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Discussion in 'Anime & Manga' started by emo kairi, Dec 29, 2008.

Who's side are you on?

Poll closed Mar 28, 2009.
  1. Light "Kira"

    3 vote(s)
  2. L

    4 vote(s)
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  1. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    Ok, so I don't know many who have watched deathnote series but how could you not? my favourite characters are Misa, Light and L. great combination and even though the series is 30-40 eps long, its worth every second. Has anyone else watched it?
  2. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    misa, light and L. are practicly the main characters

    although L owns
  3. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    i know, but the setup and connections between the three of them seem unique and unimaginable to a normal person. (I know, im not normal either but thats besides the point)
  4. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    yer i get what yew mean
    it is quite unique
    although i just don't like the way Light tends to use people for his own gain
    but i guess thats how his character is

    (btw im the weirdest person you could ever know)
  5. ü

    ü 30•05•2010

    well said :)

    I like Lights character, its a breakthrough from the mainstream (teenage) buff hero character.
    Although my two favorite characters in Death note have to be Rem and L
  6. Fireflame

    Fireflame New Member

    It's an interesting main character twist, making the main character a villain
  7. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    I havent seen the anime much,but read most of the manga.It is very interesting.I liked L
  8. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    i'm a huge L fan
    personally i think mellow and Near combined are still no where near L's amazingness
  9. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    Ok, so we have a fair idea who everyone likes. Now lets discuss how the movie doesn't add up like the manga of anime? why did they do that instead of trying to make it more along the lines because it confused the hell out of me when i was reading the movie plot and threw me off the whole movie alltogether...
  10. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    i never watched all of the movie
    i got bored and confused.
    i prefer anime to real people >.<
  11. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    same here, even though just having a proper copy of the movie would be great as a collectors item but thats it.
  12. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    i have deathnote boxers :D (really irrelevant)
    i also have a deathnote

    but i've never read the manga, only watched the anime.
    Is the manga any good?
  13. dualblade

    dualblade Break!

    It is preety much the same thing,just not in color
  14. rikuchie

    rikuchie New Member

    well b'coz i watch the anime 1st i don't like the movie that much but in L change the world L looks so weird when he try to stood upright
  15. Steffisaurus

    Steffisaurus New Member

    death note is immense. end of. tbh, lind l taylor made it amazing =)
  16. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    I cried when L died, it was too sad for me. It kinda reminds me of when i cried after axel died too. But Misa must be fine killing anyone for light just for his love even though he is using her...
  17. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    OMG i cried when L died to
    i was like " NUUUUUUUUU HE WAS THE BEST....nd now hes dead T_T"

    pfft mellow nd near, L wannabes
    L forever =P

    i think deathnote slightly went downhill after L died.... well for me it did
  18. emo kairi

    emo kairi New Member

    I agree, but I haven't seen or read past the ep with L dieing. but i will get there soon. But seems to me there isn't much of a intrest once Light gets his way...
  19. Overdose

    Overdose Ninja.V

    ive just completely spoiled the story now for you
    im so sorry T_T
  20. Fireflame

    Fireflame New Member

    How could you spoil a perfectly good ending ninja! What do you have to say for yourself?

    Death Note kinda sucked after L died, i do agree with that.
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