I would love to stay and talk but you see those two guys over there?" Dean said pointing to Will and Shaun. "Well the one on the right, he's my husband, and well were thinking about moving in with that guy over there" Dean said as the barman brought him his drink.

    The girls stood there dumbstruck. Dean smiled to the barman and winked and then walked to his table with the other two. The girls then walked out somewhat embarrassed.
  3. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Shaun winked at Dean as he came over to the table. "Hey there," he said in a flirty voice,"sexy" he added. He smiled and eat a KP nut from it's packet.

    "Yeah, used to be in the military, if a terrorist came through that door right now and held up a gun, you'd be as good as dead." He pinted at the door through saying that. "Besides, that's not getting you any money, what about like..." He thought for a while "Uhh..." He kept thinking, "What about mercinaries for hire, like that game. What's it called, Japanese one, RPG you know. Spikey haired dude."

    He saw the funny looks from the others. "Ah, forget it."
  4. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    The door to the male bathroom opens up as a young man walks out.
    "That is a terrible bathroom" said Chad as he walks up to the bar.
    "Well it hasn't been washed in three years." Said the barman.
    "you know you could have told me that before I went in." The Barman shruggs as Chad finishes his sentence.
    "So are you going to buy anything or just stand there like a stump on a log"
    "Yeah, yeah. I'll just have what I normally have." The barman walks over to a freshly used kettle as he puts two tea bags in a cup and poured the water in. He walks back over to chad and hands him the cup.
    "Here is your Green tea..." The barman puts a couple of drops in the tea."...With Ginseng."
    Chad pays the man, says his thanks and walks over to Shaun and the others. "Sorry for the wait guys." He pulls up a chair to the end of the table as he sit's down. "So what are we talking about?"
  5. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    "Just talking about getting some real jobs, working in a supermarket's fairly boring, even if I am in management." He passed the stout that Dean had turned down to Chad. He eat another handful of nuts and said, through a rather muffled voice,"I said mercenaries for hire, but mabye that's not the best idea."

    A man came slumped to the door, only a sillouete could be seen through the stained glass. A stream of fluid came out from him and splattered against the glass, splashing down to the wood. He moaned for a short while, then stopped.

    "Must be a ****head."Shaun said turning to the rest of the group. He saw the confused faces. "It means drunk in Britain, I'm just not used to America."
  6. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    "No... I've seen some pretty drunk people, but i've never seen one throw up with that sort of color." Chad says to Shaun. "Man what time is it." he looks at the clock. "10:40...hmm...though the time does suggest him being drunk. Not many people, drunk or not, stay out past midnight around here."
    "Yeah, well he had best leave before I grab the shot gun." Said the barman.
    chad looks at him "Whoa what?"
    "It's not loaded. It's just to scare them off"
  7. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    A girl came out of the back room carrying a few recently washed glasses when she heard her boss make the comment about the gun she laughed "Hey, dont make me remind you of last time you played with weapons." she said as she came up to the counter and started sorting them out on the counter for when they would be needed.

    She looked at the three men he was talking to and smiled "Last time, he forgot to unload it first. It took us weeks to get the roof fixed not to mention that one guy..."

    The bartender shrugged "When you work in a bar, you get drunk and then things happen."

    She shrugged "Yes sure use that excuse." she said with a laugh. "Just play nice ok it would be sad if one of these nice boys got hurt like last time." she winked at Will, Dean, Shaun, and Chad before walking back into the back room.

    Naturally, it was part of Thea's job to be a little charming and friendly. She checked the clock, still a few hours until her shift was over but she didn't really mind too much. She had nowhere to go after work hours. and Home wasn't that fun.
  8. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    Dean stared after the barmaid as she walked back into the back room. He usually wouldn't pay any attention to women. He had become rather detached from them when his mother left him and his father with his only brother. It felt as if she hadn't loved him enough to take him away with her.

    But there was something about her that attracted him to her. He couldn't tell what it was though.

    "Anyway lads, this has been a blast but I think I'm going to head" Dean said as he stood up from his chair grabbing his jacket from the back of it. "Night guys" Dean said with a nod and a smile to them. "Don't forget to drink plenty of water and take some aspirin before you finally call it a night"

    He walked out the door with one final wave to them and the bartender.
  9. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Shaun just caught him before he left,"Don't start getting ideas, she'll only hurt your feelings. Besides, she'll never be able to resist my natural charm."

    Shaun turned and looked at the barmaid again, she forced a smile and he winked back."See what I mean. Anyway, I might call it a night too," He thought about it for a second, then realised that he had no chance of dating Thea if he didn't talk to her, and half of his charm came from alchahol.

    "Na, I still haven't finished my pint. Thea was my childhood friend you know."
  10. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    Chad is tilts his head back to see her leave and he immediately gets caught by her charm. The more he falls for it the further he tilts back until, BAM! The chair falls and Chad with it. "Okay, ow."
    "Hahaha! That's not the first time that has happened! It gets better everytime." He continues to laugh as Chad stands up and puts it back in it's place.
    "Oh haha. Hmmmm....what happened to that monster at the door? It seems to be gone." Chad said.
    "I don't know honestly." Said the barman. "But he had the right idea in leaving."
  11. RebelMurf

    RebelMurf Hero of the Wild

    "Is that so?" Dean said with interest. "I guess you'll have to tell me another time. I've got a job interview in the morning. It wouldn't look so good if I showed up late and smelling like you guys" Dean said with a laugh.

    Dean saw a questioning look from Shaun. "Its a manual job in a warehouse about an hour or two out of town. I decided I can't really live off the money I saved up while in the military all my life."

    Dean then put on his jacket since it seemed he was going to be dragged back again if he didn't make it official that he was leaving. He then felt inside his jacket for his keys and pulled them out.

    "Alright well I'm off. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow."

    Dean finally made it to his car without been disrupted. He got in started the ignition and drove off to the outside of town. Dean then arrived home parked his car in the usual spot and began walking back into town.

    Truth was Dean didn't really have a job interview. And he had saved up plenty of money from the military. In fact he'd saved enough that he could live quite comfortably without working another day in his life. But Dean was enticed by that girl in the bar. And despite the warning from Shaun he wanted to at least talk to her.
  12. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned when Shaun said that. "Remember, so was I." He said, taking a large drink from the lager. He coughed a bit as he slid a bill to Shaun. "For the last 15 drinks you've gotten me." He said, grinning. Shaun always payed for his drinks. "But I remember I tried back when in school and she turned me right flat on my face. So I say Shaun it's your turn man." He said as he leaned back in his chair, grinning widely.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2010
  13. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Shaun went back to his table and gave a small smile. "A job eh, doesn't sound like Dean." He laughed and and took another sip of his drink. This was gunna be a long night, but well worth it!

    2 hours later

    Shaun had had more pints than he could remember. He'd had shots of tequila,vodka,baileys,whiskey,rum and some other stuff he couldn't recall the name of. He was now dancing on a table with Will. There wasn't many people watching, but they didn't care.
  14. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will was sitting at the table laughing. He had drank a few lagers and maybe a shot or two but he still had his head on right. "Shaun, you should probably head home man." He said, head lolling a bit from the buzz. "We both should actually..." He muttered under his breath. He had an appointment at 6:00 AM and it was hitting 1:30 AM.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
  15. Denki Wolf

    Denki Wolf New Member

    Chad walks out of the Bathroom after unloading the three cups of tea he had. "Bye guys!" Chad walks out the door and onto the street.
    "Night" Said the barman as he gets back to what he was doing.
    Chad shivers a bit as he looks around waiting a cab. "Man it is creepy as anything out here." A cab comes up on the way and Chad waves him down.
    "Need a ride" Said the cabman.
    "Yeah, thanks." Chad said as he got in the cab.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
  16. Chocobo Dyl

    Chocobo Dyl New Member

    Shaun heard what Will said and it threw him off, he stumbled and tried to keep his balance. He raised one foot in the air out of sheer stupidity (and the influence of alchahol) and had the other foot was precariously perched on the edge of the table. He kicked a glass onto the floor and fell.

    He landed hard, blood poured from his nose and mouth. He wasn't dying or really hurt that much,but he was out cold.
  17. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thea, who the barman had been telling her over and over to take new drinks to Shaun and Will, walked back over to their table to see Will tell Shaun he needed to go to bed just before Shaun fell on the floor. She wasn't exactly too alarmed, she has seen this kind of thing happen time and time again. At least this one didn't throw up. She laughed "Well." she said to Will as she put her dray of empty glasses down "I've never seen someone take the advice of their friends so literally." she knelt down to try to make sure Shaun was still breathing.
  18. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will shook his head ad laughed. "You got anything to wake him up?" He asked the bartender. "Yeah, put some jalepeno juice in his nose. Might not work mixin with all that blood in his nose though." He said, laughing. "Whatever, let's try it." He said, taking the bottle from the bartender. He then put a decent amount in Shaun's nose, letting it mix with the blood. Will grinned at Thea as she said those words. "Well he's been known to take everything literally when he's drunk." He said.
  19. Nova

    Nova A Ghost Staff Member Administrator

    Thea nodded and stood up the bartenders remedy only worked rarely but when it did it sure did quickly. She didn't want to be the one leaning over him when he jumped up. She looked at will "You may want to stand up and give him some room." she warned "The jalepeno juice really doesn't feel nice especially to someone not sober. You will find that the bloody noses have become contageous." she reached back and untied the apron around her waist and handed it to the bartender "And with that." she said checking the clock "I'm through here."
    Finally recognising the two of them as boys who graduated from the same highschool as her she shot them a slightly sarcastic salute "Later Will. When..." it took her a second to remember his name "..Shane wakes up make sure he drinks a lot of water and doesn't drive you two home."
    Now that she recognised them she thought about the other one who had left earlier. She knew he looked familiar as well but she couldn't put a name to his face.
  20. W.J. Solomon

    W.J. Solomon Solomon's Reprieve

    Will grinned. He nodded at her comment and when she walked out the door he muttered. "Sarcastic and strung up, same as always." He said, going over to the bar and getting a bottle of water and a container of asprins from the bartender. He then took them to the table and set them down, sitting in his chair and leaning back, reminiscing about highschool.

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